会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43

托业考试综合辅导 (5)

earmark n. an identifying feature or characteristic; an identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal
earmark v. to reserve or set aside for a particular purpose; to mark in an identifying or distinctive way
earnings n. money gained; salary; wages; revenue; profit; income
ebullient adj. zestfully enthusiastic; boiling or seeming to boil; bubbling
economize v. to save; to cut back; to be thrifty; to be frugal
economy n. management of resources (i.e. money, goods, etc.); thrift; careful spending; the structure of economic life in a country, area, or period
edible adj. fit to be eaten
edible n. something fit to be eaten; food
effect n. result; outcome; influence; impact; gimmick; trick; natural phenomenon
effect v. to accomplish; to put into action; to execute; to do
effective adj. productive; efficient; in operation; impressive; striking
efficient adj. effective; done without waste (of time, resources, etc.)
effluent adj. flowing out or forth
effluent n. something that flows out or forth
effort n. physical or mental exertion; labor; attempt; something accomplished through hard word; organized operation
effusive adj. overflowing; unreserved; unrestrained; exuberant
eject v. to throw out forcefully; expel; to compel to leave
elaborate adj. detailed; complicated; carefully planned; worked out in great detail
elaborate v. to provide additional details; to plan carefully and with great detail; to produce; to develop
elaboration n. painstaking labor; careful planning; adding of extra details; act of improving; production
elect v. to choose; to vote for; to prefer; to decide
election n. choosing; time when people vote for a political candidate
electrician n. person who installs or maintains wiring systems
elementary adj. basic; fundamental
elevation n. height of something; altitude above sea or ground level; raising; lifting up; grandeur
elevator n. lift; mechanical apparatus for moving people or items from floor to floor within a building
elicit v. to extract from; to bring out; to draw out
eligible adj. suitable; worthy of; qualified; entitled to; allowed
eliminate v. to remove; to get rid of
elucidate v. to explain; to clarify; to describe; to depict
elude v. to avoid; to escape; to shrink
elusive adj. tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory; difficult to define or describe
embark v. to go on board a ship; to put on board a ship; to begin; to become involved in an enterprise
embrace n. hug; act of wrapping one's arms around another person or thing
embrace v. to accept; to use; to include; to surround; to belief; to attempt to sway the opinion of a judge or jury through bribery or threats; to hug; to hold tight
emend v. to improve by critical editing
emerge v. to appear; to come out; to be revealed
emergency adj. in the event of sudden need
emergency n. sudden need demanding immediate action
emit v. to give or send out (matter or energy); to voice; express; to issue with authority, especially to put (currency) into circulation
empathy n. entering into the feelings of another; sympathy; vicarious emotion; understanding
emphasis n. importance that is attached to something; accent or stress that is placed on a word or words
emphasize v. to stress; to show the importance of
emulate v. to imitate; to try to equal or excel; to take after; to copy
enact v. to make into law; to act (something) out, as on a stage
enclose v. to surround; to confine; to close in; to place an additional document or letter within another
enclosure n. confinement; additional document or letter placed within another
encounter v. to meet by chance; to face; to meet with (difficulties, hardships, etc.)
encourage v. to support; to inspire; to give hope
encroach v. to advance beyond proper limits; to infringe

endorse v. to write one's signature on the back of (a check, for example) as evidence of the legal transfer of its ownership, especially in return for the cash or credit indicated on its face; to place (one's signature), as on a contract, to indicate approval of its contents or terms; to acknowledge (receipt of payment) by signing a bill, draft, or other instrument; to give approval of or support to, especially by public statement; sanction
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