会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39


第四节 不定代词
一、比较both 和All
Both,either, neither都是在谈到两个人或者东西的时候用到
Both of them are right. (他们两个人都对)
You can take either book.(两本书你可以任意挑一本)
Neither of them is going to get haircut. (他们俩谁也不愿意理发)
All of the books are worth to read. (三本书以上)
None of them is going to get haircut. (them指三个人以上)
I like any of them. (them指三个人以上)
二、None 和no
None of them knew how to do it. (不能够说no of them)
No women are allowed to come in.
三、another, the other, others, the others
1.在涉及到两个人或者东西的时候,任意取一个用one, 另外那个用the other(表示特指)
I have two computers;one is IBM,the other is Dell.
2.涉及到三个以上时,任意取一个用one, 泛指另外一个用another
Three people went to the meeting. One was a software programmer, another was a network expert, and the third was a college student.
3.涉及到三个以上时,任意取一个用one, 表示特指其他的那些用the others或者用
the other+名词
Two of them go to Canada, the others go to America.
Two of the students go to Canada, the other students go to America.
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