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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although there are weeks of negotiations ahead,  
4 b) ]  f9 Z0 G! @2 u" Aand perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders  6 S" ^4 ^% [/ D' h+ i7 q) Q3 ~) x
of both parties are ---- that their differences  
! X4 f' L3 r% F. H6 W) c& W+ tcan be resolved.
. E( V( h$ K7 k0 N+ ^8 p0 R0 y1 O  (A) optimistic  
  H' G& s, \/ l, K  (B) perplexed  / f2 Z% ]  w5 M" n' y- B$ c
  (C) apprehensive  
: T8 ^5 I$ U  u! h8 U' {9 x0 P) ~  (D) incredulous  
- w" X& I/ n- O; \0 l  (E) uncertain  
; V. m% B' Q/ a& ^" V! U' @+ S  & |6 p: j9 z' |- o
2. The losing animal in a struggle saves itself from  9 S& O& H: C" u
destruction by an act of ----, an act usually  
- y) f, @, J, ~. W% Z+ o) l+ T: e& Drecognized and ---- by the winner. ; `  |- f. l5 M$ y1 N
  (A) submission.. accepted  
4 l7 x0 }2 e3 T: \( N5 E4 l  (B) hostility.. avoided  7 V0 K5 v5 {  L5 r/ x, c/ r9 r
  (C) bluffing .. reaffirmed
  ?& U# b+ D2 i' P- ~* X5 G  (D) anger.. condoned ( V5 M4 X6 d; n' h+ Q0 ]
  (E) hatred.. duplicated  * U5 W7 R/ |$ c9 ~+ I
  5 E2 o9 j! r3 o: |9 n! r
3. He never ---- the wisdom I had claimed for  9 ]! {# z# A( p; L* g/ x0 p3 p
him, and my friends quickly dismissed my  $ b+ X5 `* ], `  H: F
estimate of his ability as ----. 6 |" C0 ^% N  Y3 a  g
  (A) repudiated.. irony  
+ z1 R) Q- E. ?7 O& G; e9 h2 O3 T  (B) inhibited .. propaganda
6 @+ d' w" M. R2 @5 e( @# r7 p8 l6 s- w, p  (C) demonstrated.. hyperbole  ( @+ ~- g5 c  j0 a
  (D) masked.. exaggeration  
' f4 w2 V' o) B* X  ^7 z8 Q! M  (E) vindicated.. understatement  $ x% C- ?; e$ O' l
  % D- t. A) e8 H) I: n0 l
4. It would seem that absolute qualities in art  
9 d1 c2 U6 j0 M1 J) ]4 F) w5 v2 M---- us, that we cannot escape viewing works  
9 n' d. W9 J% ~& Y: l( r; jof art in ---- of time and circumstance.
, d- ~" m' B+ Y8 I  (A) enlighten.. a pattern  
& r3 l) |0 \( d8 C- e- y' c$ z( ^  (B) frighten.. an absence  
) j' t& f0 ]& h: k& W3 N  (C) confuse.. a welter  0 I' s0 j. B1 F
  (D) elude .. a context  
* c3 M/ [& q5 `* T, X$ X. f  (E) deceive.. a milieu  
9 u( g+ S/ ?( R. O- T  " [' `4 u' w  u% q; S( `
5. This new government is faced not only with  
8 s4 r4 b; [) w/ ]- V---- its economy but also with implementing  
5 F) K& [. |" K: c: T0 J- @new rural development programs to ---- the  " Q9 U+ S9 \3 n
flow of farm workers to the city.  
* t; }4 a; c3 P& B2 O5 ?  (A) managing.. stem  5 {" ]0 k1 S0 |; V' u+ R* t0 I
  (B) offsetting.. harness  
; ?& }3 a* z0 }. F/ t  (C) bolstering.. transmit  # ]% M8 l. y" k) U- F
  (D) challenging.. measure  
' E9 F* U3 C  [) j  i  (E) modernizing.. subsidize  # f" R/ u) N* Z7 C
1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A

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