会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39


考点三 连接从句或不定式
连接代词(如:what , which, whom)
或连接副词(如:how, when,where)
例句:         I knew nothing about how he got the green card.
She's pretty hesitant about which one to choose.
The Cubists were concerned with how----a given subject from different points of view simultaneously.
(A) represented
(B) do they represent
(C) to represent
(D) representing
解释:介词with后面的宾语不完整, C 是不定式短语作宾语. A D都不足以和how构成宾语从句;B不应用疑问句语序, 若去掉do则是正确的
The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what ----.
(A) it is known as human knowledge
(B) is known as human knowledge
(C) known human knowledge
(D) is human knowledge known
解释:介词of的宾语残缺, B 构成宾语从句, 包含短语be known as;A多主语it; C 无法与what契合; D 语序错误
注意:介词后面不能够接 that 所引导的从句,除非in that连起来作为特殊的状语从句引导词,表原因
(3) (Exer1_21_31)
Soprano Julia Migenes-Johnson believes in that her Latin American background   helped her interpret the role of the Spanish character Carmen in a 1984 opera film.
解释:介词后面一般不能够接that 引导的从句。除非in that连起来
Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual ---- travel over land and water on a layer of air .
(A) they
(B) in they
(C) that they
(D) in that they
解释:空格前是句子的主谓语,空格后是谓语结构,空格处需要从句引导词及从句主语,只有D符合题意,in that是特殊的状语从句引导词,表原因
词汇:hovercraft: 水翼船,cushion: 垫子
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