会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


It must be true that traffic moves in
opposite directions on M and R
opposite directions on P and Q
the same direction on O and P
the same direction on O and Q
the same direction on O and R


If traffic moves east on Q, which of the following must be true?
 ⅠTraffic on M can make a left turn onto Q.
 Ⅱ Traffic on R can make a left turn onto Q.
 Ⅲ Traffic moves east on O.
Ⅰand Ⅱ only
Ⅱand Ⅲ only
Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ


If traffic moves west on P, which of the following must be true?
Traffic can proceed on P across M and then make a right turn onto N
without first leaving P.
Traffic can proceed on R across P and then make a right turn onto Q
without first leaving R.
Traffic can proceed on R scores M and then make a right turn onto N
without first leaving R.
Traffic on R that reaches the intersection of R and O can make a left
turn onto O without first leaving R.
Traffic on P that reaches the intersection of P and R can make a right
onto R without first leaving P.


The newly discovered moon of Jupiter has an orbit around the planet that is
well within the Roche limit for Jupiter. The Roche limit is the distance
within which satellites with a liquid core break up because of the strength
of a planet’s gravitational pull.
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the
information above?

The newly discovered satellite bas begun to break up.
The object called a newly discovered moon of Jupiter is not in fact a
moon of Jupiter.
The newly discovered moon of Jupiter does not have a liquid core.
The Roche limit for Jupiter is farther away from the planet than is the
Roche limit for other planets.
Jupiter has a weak gravitational pull.


Choose the most logical completion for the following paragraph.
A pluralist society takes into account the claims of recognized groups, with
their conflicting interests, and attempts to mediate between them. But no group
that is not sufficiently well organized to be recognized can make its claims
count for anything at all. Its advocates will be treated as extremists or
foreign agents. Thus the net effect of government action taken along pluralist
principles will be to __________.

strike the best possible compromises
suppress the freedom of speech
give everyone part of what he or she claims
reinforce existing social structures
resolve conflicts of interest


If we believe that the Earth moves, even though we do not feel it move, and
that the Sun does not move around the Earth, even though we see that it does,
we might as well completely give up trusting our five senses.
The argument above is vulnerable to which of the following objections?

Why should sight be any less trustworthy than the other senses, when it
appears to be the most accurate?
How can we say that an object we know to be large, such as the Sun,
revolves around a much smaller object, such as the Earth?
What authority do the sense perceptions of a single person have, when
contrasted with the objective system of scientific knowledge?
Why should we refuse to say that the Earth moves, when we see the Sun
rise and set every day?
How do we know that the Earth moves around the Sun, if it is not from
evidence gained through the senses?

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查看完整版本: 历年GRE考试真题精选系列四十一