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[其他] 新托业 分析及备考建议之三

发表于 2012-8-15 00:00:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Part 6: 完成篇章 (Text Completion)   本部分是信托业考试改革后的新题型,与以往的句子改错(Error Identification)相比,难易程度有不小的变化。. A! t( h8 d% a, u
  n: i  ~) z; T& R0 B9 BTo: All Employees
1 O  G; V5 d, N/ l9 B) XFrom: Camille Raynes/ k8 M- U. c& W% j* Z
Date: December 14
; Q. f" t3 F! ]% b3 URe: Performance bonus* g( k0 A) u' ]4 S
Dear Employees,1 p! k! d: ~" M2 `1 Q
As you know, the past year was a great success for us. To reward you for your excellent performance, the Board of Directors has approved a bonus for all employees. This bonus will be ______ in your next paycheck.% _4 |% W' j" _& f, M6 ~
(A)     (A)      involved
5 ~1 ^+ w, f& @+ Z& Ja)         joined7 M& L0 `) d, I* ?$ q
b)        composed
  i0 x# j& R9 s0 ^c)        included
- v8 j/ y) q" c______, we are now calculating wage increases for the upcoming year. Each employee’s performance
5 B0 @1 o  f; o: U# Q9 L(B)     (A)      Instead& K$ V  ?+ M4 M) n5 g% O
a)         In addition
% @, M$ t% h* D: y( Yb)        Beforehand0 J5 s3 f4 F! R% S
c)        Otherwise1 ]2 d- O3 B4 {6 S8 I: J- s" k" g$ {
will be examined carefully as we determine the appropriate increase. All full-time employees are eligible for this increase. Your supervisor _________you of the amount of your increase during the first week of January." X0 m  e! c5 [' L
(C)     (A)      informed1 r3 @0 n/ L* ?
a)         to inform: @5 J0 W8 t( e# A- C
b)        will inform3 b6 j" e7 W3 O* d- H- r5 G
c)        was informing
% @  r9 t( _; ^7 G: S4 d% A! jThank you again for making last year such a success!& R* ?0 \7 k" K( u" _9 f
Sincerely,2 n! n0 E( f# P. n% s( r7 E+ f
Camille Raynes
' G. S4 [- ~) [6 V& ]Human Resources
9 e4 x3 ~5 _1 V5 c) b$ G) J* H  从以往对单个句子的考察开始,ETS也发现在实际商务语言中,对句群的掌握的准确度要超过对某一个单句的理解。例如上面例文中的142题,考察了应试者对于上下文意的掌握,142题前面提到了要发放奖金(approve a bonus for all employees),在142题对应空格的后面说了要提薪(wage increase)。两句话是一种延续的关系,所以正确答案B in addition——另外最为符合。143题是考察了在句群中考生对于时态的掌握。这种能力比单句考察时态更加有效也更能准确反映应考者的能力。从上下文来推理,主管(supervisor)显然还不可能通知Carmille相关信息,从during the first week of January也可以看出这将会是在未来发生的事情,因此答案C will inform就顺理成章了。

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