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[托福听力] 托福听力词汇替换秘辑完整版(四)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  5 J% p: j. a) k4 ^2 k! q
gas stovecook food + L+ m# X! C0 S# t! C
get a loanborrow money
' Z$ p# Y2 w3 s: f2 `( Eget a move onbegin to move 2 L4 n3 }: [  ]$ `- g& Y
get in that linestand in that line - K& r6 x8 x4 m
get indigestionstomach hurts
+ w  ]( [3 ?; ^. U# V, iget into shapeneed exercise
9 H7 s$ X* p' p  T6 J& N6 n% O" cget movinghurry
7 T" ]8 I; s. D. e$ Sget nervousworry . p& f# n9 X6 R4 @# M# J
get off the groundadvance // go forward // have a good talk
; G6 D6 m# `8 v. g! hget one‘s signaturetake a class . i& j; p) `$ V1 O
get out of (doing) sth.be excused/exempted from (doing) sth. ; `! n$ _( e1 R7 t' R! Z, W0 H
get out of doing one‘s workavoid work
& f' n! k& r- T1 ]& `get sb. mixed upconfused
( W: Z, k4 T; Y, E2 Q4 Hget so backed upput off work
4 F2 s5 i* E5 N( Z* v2 jget sth. rightrevision 0 t  O& h4 W" f; {8 |2 B2 S# j
get there on footwalk there
) Z! `+ f; D# S! K6 }( F8 F4 dget time off from workbe able to take a vacation
1 k0 c' U/ k' [) h; I0 vgiftpresent
$ m6 y4 P3 L8 G: [9 g% Bgive an extensionhave extra time $ j! q8 A* @9 X0 U8 h& E$ _
give sb an ultimatumwarn sb
' ^& R4 K% t6 C0 b+ R- Wgive sb. a ridedrive/take sb. to
* t" g& c* {3 N+ E+ Z0 X# P  igo joggingrun # i5 i! G' x! R+ k6 z9 [' r0 M' k& Q
go to jazz clubentertainment + m1 {4 Y$ O+ o
go to the moviego to a film
& G2 U1 u  M3 `& J/ G; o4 cgo upincrease // too expensive
$ {+ y, E! ]2 x" I% fgrade examsmark tests
+ N3 B9 K0 ~! x; L5 O6 ~! Ngrammar booklanguage book
8 u& y1 M% F6 |0 f
: O  v+ p; F( b$ Q9 D. e5 ghalf an hour30 minutes
4 e% U% u% H5 hhandhelp // assistance 4 E( _1 O$ S& C) u" R( U
hand and shoulders abovemuch better than 8 O! O1 u& z; k7 _1 x. i
hand outdistribute
/ e6 S) m; A$ vhand sb. Downgive it to sb ; d& a6 p# K' U& y
hands downeasily
  o6 y$ c  G5 R: M0 `happybe pleased
1 j6 g2 \) _2 i3 s6 Vhas done all righthas been successful
9 j$ L* h9 I1 d0 w6 Shasn‘t taken the prerequisitenot ready to take the class
2 |* F0 \1 R1 c+ r% lhave a looksee 0 I; k1 _3 W9 |7 l) e# `2 B
have a way with wordshave a talent for expressing 2 g! T% z( \) S' v- A
have sb. do sth. // have sth. donesomeone do
3 O; |& _! h! N2 ^. P& Bhave sth. looked intoget sth. checked
  K; f" a, P' @7 m5 T9 j# ohealth centerdoctor % i0 e1 t7 l/ y
8 l: B  f& Y1 J6 vhold off // put off // delay // postponewait until % j  x* R" v% d. P/ v3 l' |) N
hot weatherheat - E2 w- \0 N3 |9 `; g
How come // What forWhy
7 m8 o5 w4 @) U8 B  C+ B- @humiddry humorousamusing

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