会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  name v to appoint; to specify; to identify; to designate
  narrow adj tight; strait; reduced; not wide
  narrow v to limit; to restrict; to contract; to lessen in width; to taper
  nationality n citizenship; quality of being part of a particular nation; patriotism; national ownershipnearby adj close at hand
  nearby adv next to; alongside
  necessarily adv as a logical result; unavoidably
  necessary adj vital; essential; indispensable; unavoidable
  necessary n something that is essential or imperative; essentials of lifenecessity n obligation; need; requirement
  neglect n disregard; inattention; forgetfulness; abandonment
  neglect v to disregard; to ignore; to forget to perform ; to shirk; to abandon
  negligence n neglect; disregard, carelessness; failure to provide the necessary provision fornegligible adj not significant or important enough to be worth considering; trifling
  negotiable adj describing an assets or item which can easily be sold or transferred
  negotiate v to bargain; to deal; to arrange; to work out; to compromise; to clear or pass an obstacle
  negotiator n person who participates in a bargaining session; person who negotiates
  nevertheless adv anyway; anyhow; still; all the same
  newsletter n short informational periodical that is usually distributed to the members of an interest group
  nexus n means of connection; link; joint; connected group
  nominate v to appoint someone ; to designate; to select
  nomination n appointment; proposal of a candidatenominee n person who has been appointed; candidate
  notebook n portable personal computer; laptop computer
  notice n announcement; poster, sign; notification ; warning; attention; consideration
  notify v to give notice to; inform
  novel adj new; strange
  novelty n innovation; something new; discovery
  nuance n slight difference; subtle distinction
  nurse v to breast-feed; to suckle; to provide medical care; to take care of; to work as a nurse; to use up slowly; to dwell on; to harbor
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