会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  有些单词,动词用的多,有些单词名词用的多,construction这个单词,就是那种很典型的用名词多过动词的情况,当然我们也经常是在用名词来表示动词的意思。比如我们在托福考试之中会见到这样的用法,Materials and methods of construction are integral parts of design of architecture structures. 就是一个很典型的例子。很显然“建筑”,“建设”这两个词义最重要的。
  construction / kənˈstrʌkʃn; kənˋstrʌkʃən/ n
   action or manner of constructing; being constructed 建筑, 建造的活动或方式; 施工; 建设:
  the construction of new roads 新道路的施工 中华考试网
  eg:The new railway is still under construction, ie being constructed. 新铁路尚在敷设中.
  eg:The wall is of very solid construction, ie is solidly constructed. 这堵墙构筑得非常坚固.
  eg: the construction industry, ie the building of roads, bridges, buildings, etc 建筑业.
   thing constructed; structure; building 建造物; 构造物; 建筑物:
  a complex construction of wood and glass 木和玻璃综合结构的建筑物
  eg:The shelter is a brick construction. 掩护所是用砖构筑的.
   way in which words are put together to form a phrase, clause or sentence 造句法
  eg:This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in. 本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法.
   (fml 文) sense in which words, statements, etc are to be understood; meaning (对词语﹑ 言辞等所作的)解释, 意义, 意思
  eg:What construction do you put on his actions? ie How do you understand their purpose? 你对他的行为作何解释?
  eg:The sentence does not bear such a construction, ie cannot be understood in that way. 这句话并不含有那样的意思.
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