会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


gas stovecook food
get a loanborrow money
get a move onbegin to move
get in that linestand in that line
get indigestionstomach hurts
get into shapeneed exercise
get movinghurry
get nervousworry
get off the groundadvance // go forward // have a good talk
get one‘s signaturetake a class
get out of (doing) sth.be excused/exempted from (doing) sth.
get out of doing one‘s workavoid work
get sb. mixed upconfused
get so backed upput off work
get sth. rightrevision
get there on footwalk there
get time off from workbe able to take a vacation
give an extensionhave extra time
give sb an ultimatumwarn sb
give sb. a ridedrive/take sb. to
go joggingrun
go to jazz clubentertainment
go to the moviego to a film
go upincrease // too expensive
grade examsmark tests
grammar booklanguage book

half an hour30 minutes
handhelp // assistance
hand and shoulders abovemuch better than
hand outdistribute
hand sb. Downgive it to sb
hands downeasily
happybe pleased
has done all righthas been successful
hasn‘t taken the prerequisitenot ready to take the class
have a looksee
have a way with wordshave a talent for expressing
have sb. do sth. // have sth. donesomeone do
have sth. looked intoget sth. checked
health centerdoctor
hold off // put off // delay // postponewait until
hot weatherheat
How come // What forWhy
humiddry humorousamusing
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