会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  ultimate adj being last in a series, process, or progression; fundamental; elemental; eventual
  ultimately adv in the end; eventually
  unanimous adj sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord; based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement
  unauthorized adj unlicensed; forbidden; unlawful
  unbiased adj impartial; equitable
  uncertainty n doubtfulness
  unconventional adj not standard; not ordinary
  undercut v to offer at lower prices than the competition; to cut off the under part; to slice the ball from underneath ; to weaken; to undermine
  underestimate v to assign too low a value to
  underlie v to be located under or below; to be the support or basis of; account for; to constitute a prior financial claim over
  underline n caption beneath an illustration
  underline v to emphasize
  undermine vto weaken by wearing away a base or foundation; to weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or imperceptibly; sap;
  understatement n representing something less strongly than what the facts would justify; statement expressing something in a restrained manner
  underway adj having begun a journey ; initiated; in progress; under construction
  unfair adj biased; dishonest
  unforeseen adj not anticipated; not expected
  unfortunately adv regrettably
  uniform adj always the same, as in character or degree; unvarying; conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent; being the same as or consonant with another or others
  uniform n a distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group
  unify v to join; to cause to become one
  union n workers‘ association; federation; amalgamation; marriage; reproductive coupling; device which fits two pieces together
  unique adj singular; matchless; rare
  uniqueness n singularity; individuality; incomparability
  unit n specific quantity regarded as a standard; combination which acts a whole; piece; furniture; device; apparatus
  unlessconj not before; precluding; barring; except; aside from
  unlimited adj infinite; boundless
  unlock v to open; to free from restraints; to release
  unnecessary adj excessive; redundant; superfluous
  unsanitary adj not healthful; not clean
  unsatisfactory adj inadequate; disappointing; not good enough
  unveil v to reveal; to uncover; to disclose
  upcoming adj about to happen; imminent
  upgrade n update; installation of a newer version of a program or the replacing of a system component with a newer component ; hill; acclivity
  upgrade v to improve; to raise the quality of; to exchange something for another of better quality
  upholstery n materials that are used to cushion and cover furniture ; process of cushioning and covering furniture
  upwards adv to a higher level; more than; higher than
  urban adj pertaining to or characteristic of a city; living in a city; municipal
  urbanize v to change from rural to urban; to make into a city; to impart urban characteristics
  urge v to force or drive forward or onward; impel; to entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort; to advocate earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval of; press for; to move or impel to action, effort, or speed; spur
  urgent adj pressing; compelling; immediate; prompt
  utilization n employment; use of; putting to practical use
  utilize v to put to practical use; to take advantage of
  utmost adj being or situated at the most distant limit or point; farthest; of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; most extreme
  utmost n the greatest possible amount, degree, or extent; the maximum
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