会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  ideal n standard of perfection; pattern; model; person or thing that embodies a standard of perfection
  idealize v to represent as the embodiment of perfection; to view someone or something as ideal
  identification n verification of a person or thing; recognition; the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering
  identify v to recognize; to show to be the same; to sympathize; to relate; to associate oneself with a particular cause or idea
  idle adj lazy; vain; futile; unoccupied; unemployed; groundless; without foundation; worthless; unimportant
  idle v to lounge; to do nothing; to laze around; to waste time; to operate at minimum speedignorance n lack of knowledge; illiteracy; lack of education; state of being uninformed
  ignore v to disregard; to overlook; to refuse to recognize; to reject
  illegible adj not legible or decipherable
  illegitimate adj against the law; illegal; incorrectly deduced; illogical
  illicit adj not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful
  illuminate v to provide or brighten with light; to make understandable; clarify; to enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand
  illustrate v to exemplify; to clarify; to explain; to depict; to elucidate
  illustration n picture in a book or other work; explanation; clarification; explanation
  imaginary adj not real; fanciful
  imagination n ability of the mind to create mental images which do not exist in reality; creation of such mental images
  imagine v to envision; to create a mental image which does not literally exist; to fantasize; to visualize; to think; to suppose; to assume; to guess
  imitate v to use or follow as a model; to copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic; to copy exactly; reproduce; to appear like; resemble
  immediate adj instantaneous; prompt; accomplished quickly; direct; having no intermediary; close
  immediately adv right away; shortly; at once; without delay
  immerse v to cover completely in a liquid; submerge; to engage wholly or deeply; absorb
  impair v to cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality
  impatient adj unable to wait; intolerant; restless
  impede v to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart
  impediment n something that impedes; a hindrance or obstruction; an organic defect preventing clear articulation
  imperative adj necessary; obligatory; commanding
  imperative n necessity; obligation; command; order
  implement n tool; instrument; piece of equipment
  implement v to perform; to put into effect; to carry out; to execute; to realize; to equip with tools
  implementation n realization; carrying out; performing; putting into effect; execution; act of equipping with tools
  implication n consequence; outcome; result; act of implying; something implied; indirect suggestion; connotation; hint; state of being involved in an action or event
  implicit adj implied or understood though not directly expressed; contained in the nature of something though not readily apparent; having no doubts or reservations; unquestioning
  imply v to suggest indirectly; to hint; to infer; to mean; to import
  import n brining in of goods from another country; opposite of export; meaning; significance
  import v to bring from another place; to bring goods from a foreign country; to signify; to imply; to be important; to be significant
  important adj significant; consequential; influential; essential; crucial; critical; prominent
  impose v to require; to compel; to force upon; to enforce; to institute
  impossible adj unbearable; cannot be done; cannot be endured
  impress v to affect strongly; to emphasize; to stamp; to make a mark using pressure
  impression n strong feeling or idea left by an experience; effect; vague memory; stamp; imprint; stamping; impressing
  impressive adj grand; magnificent; striking
  improve v to make better; to increase in quality; to enhance; to become better; to evolve; to develop; to fix up; to repair; to increase the value of; to take advantage of; to make good use of; to recuperate

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44


  improvement n state of being made better; something which enhances or improves; addition or change which adds value to something
  improvident adj not providing for the future; thriftless; rash; incautious
  imprudent adj unwise or indiscreet; not prudent
  impulse n instinctual urge; sudden desire; whim; wave of energy sent via a nerve
  inadvertent adj not duly attentive; marked by unintentional lack of care
  inalienable adj non-transferable
  inanimate adj lifeless; spiritless
  inbound adj traveling in an inward direction
  incentive adj provocative; stimulating; encouraging
  incentive n stimulus; inducement; enticement; encouragement
  incite v to provoke and urge on
  incline n slope; grade; slant
  incline v to slope; to tilt; to bend; to bow; to lean; to be disposed; to tend toward; to gravitate; to slant; to cause to bend; to influence
  inclusive adj containing; comprehensive; all-embracing; extensive; taking in
  income n amount of money received in payment for goods or services or from other sources; revenue; profits
  inconvenience n bother; disturbance; nuisance; discomfort
  inconvenience v to cause discomfort; to trouble; to put out; to disturb
  increase n growth; expansion; addition; enlargement; escalation; reproduction
  increase v to enlarge; to add to; to multiply; to raise; to intensify; to make bigger; to heighten
  incredible adj unbelievable; inconceivable; improbable; unlikely; fabulous; great; amazing
  incredulous adj skeptical; disbelieving; expressive of disbelief
  incriminate v to accuse of a crime or other wrongful act; to cause to appear guilty of a crime or fault; implicate
  incumbent adj presently holding an office or position; compulsory; necessary; resting; lying
  incumbent n person who currently holds an office or position
  incur v to meet with; to bring upon oneself; to acquire; to become liable forindicate n to show; to point out; to mark; to signify; to imply; to exhibit; to reveal; to suggest
  indicator n one that indicates, especially a pointer or an index; an instrument used to monitor the operation or condition of an engine, an electrical network, or another physical system; a meter or gauge
  indoor adj occurring within a building; meant to be used inside
  induce v to cause; to bring about; to set in motion; to influence; to persuade; to impel; to infer; to deduce; to derive a general proposition from certain facts
  indulge v to give in to desire; to yield to; to satisfy; to spoil; to humor
  indulgence n act of giving in to desire; something which gratifies; luxury; leniency; tolerance; humoring; pampering
  industrial adj of, relating to, or resulting from industry; having highly developed industries; employed, required, or used in industry
  industrialize v to innovate and develop production
  industrious adj assiduous in work or study; diligent
  ineffable adj incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable; not to be uttered; taboo
  inexorable adj not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless
  infallibility n the quality of never making an error
  infancy n beginning phase of a project; babyhood
  infant adj pertaining to a minor
  infant n baby; very young child; toddler; tot; minor; beginner
  infer v to derive; to conclude; to guess; to surmise; to hint
  inference n act of deriving; speculation; drawing of a conclusion
  inflammable adj easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; flammable; quickly or easily aroused to strong emotion; excitable
  inflation n increase in the supply of money in relation to the amount of goods available resulting in a rise in prices; act of filling with air or gas
  inflict v to impose; to cause something unpleasant
  influence n effect; impact; action of a person or thing which affects another; person or thing which has power to affect others
  influence v to affect; to impact; to impel; to control
  influx n flowing in; inflow; inward flow; place where a stream flows into another body of water

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:45


  inform v to communicate data to; to tell; to brief; to apprise; to notify; to tell on; to inspire; to animate
  informal adj unofficial; unceremonious; relaxed; casual; easy; laid-back
  information n knowledge; intelligence; data; act of providing knowledge
  infraction n the act or an instance of infringing; a violation
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