会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


Those strawberry growers in Miller County who last year treated their
strawberry fields with a certain fungicide report that this year strawberry
plants will not grow in the treated fields.Yet, since crop failures have
also occurred this year in adjacent, untreated fields, it is obvious that the
fungicide is not responsible for this disaster.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
       Within weeks after spraying, the fungicide breaks down into a number
      of simple compounds that have no antifungal effect.
      The fungicide is normally sprayed on fields only toward the end of the
      growing season after the strawberries have begun to ripen.
      Farmers in Miller County who last year used a fungicide chemically
       similar to that used on the affected strawberry fields have reported
       no significant crop losses this year.
      The crop failures in the adjacent, untreated fields were as serious as
       those that occurred in the treated fields.
      After being sprayed on crops, the fungicide travels easily through
       irrigation systems from field to field.
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