会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


Historical factors such as technological change, social conditions, or pre-      
vailing public tastes are not the only factors that influence artistic style.
Artistic style also derives from artists' individual tastes and predilections,
which frequently anticipate stylistic trends of the future or reflect those of
the past.
If the statements are true, which of the following conclusions is best sup-
ported on the basis of them?
       A It is often difficult to determine solely on the basis of style exactly
       when a work of art was created.
      B An artist whose work is influenced by stylistic trends of the past
       need not be aware of that influence.
    CIt is essential to know the historical context in which a work of art
       was created in order to arrive at an accurate appraisal of its
      artistic merit.
   D   The tastes and predilections that are idiosyncratic to an individual
       artist are sometimes influenced by the technological changes that
       affect the society in which that artist lives.
   E   Tastes and predilections are almost always more similar among
       any given set of contemporaries than among any given set of indi-
       viduals from different time periods.
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