会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:00:19

新托业 分析及备考建议之三

 Part 6: 完成篇章 (Text Completion)   本部分是信托业考试改革后的新题型,与以往的句子改错(Error Identification)相比,难易程度有不小的变化。
To: All Employees
From: Camille Raynes
Date: December 14
Re: Performance bonus
Dear Employees,
As you know, the past year was a great success for us. To reward you for your excellent performance, the Board of Directors has approved a bonus for all employees. This bonus will be ______ in your next paycheck.
(A)   (A)      involved
a)         joined
b)      composed
c)      included
______, we are now calculating wage increases for the upcoming year. Each employee’s performance
(B)   (A)      Instead
a)         In addition
b)      Beforehand
c)      Otherwise
will be examined carefully as we determine the appropriate increase. All full-time employees are eligible for this increase. Your supervisor _________you of the amount of your increase during the first week of January.
(C)   (A)      informed
a)         to inform
b)      will inform
c)      was informing
Thank you again for making last year such a success!
Camille Raynes
Human Resources
  从以往对单个句子的考察开始,ETS也发现在实际商务语言中,对句群的掌握的准确度要超过对某一个单句的理解。例如上面例文中的142题,考察了应试者对于上下文意的掌握,142题前面提到了要发放奖金(approve a bonus for all employees),在142题对应空格的后面说了要提薪(wage increase)。两句话是一种延续的关系,所以正确答案B in addition——另外最为符合。143题是考察了在句群中考生对于时态的掌握。这种能力比单句考察时态更加有效也更能准确反映应考者的能力。从上下文来推理,主管(supervisor)显然还不可能通知Carmille相关信息,从during the first week of January也可以看出这将会是在未来发生的事情,因此答案C will inform就顺理成章了。
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