会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  《经济学家》读译参考:给我钱(下)来源:考试大   【考试就上考试大,大小考试都不怕】   2006年10月9日
  2. 将划线部分英文翻译成中文(任选3句翻译即可)
  1. titillate v.
  if a picture or a story titillates someone, it makes them feel sexually interested(照片或故事)给人以快感;搔痒
  2. saucy adj.
  saucy jokes, remarks etc are about sex in a way that is amusing but not shocking: (性有关的小说、言论等)可笑的,俏皮的
  3. hinge on/upon something
  if a result hinges on something, it depends on it completely: 完全依赖于,取决于
  例如:His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.
  The case against him hinged on Lewis’ evidence.
  4.at issue
  the problem or subject at issue is the most important part of what you are discussing or considering: 正在讨论或考虑的(最重要问题或话题)
  例如:At issue here is the extent to which exam results reflect a student’s ability.
  5. pin-up招贴(美女)画像
  1)a picture of an attractive person, often not wearing many clothes, that is put up on a wall to be looked at and admired:
  2)someone who appears in pin-up pictures or who is considered attractive by a particular group of people:
  6. wheel (into)vt.
  to move someone or something that is in or on something that has wheels: 用带轮子的工具运送
  例如:Two nurses were wheeling him into the operating theatre.
  7.seethe (with) vi.
  to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking [= fume]激动(发怒)以至于发抖
  例如:He was seething with anger.
  I was absolutely seething.
  8. buxom adj.
  a woman who is buxom is attractively large and healthy and has big breasts (女人)丰满的
  9. annulment n. –annul v.
  to officially state that a marriage or legal agreement no longer exists: 正式宣布(婚姻或合同)解除或失效
  例如:Their marriage was annulled last year.
  10.wrangle vi.
  to argue with someone angrily for a long time与(某人)持久争吵
  (1)联邦法院:联邦法院是美国联邦政府的一部份,可分为普通法院和专门法院。普通法院分为三级,从下到上分别是:地方法院(district court)、上诉法院(appeal court或Court of Appeals, 除了联邦区域上诉法院)、最高法院(the Supreme Court);专门法院有:破产法庭(bankruptcy court)、税务法庭(tax court)、国际贸易法庭(international trade court)、联邦区域上诉法院。地方法院共有94所,分散在全国各州境内,由1名法院独任审理。上诉法院有13所,是第二审级法院,上诉案件由三名法官审理;最高法院设在华盛顿,由首席法官(chief justice)1人、法官(associate justice)8人组成。最高法院法官是行使司法权的最高机构,其法官由总统经参议院三分之二的多数同意后任命,并任职终身。美国的最高法院有权对是否符合宪法行使监督权。
  ①over;②at;③of;④off ⑤to
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