会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  Unit 4
  astringent a.收敛性的;止血的
  astrolabe n.星盘
  astrology n.占星学
  astute a.机敏的;狡猾的
  asunder ad.散开;碎散;分别 [ on sundran into pieces: cf SUNDER分为二,分开,切开]
  asylum n.收容所;避难所 [ asulon refuge a- not + sulon right ofseizure捕捉,扣押]
  asymmetric a.不均匀的;不对称的
  atheistic a.无神论者的
  athirst a.渴;渴望 [ ofthyrst for ofthyrsted pp. of ofthyrstan be thirsty]
  athlete n.比赛者,运动家;强壮的人[ athleta athletes athleo contend for a prize(athlon)]
  athletics n.pl.运动
  athwart ad.横穿过去;不顺利地
  atlas n.地图集 [ Atlas -antos a Titan who held up the pillars of theuniverse, whose picture appeared at the beginning] of
  atomy n.微小之物;原子;矮人
  atonal a.无调的
  atone v.补偿;赎罪
  atrocious a.凶暴的;残酷的
  atrophy v.使衰退;使萎缩
  attach v.附上,贴上;使属于
  attachment n.附着;依恋;逮捕;扣押 [ attachement attacher(ATTACH, -MENT)]
  attainment n.成就;造诣;学识
  attentive a.注意周到的;倾听的
  attenuate v.使变细;使弱
  attest v.证明;证实
  attic n.阁楼
  attire n.服装;盛装;打扮
  attorney n.代理人;律师 [ atorne pp. of atorner assignto+torner turn]
  attribute n.品性 [ attribuere attribut-(AD-, tribuere assign)]
  attrition n.摩擦;磨损
  attune v.使合拍调;使调和
  atypical a.非典型的;不正常的
  auction v.n.拍卖;拍卖人 [ auctio increase, auction augere auct- increase]
  audacious a.大胆的;目中无人的
  audible a.听得见的,可听见的
  audience n.听众;观众
  audit n.检查(项目)
  auditorium n.听众席,观众席;大讲堂 [ neut. of auditorius (adj.): AUDITORY, -ORIUM]
  augment v.增加 [ augment(n), augere increase]
  augury n.占兆 [ augurie oraugurium AUGUR]
  august a.堂堂的;威风凛凛的 [ auguste oraugustus consecrated, venerable]
  aural a.耳的;听觉的 [ auris ear auricular耳的;听觉的;耳语的]
  aureate a.金色的;灿烂的 [ aureatus aureus golden aurum gold]
  aureole n.光环
  auroral a.北极光的
  auscultation n.听诊
  auspice n.前兆;赞助;资助 [observer avis bird.
  auspicate [开张;开幕式]
  auspicious a.幸运的 [(auspice 的形容词)an ~ sign 吉兆 auspicial 占卜的;幸运的]
  austere a.苛刻的
  austral a.南方的;向南的 [ australis Auster south wind]
  authentic a.可信的,确实的,真正的
  authenticate v.证实;鉴定;使生效
  authoritative a.权威的;可靠的
  authorize v.授权;委任;认为正当
  autocrat n.独裁者
  autodidact n.自学者
  automatism n.自动;自动作用
  automaton n.自动机器;机器人 [ neut of automatos acting of itself: AUTO-automatism自动]
  autonomous a.自主的
  autopsy n.验尸 [ autopsie or modL autopsia autoptes eye-witness]
  autotelic a.自己本身具有目的的
  auxiliary n.a.帮助者;辅助的 [ auxiliarius auxilium help]
  avail v.利益;效用
  avalanche n.雪崩;涌至
  avarice n.贪婪
  avatar n.神之化身;具体化
  avenge v.报仇;复仇 [ vindicare vindicate("要求")证明无辜或清白]
  aver v.断言 [ averer(AD-,verus true) averment 断言,主张;申辩]
  averse a.不愿意的;反对的 [ aversus(AVERT)aversion嫌恶,反感;讨厌的人]
  avert v.避开;掉开 [ avertere(AB-, vertere vers- turn): partly avertir Rmc]
  aviary n.鸟的小屋;禽舍
  aviate v.用飞机飞行
  aviculture n.养鸟;鸟类饲养
  avid a.贪婪的;渴望的
  avocation n.副业;嗜好
  avouch v.保证;确说 [ avochier advocare(AD-, vocare call)]
  avow v.公开承认
  avuncular a.如叔(伯)父的 [ avunculus maternal uncle, dimin of avusgrandfather]
  await v.等待;准备作……之用
  awe n.敬畏
  awhile ad.暂时;暂且 [ ane hwile a while]
  awning n.雨篷;凉篷
  awry ad.歪;斜;错误地
  axiom n.定理
  axiomatic a.公理的;通则的

  axle n.轮轴;轴;车轴

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19


</p>  azure a.天青色的 [ asur, azur, Arab al the+lazaward]
  babble v.唠叨
  baccalaureate n.学士学位;告别训辞 [ baccalaureatus baccalaureus bachelor]
  bacchanalian a.饮酒狂欢的
  backbite v.背后诽谤
  backlog n.积压订货;蓄积;预备
  bacteria n.pl.细菌;传染菌
  badge n.v.徽章;标记;象徵
  badger v.獾;困扰;小贩
  badinage n.嘲弄;揶揄;开玩笑
  baffle v.使迷惑;阻挠 [ bafouer ridicule, OF beffer mock baffling阻碍的;使困惑]
  bail n.保释金;担保
  bait n.v.饵;小憩;置饵于 [ beita hunt or chase badger baiting 耍獾的游戏]
  bald a.无毛的;单调的 [ ballede, orig 'having a white blaze', ball- 'whitepatch']
  bale v.灾难;不幸
  balk v.中止;阻碍
  ballad n.民谣;歌谣 [ balade Prov balada dancing-song balar to dance]
  ballast n.压载物;压仓物
  ballerina n.芭蕾舞女 [ ballerino dancing-master ballare dance :BALL]
  ballot n.投票用小球;投票。"小球 "
  balmy a.温和的;芳香的
  bamboozle v.欺骗;愚弄;使迷惑 9[至1976年间)]
  ban v.n.禁令;法规;逐出教门 [ bannan summon ]
  banal a.平凡的;陈腐的 ['compulsory', 'common to all',ban(BAN)banality平凡,陈腐]
  bandage n.绷带;蒙眼用布;包扎
  bandanna n.大手帕
  bandbox n.装帽纸盒;薄板盒
  bandit n.强盗,盗贼,土匪;歹徒
  bane n.毒;危害;毁灭(的原因)
  baneful a.有害的
  banish v.放逐;驱逐出境;忘忧 [ banir ult]
  banister n.栏杆小柱 [同baluster balustrade有小柱(baluster)的栏干bap小型卷式面包]
  bankrupt n.a.v.破产;使破产
  banner n.v.旗;标志;大标题
  banter n.嘲弄
  baptism n.洗礼
  barb n.倒钩;刺人的话 [ barbe barba beard barbed有刺的]
  barbaric a.未开化的,野蛮作风的 [ barbaricus barbaros foreign]
  barbarous a.野蛮的;异国语的
  foreign babarity[蛮行,残忍,粗野]
  barbecue n.v.烤肉架;烤肉野餐 [ barbacoa Haitian barbac wooden frame on posts]
  barcarole n.船夫歌 [威尼斯运河平底舟(gondola)船歌 Barcelona 巴塞隆纳]
  barge n.v.舢板;运输;蹒跚 [ perh med baricabaris Egyptian boat]
  bark v.吼叫;咳嗽;剥树皮 [同BARQUE prob Prov barca barca ship's boat]
  barley n.大麦 [ blic(adj)bere barley]
  barm n.啤酒泡 [ beorma barmy 充满酵母的;起泡沫的;笨的]
  barn n.谷仓;巴安(断面单位)
  barometer n.气压计;晴雨表
  baron n.男爵;大王 [ barun,baron med baro, -onis man]
  baroque a.过分装饰的;俗丽的 [(orig = 'irregular pearl')Port barroco]
  barque n.咆哮;多桅帆船;树皮 [ barca ship's boat("小船"→embark出航,搭乘;投入,从事]
  barrack n.兵房;大而简陋建筑;驻扎
  barrage n.弹雨;掩护炮火
  barren a.n.不妊的;不毛之地 [ barai(g)ne,barhaine etc]
  barricade n.障碍物
  barrier n.栅栏;关卡;障碍 [ barrere, OF barriere]
  barring prep.除……以外
  barrister n.律师
  barrow n.手推车
  barter n.易货交易 [ barater: BARRATOR使船主遭受损失的船长或船员;诉讼教唆犯;买卖圣职或官位者]
  basal a.基础的;根本的
  bash v.怒殴;猛烈的一击
  bashful a.害羞的;内向的
  bask v.取暖;曝日;沐浴于
  bastard n.a.非嫡子;可怜的;异常的
  baste v.殴打;公开责骂;涂油脂 [假缝,稀疏地缝布,衣服等;为防止烤焦在烤肉上涂调味酱]
  bastille n.城堡;牢狱;巴斯蒂监狱
  bastion n.城堡;设防地区 [ bastione bastire build]
  batch n.一炉(面包等);一组
  bate v.压制;减弱
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