会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


1. Although there are weeks of negotiations ahead,
and perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders
of both parties are ---- that their differences
can be resolved.
(A) optimistic
(B) perplexed
(C) apprehensive
(D) incredulous
(E) uncertain

2. The losing animal in a struggle saves itself from
destruction by an act of ----, an act usually
recognized and ---- by the winner.
(A) submission.. accepted
(B) hostility.. avoided
(C) bluffing .. reaffirmed
(D) anger.. condoned
(E) hatred.. duplicated

3. He never ---- the wisdom I had claimed for
him, and my friends quickly dismissed my
estimate of his ability as ----.
(A) repudiated.. irony
(B) inhibited .. propaganda
(C) demonstrated.. hyperbole
(D) masked.. exaggeration
(E) vindicated.. understatement

4. It would seem that absolute qualities in art
---- us, that we cannot escape viewing works
of art in ---- of time and circumstance.
(A) enlighten.. a pattern
(B) frighten.. an absence
(C) confuse.. a welter
(D) elude .. a context
(E) deceive.. a milieu

5. This new government is faced not only with
---- its economy but also with implementing
new rural development programs to ---- the
flow of farm workers to the city.
(A) managing.. stem
(B) offsetting.. harness
(C) bolstering.. transmit
(D) challenging.. measure
(E) modernizing.. subsidize
1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A
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