会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


The officers of an 1845 English ship belonged to the nobility, but they
experienced more severe lead poisoning on an extended voyage than
did the working-class crew.It was discovered later that canned foods,
bought by the crew and officers to supplement the equally distributed
dried food rations, were tainted with lead.
Given the information above, which of the following, if true, would most
contribute to an explanation of the greater severity of lead poisoning
among the officers?
    AAlthough all ship members ate the same amount of food per day,
       the crew ate all of their daily dried food rations while the officers
       substituted canned food for most of their rations.
   B The canned food produced in England in 1845 could last the dura-
      tion of most extended voyages without becoming inedible.
    COn average, the officers had spent less time at sea than had the
       members of the working-class crew.
   D The population of England in 1845 got much of its drinking water
       from lead pipes that carried the waterfrom rivers and lakes,
       thereby contaminating the water with lead particles.
    EThe rate of consumption of canned foods did not increase as
       the ship's voyage continued.
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