会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


36. Although Roman original contributions to government, jurisprudence, and engineering are commonly acknowledged, the artistic legacy of the Roman world continues to be
judged widely as ________ the magnificent Greek traditions that preceded it.
   (A) an improvement on
   (B) an echo of
   (C) a resolution of
   (D) a precursor of
   (E) a consummation of

37. Although a few of her contemporaries ________ her book, most either ignored it or mocked it.
   (A) dismissed
   (B) disregarded
   (C) deprecated
   (D) misconstrued
   (E) appreciated

38. Although gregarious by nature, Lisa became quiet and ________ after she was unexpectedly laid off from work.
   (A) autonomous                (B) susceptible
   (C) assertive                   (D) withdrawn
   (E) composed

39. Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he
was ________ acting in an unconsidered fashion.
   (A) chary of
   (B) impervious to
   (C) precipitate in
   (D) hesitant about
   (E) conventional in

40. Although he had spent many hours at the computer trying to solve the problem, he was the first to admit that the final solution was ________ and not the ________ of his labor.
   (A) trivial ... cause
   (B) incomplete ... intent
   (C) adequate ... concern
   (D) schematic ... fault
   (E) fortuitous ... result
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