会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  3.比较句型the +比较级…the+比较级要求前后结构相等。
  (1) The flatter a hair appears under a microscope —— wavier it is.
  (A) although
  (B) which
  (C) and
  (D) the (92.1)
  [答案] D The flatter a hair appears与(D)the wavier it is是完全对等的结构。
  (2) The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, —— to the body.
  (A) the stress it is greater
  (B) greater is the stress
  (C) greater stress is
  (D) the greater the stress (90.1)
  [答案] D The less the surface与答案(D) the greater the stress是完全对等的结构。
  (1) Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather of the deaf —— of the telephone.
  (A) than inventing
  (B) than as the inventor
  (C) the invention
  (D) as the inventor (90.8)
  [答案] B表示比较概念的短语would rather…than应使用平行结构。
  (2) Thomas Jefferson*s achievements as an architect rival his contributions —— a politician.
  (A) such
  (B) more
  (C) as
  (D) than (90.1)
  [答案] C动词rival (比得上)要求比较二项结构相等。
  (3) California*s agricultural supremacy dates from 1947. When its farm output first —— any other state.
  (A) that exceeded
  (B) exceeded that
  (C) exceeded that of
  (D) that exceeded of (92.10)
  [答案] C动词exceeded (超过)要求比较的内容相当。(C)代词that用以指代比较的内容"farm output"
  (4) It is common knowledge that a flash of lightning is seen before a clap of thunder heard . (93.5)
  [答案] D连词be fore用以引出先后发生的两个动作。从句意上看。这两个动作是对比关系,故应用平行结构。(D)改为a clap of thunder is heard ,与a flash of lightning is seen相平衡。
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