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[托福词汇] 2012年新托福词汇记忆:construction

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年新托福词汇记忆:construction/ D- G7 I+ m: f# x; y( Z: R% J7 G
  有些单词,动词用的多,有些单词名词用的多,construction这个单词,就是那种很典型的用名词多过动词的情况,当然我们也经常是在用名词来表示动词的意思。比如我们在托福考试之中会见到这样的用法,Materials and methods of construction are integral parts of design of architecture structures. 就是一个很典型的例子。很显然“建筑”,“建设”这两个词义最重要的。* Z& a% x  m* d5 u0 N) R! E
  construction / kənˈstrʌkʃn; kənˋstrʌkʃən/ n8 x' C9 P& ]5 e. O
  [U] action or manner of constructing; being constructed 建筑, 建造的活动或方式; 施工; 建设:3 u: m/ ]! h% f# Y; r
  the construction of new roads 新道路的施工 中华考试网( R- J9 J3 c( o( F5 E
  eg:The new railway is still under construction, ie being constructed. 新铁路尚在敷设中. ; _( c1 L9 F' P
  eg:The wall is of very solid construction, ie is solidly constructed. 这堵墙构筑得非常坚固.
/ g, y% |$ E2 J/ V7 D  eg:[attrib 作定语] the construction industry, ie the building of roads, bridges, buildings, etc 建筑业.
( B- J+ X. p1 W' X  [C] thing constructed; structure; building 建造物; 构造物; 建筑物:
. K/ w& d/ d/ Z: z  a complex construction of wood and glass 木和玻璃综合结构的建筑物
9 `0 t6 `2 d2 z) Y" k3 W  eg:The shelter is a brick construction. 掩护所是用砖构筑的.
  t1 g9 r$ C1 T& S( J% U4 e7 b( V  [C] way in which words are put together to form a phrase, clause or sentence 造句法
* H  [3 ^/ x; }% {( @  eg:This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in. 本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法.7 E9 M  L) R* C( L) ^3 e
  [C] (fml 文) sense in which words, statements, etc are to be understood; meaning (对词语﹑ 言辞等所作的)解释, 意义, 意思
* H# n5 F- N6 C$ L" H: l* L  eg:What construction do you put on his actions? ie How do you understand their purpose? 你对他的行为作何解释?
* ^/ _2 q, s1 g% |  eg:The sentence does not bear such a construction, ie cannot be understood in that way. 这句话并不含有那样的意思.

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