会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


magnificent adj. splendid; majestic; superb; glorious; impressive
maintain v. to keep in existence; to keep in good condition; to preserve; to support; to provide for; to affirm; to declare; to assert; to insist
maintenance n. upkeep; repairs; livelihood; means of support
majority n. greater number or part; number greater than half of the total
malevolence n. the quality or state of being malevolent; malicious behavior
malevolent adj. having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious; having an evil or harmful influence
malfunction n. failure to function; faulty or abnormal functioning
malfunction v. to fail to function; to function improperly
mall n. shopping center; variety of stores and businesses housed within a series of connected buildings or within a single building; pedestrian walkway; promenade
maltreat v. to treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse
managerial adj. relating to supervision and responsibility
mandate n. command; order; authorization granted from one body to a subordinate body
mandate v. to grant a country the right to administer a territory; to issue a command; to make an official order
mandatory adj. required or commanded by authority; obligatory; of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate; holding a League of Nations mandate over a territory
manifest adj. clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious
manifest n. a list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane; an invoice of goods carried on a truck or train; a list of railroad cars according to owner and location
manifest v. to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal; to be evidence of; prove
manifold adj. many and varied; of many kinds; multiple; having many features or forms
manifold n. a whole composed of diverse elements; one of several copies
manifold v. to make several copies of, as with carbon paper; to make manifold; multiply
manual adj. physical; done using human skill or force
manual n. instructional booklet; handbook
manually adv. by hand; physically
manufacture n. product made by hand or by machine
manufacture v. to make by machine; to produce; to crate; to make; to fabricate; to invent
margin n. profit from the difference between costs and net sales
margin v. to set apart an additional amount of space or money for security
maternal adj. motherly; related through a mother; relating to or characteristic of a mother or motherhood
maximum adj. greatest; most; utmost; highest
maximum n. greatest quantity or amount possible; highest capacity; most possible; height; peak; limit
mayor n. elected official acting as executive head of a town or city
meaning n. definition; significance; intention; explanation
means n. method; way; medium; resources; funds
measurable adj. estimable; determinable; assessable
measure n. action; step; unit of size or capacity; criterion; amount; degree; extent; meter
measure v. to weigh; to gauge; to quantify; to assess; to evaluate; to estimate; to allocate
measurement n. calculation of size or extent; assessment of capacity or dimension
meddle v. to intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere; to handle something idly or ignorantly; tamper
mediocre adj. regular; ordinary; neither; good nor bad; low-grade; poor
meditation n. the act or process of meditating; a devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation
meditate v. to reflect on; contemplate; to plan in the mind; intend
medium n. means by which something is accomplished; means of expression; channel of communication; middle man; intermediary; broker
membership n. state of belonging to an organization or group; fellowship
memo n. reminder; internal document
mental adj. of or relating to the mind; intellectual; psychological
mentor n. adviser; counselor; person who guides and teaches; spiritual instructor
merchandise n. goods; ware; stock; articles or items to be sold
merchandise v. to trade; to plan for and promote for sales of; to market goods

merge v. to blend; to be blended; to combine or unite into a single body; to be assimilated
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