会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  affiliation 附属
  annual wage increase 年薪调升
  call for 要求
  collective bargaining 集体交涉
  contract 合同
  convention 大会
  cooperation 合作
  coordination 协调
  employee 雇员
  employer 雇工
  labor 劳工
  labor accident 劳工灾害
  labor contract 劳工合同
  management 经营者
  labor-management struggle 劳资斗争
  penal regulation 惩罚规则
  proposal 提议
  protest 抗议
  reach an agreement 达成协议
  stage a strike 发起罢工
  terms of contract 合同条款
  wage 实施
  the Japanese Trade Union Confederation 日本劳工团体联盟
  the right to strike 罢工权
  the right to work 工作权
  wage dispute 薪金争议
  working hours 工作时间
页: [1]
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