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¡¡¡¡C.C. abbr. secondary email address; copy of a document, message, or email that is sent to a third party
¡¡¡¡C.C.O.abbr. person who is responsible for ensuring that a company and its employees are in compliance with government regulations and internal policies
¡¡¡¡C.E.O.abbr. head manager of a corporation, company or large organization
¡¡¡¡C.F.O.abbr. treasurer; person who is responsible for all financial aspects of a company
¡¡¡¡C.O.D.abbr. cash payment to be made upon receipt of products or goods
¡¡¡¡C.O.O. abbr. head manager of a company or large organization
¡¡¡¡C.S.O. abbr. top executive rank; person who is responsible for the security of a company's communications and business systems
¡¡¡¡C.T.O.abbr. top executive rank; person who is responsible for research and development and possibly for new product plans
¡¡¡¡C.V.abbr. resume; chronological description of one's employment and educational history; biography
¡¡¡¡cab n. taxi; carriage; driver's compartment; extension for compressed files that are used by Microsoft Windows installation (set-up) programs
¡¡¡¡cabinet n. small room; piece of office furniture; office; group of ministers; part of a government
¡¡¡¡calculate v. to estimate; to compute (to add, to subtract, to divide etc.); to depend upon
¡¡¡¡calculator n. small machine that makes computations
¡¡¡¡calendar n. chart showing the months of a year (including days and weeks); schedule; timetable
¡¡¡¡calendar v. to write down in a timetable; to register
¡¡¡¡campaign n. series of activities organized to accomplish a goal such as in an advertising campaign
¡¡¡¡campaign v. to conduct a series of activities organized to accomplish a goal
¡¡¡¡cancel v. to call off; to repeal; to revoke; to annul; to terminate; to stop
¡¡¡¡cancellation n. nullification; termination; revocation
¡¡¡¡candid adj. honest; straightforward; open; frank
¡¡¡¡candidate n. applicant; nominee; examinee
¡¡¡¡canvass n. examination; careful inspection; debate
¡¡¡¡canvass v. to examine; to debate; to scrutinize; to solicit votes or opinions
¡¡¡¡capability n. ability; skill; trait; characteristic; quality; feature
¡¡¡¡capable adj. skilled; able; proficient; adept
¡¡¡¡capacity n. volume which can be contained or received; function; role; feature; potential
¡¡¡¡capital adj. main; major; chief; principal
¡¡¡¡capital n. property; financial means; assets; property; main city of a country of region (city where national or regional government is located, i.e.: London is the capital of the UK)
¡¡¡¡capitalization n. process of turning money into profit
¡¡¡¡capitalize v. to turn into money; to turn profit; to finance; to provide with capital; to write a word in capital (big) letters
¡¡¡¡capsize v. to overturn or cause to overturn
¡¡¡¡capture v. to copy; to photograph; to snapshot
¡¡¡¡career n. profession; development; progress; gradual growth
¡¡¡¡cargo n. freight; luggage; baggage; load
¡¡¡¡carpenter n. a person who makes things out of wood such as furniture
¡¡¡¡carpet n. rug; fabric floor covering
¡¡¡¡carpet v. to cover or to furnish with textile materials; to reprimand; to scold
¡¡¡¡carriage n. coach; buggy; railroad car; transportation; manner of carrying oneself
¡¡¡¡carrier n. person or company that ships things; aircraft carrier; shipping company; truck
¡¡¡¡carry out v. to put into practice; to accomplish; to perform; to conduct
¡¡¡¡carry v. to transport; to continue; to bear
¡¡¡¡cart n. car; wagon; coach; carriage; trolley
¡¡¡¡cart v. to drag or to carry by force; to carry or to convey in a cart
¡¡¡¡case n. occasion; instance; situation; matter; container; bag
¡¡¡¡cash n. money in the form of coins and bank notes
¡¡¡¡cash reserves n. bank deposits that are available on a short-term basis; treasury bills
¡¡¡¡cash v. to exchange a check (or another money order) for coins and bank notes; to redeem
¡¡¡¡cast n. throw; team of actors; squint (of the eye)
¡¡¡¡cast v. to throw; to project; to form; to shape; to mold; to choose actors, singers or entertainers (for a play, movie, show, music project, etc.)
¡¡¡¡catalog n. itemized list (the items on the list are usually described); index; directory
¡¡¡¡catalog v. to make an itemized list; to index; to classify
¡¡¡¡categorize v. to arrange in groups; to classify; to sort; to structure
¡¡¡¡category n. class; division; section; segment
¡¡¡¡cater v. to provide; to supply (food, etc.); to care for
¡¡¡¡catering n. business of supplying and servicing food (at parties and other events); company that offers food and beverage delivery
¡¡¡¡caution n. notice; warning; caveat; carefulness; premonition
¡¡¡¡caution v. to warn; to notify of danger
¡¡¡¡cautious adj. careful; wary; suspicious
¡¡¡¡caveat n. caution; warning; admonition; suspension of proceedings (law)
¡¡¡¡cement n. concrete; mortar; bonding agent; filling (for teeth)
¡¡¡¡cement v. to reinforce; to bind together; to strengthen a connection
¡¡¡¡ceremony n. rite; ritual; formality
¡¡¡¡certificate n. official document; license; reference; attestation
¡¡¡¡certificate v. to confirm; to license; to authorize
¡¡¡¡certify v. to confirm to be true; to authorize
¡¡¡¡cessation n. a bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing
¡¡¡¡chain n. group of stores, outlets, banks etc., under one management; series of metal rings which are linked together
¡¡¡¡chain v. to tie down
¡¡¡¡challenge n. difficult situation; invitation to engage in a contest; something which tests one's ability to handle difficult tasks
¡¡¡¡challenge v. to dare; to invite to engage in a contest; to stimulate; to test one's ability
¡¡¡¡changeable adj. arbitrary; fickle; flexible
¡¡¡¡character n. nature; disposition; attitude; figure; person; statement of qualities, features and abilities; letter of symbol (in Asian languages)
¡¡¡¡characteristic adj. typical; distinctive
¡¡¡¡characteristic n. trait; feature; ability; distinguishing quality; attribute
¡¡¡¡characterize v. to describe; to depict; to portray; to outline
¡¡¡¡charge n. price; cargo; responsibility
¡¡¡¡charge v. to entrust; to order; to command; to accuse; to fill with energy; to supply with power (i.e. a battery, accumulator, cell etc.)
¡¡¡¡chart n. graph; diagram
¡¡¡¡chart v. to make a graph; to draw; to diagram
¡¡¡¡check n. examination; money order; payment order; pausing; stopping; restaurant bill
¡¡¡¡chef n. professional cook; head cook in a restaurant of hotel
¡¡¡¡cheque n. written order directing a bank to pay a specific amount of money
¡¡¡¡chew v. to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate; to meditate on; ponder
¡¡¡¡chop n. cut of meat; seal; trademark; blow of an axe
¡¡¡¡chop v. to cut; to cut down; to cut into pieces; to mince
¡¡¡¡chore n. routine job; unpleasant task
¡¡¡¡circle n. ring-shaped geometric figure; round figure; group; society
¡¡¡¡circle v. to surround¡¡¡¡circulate v. to move in or flow through a circle or circuit; to move around, as from person to person or place to place; to spread widely among persons or places
¡¡¡¡circumspect adj. careful; cautious
¡¡¡¡circumstance n. condition; influencing factor; situation
¡¡¡¡circumstance v. to place in particular situations
¡¡¡¡circumvent v. to by-pass; to side-step; to evade
¡¡¡¡citation n. quotation; official praise; summons to a court of law
¡¡¡¡cite v. to quote as an authority or example; to mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof
¡¡¡¡citizen n. resident; native of a country; person who lives in a city or town; person who is not a soldier; civilian
¡¡¡¡citizenship n. right to live in a country; condition of being a member of a country
¡¡¡¡civic adj. pertaining to a city; pertaining to citizenship
¡¡¡¡claim v. to demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due; to take in a violent manner as if by right; to state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain; To deserve or call for; require
¡¡¡¡claim n. lawsuit; request; right
¡¡¡¡clarify v. to make clear; to explain
¡¡¡¡classify v. to arrange systematically; to structure; to group; to sort; to make confidential
¡¡¡¡clause n. paragraph; section in a document; part of a contract
¡¡¡¡clearance n. release; approval; washing
¡¡¡¡clearly adv. obviously; apparently; unmistakably
¡¡¡¡clerk n. minor office worker; book-keeper; bureaucrat
¡¡¡¡clerk v. to work as an employee (i.e. in the legal or bank business)
¡¡¡¡client n. customer; buyer; computer that serves as a terminal
¡¡¡¡clientele n. the clients of a professional person or practice considered as a group; a body of customers or patrons
¡¡¡¡climate n. weather conditions; surrounding conditions; atmosphere; setting
¡¡¡¡clip n. clamp; fastener; shred; sharp blow; sharp strike; short film; segment of video; selecting part of a graphic document for the purpose of editing (Computers)
¡¡¡¡clip v. to cut off; to curtail; to cut short; to leave out (a letter or letters) from a word; to trim off
¡¡¡¡clipping n. article cut from a newspaper; piece which has been cut off or clipped out
¡¡¡¡clock n. timepiece; device for telling time
¡¡¡¡close adj. near; adjacent; careful; secretive; stingy; dense; compact; crowded; oppressive; intimate
¡¡¡¡coach n. trainer; tutor; teacher; bus; railroad car; horse pulled carriage
¡¡¡¡coach v. to train; to teach; to instruct; to direct; to guide; to counsel; to consult; to advise
¡¡¡¡coal n. fuel made from carbon; cinder; ember
¡¡¡¡coalition n. alliance; union; voluntary joining together; agreement made between two or more parties to work together toward a common goal
¡¡¡¡code n. cipher; string of commands in a programming language (Computers); collection of instructions of the law; the codex and rules
¡¡¡¡code v. to cipher
¡¡¡¡cogent adj. appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing
¡¡¡¡cognition n. awareness; perception
¡¡¡¡coherent adj. sticking together; consistent
¡¡¡¡cohesive adj. sticking together; forming a unit or union; united; related to each other
¡¡¡¡coin n. metal money; piece of stamped metal currency (as opposed to paper bills)
¡¡¡¡coincide v. to occupy the same relative position or the same area in space; to happen at the same time or during the same period; to correspond exactly; be identical; to agree exactly, as in opinion; concur
¡¡¡¡coincidence n. chance occurrence; unforeseen event; occurrence of two or more events at the same time; condition of occupying the same place at the same time
¡¡¡¡collaborate v. to work together; to cooperate
¡¡¡¡collaboration n. working together; cooperation
¡¡¡¡collapse v. to fall down or inward suddenly; cave in; to break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function
¡¡¡¡collate v. to compare in a critical manner; to verify; to gather; to sort; to collect; to assemble; to compile
¡¡¡¡collateral adj. of secondary importance; insignificant; corresponding
¡¡¡¡collateral n. security deposit
¡¡¡¡colleague n. fellow worker; co-worker
¡¡¡¡collectible adj. payable; subject to or requiring payment especially as specified
¡¡¡¡collectible n. rare object

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¡¡¡¡collection n. group of objects that are related to each other; selection; choice; assortment; accumulation
¡¡¡¡collide v. to crash; to meet head on; to come together with solid or direct impact
¡¡¡¡colloquial adj. conversational; not used in formal speaking or writing; informal
¡¡¡¡collusion n. A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose
¡¡¡¡combination n. joining; union; an ordered sequence
¡¡¡¡combine n. harvesting machine
¡¡¡¡combine v. to unite; to join; to come together; to become one
¡¡¡¡come across v. to happen upon; to find by chance; to discover; to see
¡¡¡¡come along v. to accompany someone; to forward; to appear; to advance; to proceed; to succeed
¡¡¡¡comfort n. relief; consolation; coziness
¡¡¡¡comfort v. to bring relief; to encourage; to console
¡¡¡¡comfortable adj. easy; relaxing; cozy; financially well to do
¡¡¡¡comforting adj. consoling; encouraging; reassuring; brining relief; heartening
¡¡¡¡command n. order; direction; control; domination; headquarters
¡¡¡¡command v. to rule; to control; to be in charge; to be in authority; to demand
¡¡¡¡commemorate v. to honor the memory of with a ceremony; to serve as a memorial to
¡¡¡¡commensurate v. of the same size, extent, or duration as another; corresponding in size or degree; proportionate
¡¡¡¡comment n. remark; note; statement; explanation; explanatory note; response; reaction
¡¡¡¡comment v. to make a remark; to explain; to write an explanatory note
¡¡¡¡commentary n. series of remarks; explanation (often written in essay or book form)
¡¡¡¡commerce n. trade; business; transactions; exchange of products/services and money
¡¡¡¡commercial adj. pertaining to business; pertaining to buying and selling
¡¡¡¡commercial n. television or radio advertisement
¡¡¡¡commission n. percentage of profits earned by a salesperson; document that grants certain powers; authorization; group of people with authority
¡¡¡¡commission v. to contract; to order; to empower; to authorize; to confer; to rank
¡¡¡¡commit v. to perform; to do; to engage; to execute; to offer; to pledge (one's loyalty, etc.); to be obliged; to give; to entrust
¡¡¡¡commitment n. obligation; promise
¡¡¡¡committed adj. obligated; engaged; industrious; ambitious; loyal
¡¡¡¡committee n. a group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter
¡¡¡¡commodity n. merchandise; goods; item that is bought and sold; something useful
¡¡¡¡commotion n. a condition of turbulent motion; an agitated disturbance
¡¡¡¡communication n. exchange of information or ideas; transfer; passing along; letter; message
¡¡¡¡commute v. to exchange; to replace; to convert; to travel back and forth regularly (i.e. to work)
¡¡¡¡commuter n. person who travels back and forth between home and work
¡¡¡¡comparable adj. admitting of comparison with another or others; similar or equivalent
¡¡¡¡comparatively adv. relatively
¡¡¡¡compare v. to show how (people or things) are alike or different; to consider to be similar
¡¡¡¡comparison n. pointing out of similarities and differences; similarity; likeness
¡¡¡¡compartment n. one of the parts or spaces into which an area is subdivided; a separate room, section, or chamber
¡¡¡¡compartmentalize v. to separate into sections; to partition
¡¡¡¡compatible adj. capable of existing together in harmony; congruous; able to be used with other machines without alternation; able to be used on or with other computers without being changed
¡¡¡¡compatible n. piece of equipment which can be used with other machines without alternation; device which can be used on or with other Computers without being changed
¡¡¡¡compel v. to force; to coerce; to influence; to impose; to demand
¡¡¡¡compendium n. a short, complete summary; an abstract; a list or collection of various items
¡¡¡¡compensate v. to reward; to reimburse; to pay back; to make up for
¡¡¡¡compensation n. repayment; something done to make up for (a loss, deficiency or fault)
¡¡¡¡compete v. to contest; to contend against another; to participate in a contest
¡¡¡¡competent adj. adept; capable; fit; suitably skilled; well qualified; experienced
¡¡¡¡competition n. rivalry; contest; act of competing against another
¡¡¡¡competitive adj. involving rivalry; tending to contest

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¡¡¡¡competitor n. rival; companies that have the same target markets are competitors (i.e. Coca Cola and Pepsi); person who participates in a contest
¡¡¡¡compile v. to gather into a single book; to put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources
¡¡¡¡complacent adj. content; self-satisfied; comfortable; smug
¡¡¡¡complain v. to find fault; to express displeasure; to protest
¡¡¡¡complaint n. finding fault; act of expressing displeasure; pleading entered by a plaintiff (Law)
¡¡¡¡complete v. to make whole; to finish; to perfect
¡¡¡¡completion n. finishing; finalizing
¡¡¡¡compliant adj. obedient; submissive; obliging; yielding; acquiescent
¡¡¡¡complicate v. to confuse; to make hard to understand; to make difficult; to make complex
¡¡¡¡complicated adj. confusing; hard to understand; difficult; complex
¡¡¡¡compliment n. expression of admiration; word of praise for someone
¡¡¡¡comply v. to submit; to consent; to obey; to agree with
¡¡¡¡component n. ingredient; single piece which forms part of a larger unit; part; constituent; element
¡¡¡¡compose v. to create; to write; to arrange; to relax; to calm oneself; to settle
¡¡¡¡composition n. make-up; constitution; something which has been composed; essay
¡¡¡¡composure n. serenity; self-control; calmness; coolness
¡¡¡¡comprehend v. to understand; to contain; to grasp; to absorb; to perceive
¡¡¡¡comprehensive adj. including a lot; large in scope; extensive
¡¡¡¡comprise v. to include; to contain; to consist
¡¡¡¡compromise n. agreement; settling of a disagreement by making mutual concessions
¡¡¡¡compromise v. to establish an agreement; to settle a dispute; to settle a disagreement by making mutual concessions
¡¡¡¡compulsory adj. obligatory; required
¡¡¡¡compunction n. a strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt; a sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing
¡¡¡¡compute v. to calculate; to figure; to estimate
¡¡¡¡conceal v. to hide; to keep secret; to cover up
¡¡¡¡conceive v. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp
¡¡¡¡concentrate v. to focus; to pay attention; to collect (energy, power, etc.) in one place or on one issue; to make stronger or more intense
¡¡¡¡concept n. plan; idea; thought; structure; system
¡¡¡¡conceptualize v. to plan; to design; to imagine; to conceive; to envision; to visualize
¡¡¡¡concern n. worry; issue; problem; interest; question; group of companies; large corporation
¡¡¡¡concern v. to involve; to affect; to worry; to interest; to relate to
¡¡¡¡concerningprep. about
¡¡¡¡conclude v. to finish; to infer; to deduce; to make a decision
¡¡¡¡conclusion adj. end; deduction; cognition; final decision
¡¡¡¡conclusive adj. serving to put an end to doubt, question, or uncertainty; decisive
¡¡¡¡concoct v. to invent; to create; to contrive; to think up
¡¡¡¡concrete adj. tangible; real; substantial; solid
¡¡¡¡concrete n. cement; something tangible (idea, object, etc.)
¡¡¡¡concrete v. to solidify

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¡¡¡¡concur v. to agree; to harmonize; to coincide; to collaborate; to consent
¡¡¡¡condense v. to reduce the volume or compass of; to make more concise; abridge or shorten
¡¡¡¡conditional adj. imposing, depending on, or containing a condition
¡¡¡¡condolence n. sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief, or misfortune
¡¡¡¡condone v. to overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure
¡¡¡¡conduct n. behavior; management
¡¡¡¡conduct v. to behave; to manage; to transfer; to carry out; to transmit; to ensemble
¡¡¡¡confer v. to bestow (an honor, for example); to invest with (a characteristic, for example)
¡¡¡¡confess v. to disclose (something damaging or inconvenient to oneself); admit; to acknowledge belief or faith in; profess
¡¡¡¡confidence n. trust; certainty; faith in oneself; secret
¡¡¡¡confident adj. certain; sure of oneself; composed
¡¡¡¡confidential adj. classified; secret; strictly private
¡¡¡¡confirm v. to approve; to verify; to ascertain
¡¡¡¡confirmation n. formal approval; proof; verification; religious ceremony
¡¡¡¡conform v. to correspond in form or character; be similar; to act or be in accord or agreement; comply; to act in accordance with current customs or modes
¡¡¡¡confront v. to come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility; to bring face to face with; to come up against; encounter
¡¡¡¡confuse v. to embarrass; to mix up; to muddle up; to bewilder; to startle
¡¡¡¡confusion n. disorder; embarrassment; bewilderment
¡¡¡¡congenial adj. having the same tastes, habits, or temperament; sympathetic; of a pleasant disposition; friendly and sociable; suited to one's needs or nature; agreeable
¡¡¡¡congest v. to overfill or overcrowd
¡¡¡¡congregate adj. gathered; assembled; involving a group
¡¡¡¡congregate v. to bring or come together in a group, crowd, or assembly
¡¡¡¡congruent adj. identical; corresponding; in agreement; harmonious
¡¡¡¡conjunction n. connection; link; uniting; joining
¡¡¡¡conjure v. to appeal; to summon; to invoke; to implore
¡¡¡¡connote v. to imply; to suggest; to hint
¡¡¡¡conscientious adj. careful; wanting to do what is right
¡¡¡¡conscientiously adv. dutifully; with care; thoroughly
¡¡¡¡conscious adj. aware; awake; attentive
¡¡¡¡consciously adv. knowingly; with awareness
¡¡¡¡consciousness n. awareness; cognition; ability to perceive
¡¡¡¡consecutive adj. sequential; following one after another
¡¡¡¡consensus n. an opinion or position reached by a group as a whole; general agreement or accord
¡¡¡¡consequently adv. as a result; therefore
¡¡¡¡conservative adj. resisting change; desiring to preserve traditions; cautious
¡¡¡¡conservative n. person who is resistant to change; cautious person; person who favors traditional political parties
¡¡¡¡conserve v. to protect; to guard from harm
¡¡¡¡consider v. to think over; to think carefully about something; to believe; to regard; to take into account
¡¡¡¡considerable adj. large in amount, extent, or degree; worthy of consideration; significant
¡¡¡¡consideration n. payment; thoughtfulness; respectfulness; careful attention
¡¡¡¡consideringprep. taking into account; in light of
¡¡¡¡consign v. to give over to the care of another; entrust; to turn over permanently to another's charge or to a lasting condition; commit irrevocably; to deliver (merchandise, for example) for custody or sale
¡¡¡¡consignment n. delivery; dispatch; conveyance
¡¡¡¡consist v. to be composed of; to be made up of
¡¡¡¡consistency n. material coherence; firmness; persistence; steadfastness
¡¡¡¡consistent adj. coherent; steadfast; firm
¡¡¡¡consortium n. partnership; association

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¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡conspicuous adj. easy to notice; obvious; attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable
¡¡¡¡constant adj. continuous; firm; faithful; persistent; unbending; adamant
¡¡¡¡consternation n. a state of paralyzing dismay
¡¡¡¡constipation n. difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry hardened feces from the bowels; obstruction; stultification
¡¡¡¡constrain v. to compel; to force; to reinforce; to oblige; to coerce; to emphasis; to stress
¡¡¡¡constraint n. restriction; force; limitation; limit
¡¡¡¡construct v. to form by assembling or combining parts; build; to create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms
¡¡¡¡construction n. building; structure; the industry of erecting buildings; word combination
¡¡¡¡construe v. to interpret; to see; to perceive
¡¡¡¡consultancy n. advisership
¡¡¡¡consultant n. advisor (adviser); counselor; coach; person who gives professional advice
¡¡¡¡consume v. to eat or drink; to use up; to destroy
¡¡¡¡consumer n. buyer; client
¡¡¡¡consumption n. using up
¡¡¡¡contact n. link; connection; touch; interface
¡¡¡¡contact v. to establish communication; to make a connection; to link to; to connect with
¡¡¡¡contain v. to include; to hold back; to restrain; to keep under control
¡¡¡¡contemporary adj. modern; current
¡¡¡¡contemporary n. person living at about the same time as another person
¡¡¡¡content adj. satisfied; pleased
¡¡¡¡content n. substance; component; all that is inside of something
¡¡¡¡content v. to satisfy; to please; to meet a request
¡¡¡¡contest n. competition
¡¡¡¡contest v. to fight for; to challenge; to appeal
¡¡¡¡context n. connection; text (words, sentences and phrases) that surround a word or sentence; overall situation; background; situation
¡¡¡¡continue v. to go on; to keep doing something; to last; to perpetuate
¡¡¡¡continuity n. stability; consistency; continuousness; unbroken succession
¡¡¡¡continuous adj. successive; uninterrupted; permanent
¡¡¡¡contractor n. person or company that does a particular job or assignment
¡¡¡¡contrary adj. opposed
¡¡¡¡contrary adv. in opposition; against; counter
¡¡¡¡contrary n. something which is opposite
¡¡¡¡contrive v. to devise; to invent; to dream up; to design (often in a negative way)
¡¡¡¡convenience n. comfort; freedom from discomfort; fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement
¡¡¡¡convenient adj. comfortable; useful; serviceable
¡¡¡¡convention n. conference; routine; custom; treaty
¡¡¡¡conventional adj. customary; routine; formal
¡¡¡¡converge v. to meet; to assemble to gather; to get together
¡¡¡¡conversant adj. well-versed; proficient; skilled
¡¡¡¡conversation n. talk; dialogue; discussion; verbal ¡¡¡¡convey v. to carry; to transport; to impart or to communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture or appearance
¡¡¡¡conveyance n. the act of transferring a property title from one person to another
¡¡¡¡conviction n. acknowledgement; strong persuasion or belief; condemnation
¡¡¡¡convince v. to persuade; to influence; to prove
¡¡¡¡cooperation n. collaboration; working together
¡¡¡¡coordinate adj. equal; equivalent; of equal rank or authority
¡¡¡¡coordinate n. reference point; geographical location
¡¡¡¡coordinate v. to arrange in proper order
¡¡¡¡cordially adv. in a friendly manner; warmly
¡¡¡¡corp. abbr. large company; firm; business
¡¡¡¡corporate adj. common; shared; collective
¡¡¡¡correlate v. to put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation; to establish or demonstrate as having a correlation
¡¡¡¡correlation n. mutual connection (between two or more things); similarity; parallel
¡¡¡¡corrupt adj. spoiled; immoral; dishonest; perverted
¡¡¡¡corrupt v. to cause to be dishonest; to pervert; to spoil
¡¡¡¡corruption n. dishonesty; immorality; decay; irregularity; unlawfulness; illegality
¡¡¡¡costly adj. of high price or value; expensive; entailing loss or sacrifice
¡¡¡¡council n. assembly; board; group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.)
¡¡¡¡counsel n. advice; person who gives advice; attorney; lawyer
¡¡¡¡counsel v. to advise; to instruct; to coach; to advocate
¡¡¡¡counter adv. against; in contrast to
¡¡¡¡counter n. bar; long flat; surface (in a restaurant, kitchen, etc.); counting device
¡¡¡¡counterprep. against; opposed
¡¡¡¡counter v. to oppose; to retaliate; to react; to strike back
¡¡¡¡counterbalance n. equal weight or power acting in opposition
¡¡¡¡counterbalance v. to act against; to oppose (with an equal weight, force etc.)
¡¡¡¡coupon n. printed form that entitles the holder to certain rights such as in a discount
¡¡¡¡courier n. messenger; person who carries a message or goes an errand; company that delivers messages, documents, parcels, etc.
¡¡¡¡court n. yard; law court; formal reception; are where basketball or tennis is played
¡¡¡¡court v. to seek to please; to flatter; to seek to gain the affections of someone
¡¡¡¡courteously adv. politely; respectfully; graciously
¡¡¡¡courtesy n. politeness; good manners; cordiality; civility
¡¡¡¡coverage n. survey; review; news reporting; insurance
¡¡¡¡crack v. to break or snap apart; to make a sharp snapping sound; to break without complete separation of parts; fissure
¡¡¡¡craft n. trade; skill; skillfulness (in doing or creating); occupation; boat; plane
¡¡¡¡craft v. to shape with skill
¡¡¡¡crafted adj. produced; made; manufactured
¡¡¡¡crave v. to have an intense desire for; to need urgently; require; to beg earnestly for; implore
¡¡¡¡create v. to produce; to design; to make; to manufacture
¡¡¡¡creative adj. inventive; innovative; artistic
¡¡¡¡creativity n. innovativeness; inventiveness; ability to create
¡¡¡¡credible adj. reliable; trustworthy; dependable

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¡¡¡¡credit n. money (in a bank account), money (from a bank or other source); trust; confidence; importance; respect; points earned (through study)
¡¡¡¡credit risk n. the prospect that a bond issuer will fail to make required debt payments
¡¡¡¡credit v. to believe; to have faith in; to accept; to bring honor or recognition to; to supply goods by deferred payment; to give credit to
¡¡¡¡creditor n. person or organization that lends something; lender; loaner; moneylender
¡¡¡¡creep v. to move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees; to move stealthily or cautiously; to move or proceed very slowly
¡¡¡¡crew n. group of people working together; team
¡¡¡¡criterion n. standard against which something is measured; factor; discipline
¡¡¡¡critic n. one who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter; one who specializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works
¡¡¡¡critical adj. judgmental; important; crucial; vital
¡¡¡¡criticism n. the act of criticizing, especially adversely; a critical comment or judgment; the practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works
¡¡¡¡criticize v. to disapprove; to censure; to find fault
¡¡¡¡critique n. a critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature; a critical discussion of a specified topic; the art of criticism
¡¡¡¡crop n. harvest; produce (Agriculture); group; whip; short haircut
¡¡¡¡crop v. to harvest; to cut short; to clip
¡¡¡¡crowd n. public; large group of people; gathering; large number of objects grouped together
¡¡¡¡crowd v. to gather together; to group together; to press in
¡¡¡¡crowded adj. full; packed; crammed together
¡¡¡¡crucial adj. very important; critical; decisive; vital
¡¡¡¡cruise n. traveling on a ship; sea voyage; sailing
¡¡¡¡cruise v. to sail; to move at a moderate speed; to travel; to coast; to drive along slowly
¡¡¡¡crux n. heart of the matter; main point
¡¡¡¡cuisine n. style of cooking; national food
¡¡¡¡culminate v. to reach the highest point or degree; climax; to come to completion; end
¡¡¡¡curb v. to check, restrain, or control as if with a curb; rein in
¡¡¡¡cure n. method or course that restores health; prescribed treatment for an illness
¡¡¡¡cure v. to restore to health; to make well; to correct a bad habit; to preserve food
¡¡¡¡curfew n. a regulation requiring certain or all people to leave the streets or be at home at a prescribed hour; the time at which such a restriction begins or is in effect
¡¡¡¡curious adj. inquisitive; desiring to know and understand; odd; strange; rare
¡¡¡¡currency n. national money of a country; circulation; custom; prevalence
¡¡¡¡current adj. recent; common; prevalent; present; popular
¡¡¡¡current n. flow (of water, electricity, etc.); process; tendency; direction
¡¡¡¡curt adj. brief; blunt; rude
¡¡¡¡curtly adv. briefly; bluntly; rudely
¡¡¡¡cushion n. pillow; soft padded object
¡¡¡¡cushion v. to reduce; to protect; to soften; to upholster
¡¡¡¡custom n. habit; tradition; convention
¡¡¡¡customer n. client; buyer; person who buys a product or service
¡¡¡¡customize v. to make or to fit according to individual needs or desires; to personalize; to individualize
¡¡¡¡customs n. place where goods and baggage are examined on entering a country; government department responsible for collecting taxes on imports
¡¡¡¡cutback n. reduction; curtailing; decrease
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