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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
36. Although Roman original contributions to government, jurisprudence, and engineering are commonly acknowledged, the artistic legacy of the Roman world continues to be
7 I5 D' P* D2 B5 mjudged widely as ________ the magnificent Greek traditions that preceded it.
# e2 X5 F0 P5 V0 }4 B1 U   (A) an improvement on " m$ j$ t* D( P# f# V+ r0 i3 d
   (B) an echo of : Q2 K+ U% N" _( w% N, P2 U
   (C) a resolution of ( L# t" M9 i2 e# `6 u/ ~. ^: X: }/ X
   (D) a precursor of
" S; p' z0 x2 X   (E) a consummation of 7 w3 ^2 ~; C# L3 J( i
  5 c! ]& Y/ p+ e+ k# G
37. Although a few of her contemporaries ________ her book, most either ignored it or mocked it.
5 ^) t' {+ ]7 j+ ?: H  e   (A) dismissed
  F, U& N  N, N: C" B" O1 s   (B) disregarded
$ ~: Y  Q3 c7 V' g) V# Y: s   (C) deprecated
2 I5 o" t+ Q+ @3 p) ]  q' s   (D) misconstrued / h5 V& y5 S+ I# m# t: t: U) [
   (E) appreciated ( D; I0 I, I& B' ]8 E# K
  1 r/ Q, [7 O, ~
38. Although gregarious by nature, Lisa became quiet and ________ after she was unexpectedly laid off from work. , ?* a$ W% B0 ]0 Z( z1 \  s: I
   (A) autonomous                (B) susceptible  0 g0 A. R# \- n+ s
   (C) assertive                   (D) withdrawn
' S0 V% p7 d2 Z$ b   (E) composed
( p- @* k+ G/ A$ \* t' `  5 V. i- r8 E0 D: {7 h' L7 F9 @
39. Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he $ g* ?' m0 D) }$ g3 Z' r; g
was ________ acting in an unconsidered fashion.
, z. v& x7 X5 `* B9 r7 D   (A) chary of 6 f  ~& T  e0 f8 ?2 }
   (B) impervious to
* y: u2 T. j4 o% m& z- q# Y   (C) precipitate in
" d. N8 v( X0 m+ N* e6 n, }) F   (D) hesitant about
1 q  O& c+ l% V. i! z4 q* ?0 j   (E) conventional in 4 |! m$ n/ D! c  A
- K" V% H" S8 }  }$ c4 I40. Although he had spent many hours at the computer trying to solve the problem, he was the first to admit that the final solution was ________ and not the ________ of his labor.
6 w9 C( E1 R1 M6 b) U& M) r4 ^   (A) trivial ... cause / B; E0 r. Y7 l2 V
   (B) incomplete ... intent / P' R! h( y2 X
   (C) adequate ... concern $ g8 U, V, m$ b" k7 X/ d4 e0 `- Q  g% S
   (D) schematic ... fault
6 b% h" g1 g+ B# R3 x7 Z' A   (E) fortuitous ... result ( b  O5 W. }  ]/ a6 R. Q( R, I

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