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[托福词汇] 第19期托福英语学习:托福词汇19

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson 19 Facing Your Fear 直面你的恐惧0 e$ E* c" R; g0 R# ~$ E
! n3 \! _' ?0 A& \  averse adj. 反对的,不愿意的0 Q% }3 S/ @% q2 N
  aversion n. 厌恶,憎恨# e, J, G; d6 g+ G* z' r0 E
  avert vt. 避免,规避* B8 Z6 Z, s1 H4 |8 z1 D
  aviation n. 航空,航空学2 ^/ M  x+ p7 A+ w
  aviator n. 飞行家
7 J7 Q0 S# N' x3 n  K: M/ ]) E  avid adj. 渴望的,热心的: H) x. W# `! N/ ^* L; T
  avocation n. 副业,嗜好
* P, {9 k. }3 w7 d5 ^# W; e; L' M  avow v. 公开承认,公开宣称
5 }5 S& R  v" M+ v9 p3 S  awareness n. 意识) T3 D8 X  Y/ }
  awkward adj. 笨拙的,不灵活的
! i! Y+ J+ H. y8 L$ p  axis n. 轴,轴心; n2 w1 n: n9 `2 F
  baby-sitter n. 担任临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者
2 f4 l8 U8 Q3 z$ j0 c  bachelor n. (文、理)学士;单身汉' F/ N! B+ a' L( o& b- q' j! j
  backbone n. 骨干,支柱;脊椎,中枢;骨气;坚毅,毅力* q+ u% M4 f6 j1 w/ M7 j  N
  backdrop n. 舞台背景,背景% T$ p3 e! D4 g9 t3 f, `. [
  badge n. 徽章,证章(以示身份)2 P/ D6 M. u+ e3 C: w' ]
  badger v. 一再烦扰,一再要求;n. 獾(一种动物)
, ?& e( A/ k5 X' r4 Z& @& d' y  baggage n. 行李
) W' p4 B) Y4 L  bait v. 以饵引诱(动物),把饵装上;n. 诱饵,引诱物
( b& B/ K+ P! y/ V$ r4 w# @0 o; a5 z3 u- R5 v
  balance n. 平衡;vt. 使....平衡,使....均衡

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  I'm averse to flying. It's not that I don't have a backbone. In fact, I am otherwise very brave. I wear a police badge everyday and I arrest dangerous criminals. My aversion to aviation dates back to when I was a child.
4 d4 {' L6 L, w. w( M! c  When I was years old, my baby-sitter took me on a short flight to visit my mom. We flew in a small plane. The weather conditions were very bad that day. Halfway to our destination, we hit a terrible storm. The aviator lost control of the plane. The powerful wind made the plane to several barrel rolls. It was like me were in a ball that was spinning on an axis. After a few seconds, the avaitor regained control and averted a disaster.
5 E& Z" [4 p  `( }2 ]2 D  `3 o3 C  I avowed never to fly in a small plane again. That story should serve as a dufficient backdrop for my fear of flying.5 b- D! D! X, Z( z9 F
  However, I'm an avid fisherman. In fact, fishing is my avocation. To me, there's nothing like putting bait on you hook and casting it in a peaceful stream. No phones to ring, no supervisors to badger you. I'm still a bachelor, so I have plenty of time for fishing. The problem is that now, the best fishing spots are accessible only by small planes.
: A+ M- e: p7 y3 A+ Y2 S$ w) C5 q  Thus, I find myself looking rather awkward today as I stumble and stagger towards the small plane that awaits me. Why am I flying when I know how dangerous it is? Is this fishing spot really so great? My awareness of the danger is suppressed only by my thoughts of fabulous fishing. But I can hardly keep my balance as I struggle forward with my baggage.
/ \4 o9 ?- g9 Y! c  Just like any other fear, you have to face it one step at a time.8 B' e9 v- B7 Z5 M# _# T
4 }$ |0 A! |& X3 l  B* x  F' Y  8岁时,我的临时保姆带我做短途飞机去看妈妈,我们搭的是一架小飞机。那天天气相当糟糕。才飞了一半的路程,我们就撞上了暴风雨,结果飞机完全不停飞行员使唤。强劲的风力弄得飞机翻了好几个横滚,简直就像个绕轴心旋转的球。几秒钟后,飞行员重新控制住飞机,方才避免了异常灾难。4 E. j$ n' J" Q1 V, g8 Q
  我发誓再也不坐飞机了。这个故事足以作为我惧怕坐飞机的背景。7 k1 C+ I  O; C4 y" \
. D" j. S0 R9 [9 D5 x  于是乎,我跌跌撞撞地走向正在等我的小飞机,一面觉得自己今天尤为笨拙。我干吗明知有危险,还要照飞不误呢?这个钓鱼的地方真的很棒吗?唯有想想钓鱼的美好才能让我忘却危险的意识。但在拉着行李往前赶时,我几乎无法保持平衡。' e7 \3 o9 y  j7 C1 A2 H/ l
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