会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


 保时捷的跑车一直另全球各地许多车迷魂牵梦萦,保时捷公司的每一项新产品的发布总能引来无数关注目光。日前,该公司旗下的918 Spyder 混合动力跑车上市,918 Spyder 的惊艳造型和超省油性能立刻让车迷们激动不已。
  Porsche has decided to make a limited number of the new hybrid supercar it's been developing, called the 918 Spyder.

  The car is powered by both a petrol engine and electric motor and will be based on a prototype unveiled at this year's Geneva car show.

  It can go from 0-62mph in 3.2 seconds, has a top speed of 198mph and will be able to travel up to 16 miles on battery power alone.

  The 918 Spyder will effectively replace the company's Carrera GT.

  At more than
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