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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:Porsche918Spyderhybridsupercartogoonsale

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 保时捷的跑车一直另全球各地许多车迷魂牵梦萦,保时捷公司的每一项新产品的发布总能引来无数关注目光。日前,该公司旗下的918 Spyder 混合动力跑车上市,918 Spyder 的惊艳造型和超省油性能立刻让车迷们激动不已。  . Z* O2 m" @" f7 C0 J# ]: |6 i2 H
  Porsche has decided to make a limited number of the new hybrid supercar it's been developing, called the 918 Spyder.1 G/ S8 Z9 v& D

; @5 ^# u$ b9 T( J) T( S0 l  The car is powered by both a petrol engine and electric motor and will be based on a prototype unveiled at this year's Geneva car show.. s. _0 j" _, D7 \7 J1 P& V
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  It can go from 0-62mph in 3.2 seconds, has a top speed of 198mph and will be able to travel up to 16 miles on battery power alone.
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9 W4 h" q0 c% v0 c; p  @  The 918 Spyder will effectively replace the company's Carrera GT.
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  At more than

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