会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


THERE is not a lot that instantly stands out about Yoshihiko Noda, who was chosen in an internal ruling-party election on August 29th to become Japan’s seventh prime minister in only five years. But at least two things can be said for him before he is dismissed as yet another here-today, gone-tomorrow face in some G8 summit’s photo: he has a healthy sense of crisis, and a nicely self-deprecating sense of humour.
1ruling-party 执政党
2 bureaucratic powerhouse 官僚强权
3 backroom fixer 幕后黑手
4 it was not enough to不足以,在作文中经常用到。
5 come from nowhere来自不知名,名不见经传的地方
6 draw attention to引某人注意
e.g    A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside.
7“ there is no point to do” 和 “there is no point in doing” 都是“没有意义"的意思。
8have a flair for oratory雄辩之术。这里的”flair“是指天赋,才能。

Not much to set the pulse pounding, but at least he has some priorities set straight
THERE is not a lot that instantly stands out about Yoshihiko Noda, who was chosen in an internal ruling-party election on August 29th to become Japan’s seventh prime minister in only five years. But at least two things can be said for him before he is dismissed as yet another here-today, gone-tomorrow face in some G8 summit’s photo: he has a healthy sense of crisis, and a nicely self-deprecating sense of humour.
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查看完整版本: 2012托福考试复习:双语阅读篇十三