会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  1.in the United States voters election representatives to the national legislature , which consists of the House of Representatives and the Snate. Election-〉elect(句子成分残缺)
  观察主句,发现没有谓语。 Representatives因为有s,所以不是形容词而是名词。于是就出现了三个名词voters election representatives无标点相连的情况。这种情况很罕见,我们因该对它很敏感。思考一下就知道中间的名词变为动词,即Election-〉 elect 2.Her work in genetics won United States scientist Barbara McClintock —— - in 1983.(A) was the Nobel Prize(B) the Nobel Prize was(C) the Nobel Prize(D) for the Nobel Prize选c(双宾语)
  大家要注意双宾语的考法。动词后面直接接两个名词。而且看题干,已经有一个谓语动词,除非要填的部分中有从句引导词,否则不可出现BE动词,排除A.B.而D又明显错误,因 为Nobel Prize为B.M的双宾语。
  这题可以多读两遍,有助于大家培养正确的语感。另外大家要格外注意像give这类的词。可以说give sth to sb,也可以说give sb sth
  3.—— usually thought to end in northern New Mexico, the Rocky Mountains really extend southward to the frontier of Mexico.(A) Despite(B) To be(C) While(D) However选c(连词)
  分析:A.despite 为介词,后面要加名词形式的东东,e.g.Despite usually being thought to end in ……而这里的thought 是过去分词,不是动名词,所以不对。
  B.to be 是目的状语,不能表达出转折关系C.while可表转折关系的conj. D.however 是转折连词,不能用于引导状语从句。
  4.Complex spacecraft are characterized by a various of supporting systems,including communications,guidance and navigation,altitude control,and ,in some cases,life-support systems. Various-〉variety(介词前为名词)
  5. During the Pleistocene glacial periods _____ portions of the Earth where plant and animal life flourished making it possible for people to subsist.(A) the(B) it was(C) there were(D) have there been选c.分析句子成分后发现缺主谓。C显然是正确的。D的倒装很明显错。
  6. Nebraska has floods in some years, _____.(A) in others drought(B) droughts are others(C) while other droughts(D) others in drought选a(省略的用法) .省略是托福考试的一个难点。做这部分题需要我们对句子结构和省略方式有很好地掌握此题,原句为:Nebraska has floods in some years, and Nebraska has drought in other years. 并列从句省略,然后时间状语提前。
  如果看不清省略方式,就抓住细节一样能把题做出来。看到in some years,肯定是in other years,省略year就是in others.因为后面缺主谓,省略的必定是主谓,句子结构一定要跟前面一致,最多就是有倒装而已。实在不行就往回推,自己把主谓加在后面看看哪个最合理最像前面一句就是答案
  7. While studying the (chemistry) of (human body) , Dr. Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she (conducted on) the (role) of hormones. (95/8 )
  8. Some (insects) (hear) ultrasonic sounds (more than) two octaves (than higher) humans can.选d(比较级语序) ,比较级是先出现比较再出现than.这类的题也曾经出现过好几次。不难,但要有个个印象。
  9. _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food.(A) The most(B) Most(C) Most of(D) Of the most选a.was说明前面是单数。只能the most来说明它是最高级
  10.The first Native Americans (to occupy) (what is) now the southwestern United States (were) the Big-Game Hunters, (which) appeared about 10,000 B.C. Which->who(who,which的混用) .这又是托福中时不时就会出现一次的考点。还是那句话,对考点的敏感决定你的速度和正确率。

  11. {In} plane geometry,the sum of (the internal) angles of (any )triangle (has) always equal to 180 degrees. d.has->is ,be equal to.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19


</p>  12.(On) steep hillsides, tree roots bind to (soil) that might (otherwise) be washed away (if) heavy rains. if——>when ,if后面要跟完整句,d显然错了。而when则可以省略与前句重复的主语。
  14.In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points —— —— distances from two fixed points is constant. A) which as the sum of B)of the sum which C) whose sum of whose D) whose sum that the选a,有人认为那是选d.我个人认为,d从语法上讲有点问题。后面的that做什么?distances又做什么?要是sum of the还说得过去但从语义上理解只能是a.我们知道,椭圆上的点到两个焦点距离之和为定量,a就是表达的这个意思。如果是c(sum of),表达的意思是所有点到两焦点距离之和为衡量,这显然是不对的,a的表达方式不大合乎我们的习惯,请大家自己记一下。As后面表示此事物的性质
  15. Although (based it on) feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania (developed) a (reputation) for a (progressive political) and social outlook.选a.这里我们讨论一下d,这里progressive是修饰outlook的,和 political and social作为整体并列,多个形容词修饰同一个名词形容词间不需要逗号或and下面是rinehart关于这个问题的讲解:political and social,是因为political、social之间是并列的一个名词是可以同时被多个形容词修饰的a tall intelligent young American professor不可能写成a tall and intelligent and young and American professor .
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