会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


  make a day of it 做(玩)了一整天
  make a fool of oneself 大出洋相
  make a fortune 发财
  make a fuss 小题大做;使倍受注目;吹捧某人
  make a go of 成功地打倒某种目标
  make a hit 出风头
  make a memo 记录下来
  make a mountain out of a nolehill 小题大做;言过其实
  make a new man of you 把你打扮得很体面
  make a pass at sb 向某女士展开追求
  make a point of 强调
  make a point of doing sth 决心(或坚持)做某事
  make a scene 因吵架引起围观
  make an effort 努力
  make big money 赚大钱
  make both ends meet 使收支平衡
  make ends meet 收支相抵
  make eyes at 大送秋波
  make for 走向
  make good 成功;旅行诺言;弥补
  make it 在面试、考试、比赛等获得成功
  make it a point 对某事特别注意
  make it hot for sb 采用敌视态度使某人呆不下去
  make it snappy 快点干;干脆点
  make no bones 毫不畏惧地说
  make one's blood boil 使人异常愤怒
  make one's way 让步;成功
  make out 理解;分辨
  make sense (out) of 弄懂
  make sport of 嘲笑
  make trouble 惹事生非
  make up for 补偿
  make up to 讨好
  Make yourself at home. 别拘束;随便点。
  make-up examination 补考
  Makes my mouth water. 使我垂涎
  man of his word 说到做到的人
  man of mark 名声显赫的人
  mark my words 听我说;记住我的话
  Mason-Dixon Line 美国南北分界线
  master key 万能钥匙;关键
  May I have your attention, please? 请注意。
  May I take a message? 要不要我替你留话?
  May West 救生衣
  mean business 不是开玩笑
  mean to say 你是说……
  meet each other half way 将就着
  might as well 也可以
  mind one's P’s and Q's 注意礼貌(polite, thank you)
  mind your own business 不要管闲事
  misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行
  miss the bus 坐失良机
  money making proposition 生意经
  money talks 金钱万能
  monkey around 捣蛋鬼
  more sober moments 认真,规矩的片刻
  morning after 宿醉
  movie bug 电影迷
  much of a 了不起的;称得上……的
  mud in your eye 祝你好运
  My budget is tight. 我预算很紧。
  my chick 我的女朋友
  My eye! 天哪!
  My foot! ……个屁!
  my kindom for 我非常想要(愿以王位换取)
  My stomach was upset. 我胃痛。
  My word! 惊奇中略带不满的感叹词
  nasty about it 对某事态度不好
  neck and neck 不分上下
  need other's shoulder 希望得到某人的安慰
  never can tell 很难预测
  never heard of 从来没听说过
  Never on your life 你休想
  new flame 新情人
  nice about it 对某事态度甚好
  Nice going. 干得好
  nip in the bud 防患未然
  No bull? 不是说大话吧?
  No damage done. 没关系。
  no end in sight 长期
  no go 不成功
  no hard feeling 请勿见怪
  no kidding 别开玩笑
  No money, no honey. 没有钱,哪有爱情

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25


  no offense 请勿见怪
  no picnic 不容易
  no post-mortem 既往不咎
  no sweat 没问题;不用冒汗
  No time like the present. 现在正好。
  no use crying over spilt milk 伤心无补于实际
  no way 不可能
  nominate sb for sth 推选某人做某事
  none of your business 不关你的事
  nose to the grindstone 用功读书
  not a bit 一点也不
  not a damn thing 什么也没有
  not a word to anyone 保守秘密
  not at all 不要紧
  not bad 不错
  not being oneself 不太舒服;身体病态
  not make head or tail of 完全不懂
  not much of anything 什么也不行
  not on your life 你休想
  not really 不完全是
  not so hot 极好的
  not that I can think of 想不起了
  not that I know 这个我就不知道了
  not the slightest 一点也不知道
  nothing doing 不行
  Nothing matters to me. 我什么都无所谓
  nothing to do with 与无关
  Now you're taking. 说得对!
  number one job 大便
  odds and ends 零碎的工作
  off color 身体不爽
  off the track 离题
  offhand 毫无准备;即席
  Oh yeah? 真的吗?
  old flame 情焰
  old hand 老手
  old lady 女朋友
  old lady, old man 对父母的昵称
  old screw 老守财奴
  old story 老套的说法
  old timer 老资格
  on and off 断断续续
  on and on 不断地
  on cloud nine 非常高兴
  on one's last legs 生命即将结束
  on one's own 自食其力
  on pins and needles 如坐针毡
  on reserve, be 保留;保存
  on sale 折价;减价;廉价特卖
  on short notice 一接到通知就……
  on some days in certain weeks 在某几个星期的某几天里
  on the blink 身体不爽;性能不佳
  on the carpet 训斥
  on the dot 准时
  on the level 老实;忠诚
  on the nail 立即
  on the nose 准确地
  on the q.t. 悄悄的;暗中(quiet)
  on the right track 做对了;走上正路了
  on the rocks 在岩石上
  on the score of 因为
  on the side 兼职
  on the wagon 戒酒
  on the wane 逐渐衰落
  on top of the world 精神饱满
  once in a blue moon 机会难得;绝无仅有
  once in a while 偶尔
  one and for all 断然;仅此一次
  one foot in the grave 离死不远了
  one way or the other 总要有一个办法
  open an account 开银行户头
  out in the cold 受冷落
  out of line 错误得越出常规
  out of my line 外行
  out of one's mind, be 发疯
  out of order 坏了
  out of question 无疑的
  out of season 不合时宜的
  out of sight, out of mind 看不见了,也渐渐忘了
  out of sth, be 脱销
  out of the question 不可能
  out of the way 偏僻的;罕见的
  out of the world 只应天上有
  out of this world 只应天上有
  own boss 不再受雇于人了 </p>
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