会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  GDPabbr total goods and services produced by nation during one year excluding payments on foreign investments
  GNP abbr total value of goods and services produced by a country in a given periodgarbage n something that is discarded; rubbish; trash; junk; waste; refuse; anything thought to be worthless or substandard
  garment n piece of clothing; outer covering
  garner n place where grain is stored; granary; storehouse; collection; store
  garner v to collect; to gather; to accumulate; to store; to place in reserve
  gasoline n flammable liquid mixture derived from petroleum ; gas; petrolgathering n assembly; meeting; convention; cluster; collection; convention
  gauge n standard of measure; device for measuring ; standard by which something is judged; criterion; extent
  gauge v to measure; to evaluate; to determine; to estimate
  generate v to create; to produce; to bring into being
  generation n production; creating; group of people born around the same time
  generous adj benevolent; giving; unselfish; abundant; plentiful
  genuine adj original; real; true; natural; honest; sincere
  germane adj impertinent; relevant; connected
  get on with v to continue
  get over v to recover
  get through with v to finish; to complete
  gifted adj talented; skilled; having great natural ability
  give up v to surrender; to quit; to stop doing
  glossary n list of terms and definitions ; dictionary of technical or specific terms
  glossy adj shiny; polished; smooth
  glove n protecting covering for the hand; padded covering for the hand
  glow n a light produced by a body heated to luminosity; incandescence; a warm feeling, as of pleasure or well-being
  glow v to shine brightly and steadily, especially without a flame; to flush; blush; to be exuberant or radiant
  go after v to try to get; to attempt to get
  go along with v to comply; to conform; to follow; to agree
  go through v to experience; to endure
  gradually adv progressively
  graduate adj having a degree or diploma; concerning studies beyond a bachelor‘s degree
  graduate n person who has completed a course of study and received a degree or diploma ; glass vessel for measuring liquids
  graduate v to complete a course of study and receive a degree or diploma; to organize; to arrange in grades; to change gradually; to grant a degree to a person who has completed a course of study; to divide into degrees; to mark with degrees
  grant n award; gift; present; contribution; donation
  grant v to agree; to give; to bestow; to answer to; to donate
  graph n diagram which uses a series of points or lines to demonstrate a connection between two or more things; chart
  grasp n hold; understanding; knowledge; realization
  grasp v to seize, to hold tight; to grip; to comprehend; to understand; to realize
  grateful adj thankful; appreciative; expressing thanks
  gratitude n gratefulness; thankfulness; appreciation
  gratuity n tip; bonus; recompense
  greenhouse n structure built mainly of glass in which plants are cultivated out of season; hothouse; glasshouse; conservatory
  gregarious adj seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable
  grit n small rough granules or particles ; bravery; pluck; endurance
  grit v to grind the teeth together; to abrade; to grind; to make a harsh grinding noise
  grocer n person who owns and operates a food store
  groceries n foods and other goods sold at a small supermarket or store
  grocery n store which sells food and other household goods; goods sold at a grocery
  gross adj inclusive; complete; total; general; without deductions
  gross v to make or earn a total ofguarantee n security; warranty; pledge; assurance
  guarantee v to vouch for; to give a warranty; to assure; to promise
  guideline n instructions; manual; handbook; indication of acceptable conduct or procedure
  guilt n state of having committed a crime or offense; culpability; feeling of having done something wrong
  guilty adj deserving of punishment; responsible
  gymnasium n building for indoor sports and exercise; gym; fitness center
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