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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列四十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It must be true that traffic moves in * n1 e( P' y; P4 a- c* ~
opposite directions on M and R
4 m/ N7 h' l# m% b# \ opposite directions on P and Q ( U/ I6 Z$ J0 T5 ~7 U) I
the same direction on O and P
5 P8 u1 ]6 s0 g the same direction on O and Q + J3 e' ?' z8 Y
the same direction on O and R
  Y6 }3 c- Q% _' K: H  
1 y8 c8 j/ ~9 u  A———————————————————————— " M7 \# u% n  C
答案:(A) 1 m, ]! o( r7 s2 g7 ~
1 h  }# }' h/ p+ qIf traffic moves east on Q, which of the following must be true?
) v2 f* k* P' _6 [ ⅠTraffic on M can make a left turn onto Q. 2 t. f* A  s8 t( ]' D4 j& \
 Ⅱ Traffic on R can make a left turn onto Q.
2 h$ e/ M6 J; p7 ]) x' H Ⅲ Traffic moves east on O.
7 K! a  K8 s+ H! ~. ?- BⅠonly
3 z& P* p+ U  O9 w, i. b1 wⅡonly 3 c+ E7 a4 [) R. T5 J# d
Ⅰand Ⅱ only
' b) m2 s5 k4 H4 J; N: v Ⅱand Ⅲ only
5 M: c; v3 ~7 E. @; H2 | Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ
& z: W, [) U6 k& d" a  ; |! j- c' m4 G- v
* B! h' e' C9 `答案:(A) 3 C; N, y6 ]3 O- I: B. r5 i# J$ k
  % \( X& U& {4 G
If traffic moves west on P, which of the following must be true?
0 d- k! V9 N" Q8 b6 b+ i Traffic can proceed on P across M and then make a right turn onto N
3 z' {# {, Z; Zwithout first leaving P. 3 @$ f0 I# ^7 a6 H
Traffic can proceed on R across P and then make a right turn onto Q
% d5 P* l7 V! `3 l7 L2 |: U; Kwithout first leaving R. ( o; J. G! H; \5 E' D$ e
Traffic can proceed on R scores M and then make a right turn onto N
0 n& g$ l' J6 |9 G! n! _0 w1 uwithout first leaving R. . g4 S# h" X# A# L
Traffic on R that reaches the intersection of R and O can make a left ) a1 N& u: f1 ~3 ]& P$ V
turn onto O without first leaving R. 3 X: X- W; K* C6 p1 k
Traffic on P that reaches the intersection of P and R can make a right
3 M2 E8 q2 m1 D5 R7 h2 j1 R+ [onto R without first leaving P.
  ^$ P( P; D9 G* ]) ^  6 U2 H! ~) ]* `" Y- x
———————————————————————— ' h% w! P4 ~$ z
3 _* E1 ]. Q& u% z  
6 M8 ~5 U! p1 ]& i$ Y8 U. j* VThe newly discovered moon of Jupiter has an orbit around the planet that is
& d" i- \2 o5 k+ ^well within the Roche limit for Jupiter. The Roche limit is the distance
6 m' n  x& k+ Twithin which satellites with a liquid core break up because of the strength ) i$ A% k( e1 Q: I: c5 G/ h8 e
of a planet’s gravitational pull.
) U) Y& r9 Q5 j1 w7 A  4 j( M' L5 }) {# ~# K. ^- P
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the ( u3 Y9 ]! t% k- b
information above?
: M! M2 i; W3 I* M) F" Z: O1 e# A% R  
2 H! D0 v: {+ ?, r9 ~& q5 t, I The newly discovered satellite bas begun to break up. ; @# C4 k/ v$ P, P8 m( e
The object called a newly discovered moon of Jupiter is not in fact a
$ S. ]% c# v, g) P! T- zmoon of Jupiter.
% N- \" W) F& A, L' M The newly discovered moon of Jupiter does not have a liquid core.
5 i( `# ]* K  {# l- `" b% r7 [. B The Roche limit for Jupiter is farther away from the planet than is the 8 ]9 u4 x: K; r0 _& R6 O( f" M) L$ L
Roche limit for other planets.
* x5 |/ Q; ]% a Jupiter has a weak gravitational pull. . K+ V/ S, a' s. b, a- {: I
  ) y  f: [: X1 `* M9 Z, `. W" r
———————————————————————— ( v- }9 k9 P4 g3 w  I
答案:(C) * q# d  C# a6 |+ L# r: f+ M1 D
3 b3 q% j  y$ w* \; l3 [Choose the most logical completion for the following paragraph. ( f% C) Z# h$ m1 A' h& M$ h
  , V0 x" h0 y; }4 a+ U" B
A pluralist society takes into account the claims of recognized groups, with # t2 F# A0 V) |
their conflicting interests, and attempts to mediate between them. But no group
- Z) c- d. m9 o; k+ B$ [7 uthat is not sufficiently well organized to be recognized can make its claims 8 f0 R  d5 i; P- c, X+ x) {! f% c
count for anything at all. Its advocates will be treated as extremists or 5 v  Y4 g, A) W9 ^
foreign agents. Thus the net effect of government action taken along pluralist
: u2 X' ]9 x6 e2 [. V4 cprinciples will be to __________.
; ]: s4 z2 l) H/ c  |8 _  
) Z2 _; v* j. K5 r, N/ R" n" H+ K6 d strike the best possible compromises / R  d- P9 s1 W3 M5 A6 I5 ~
suppress the freedom of speech $ P8 ?4 G% r& I% G7 l& F
give everyone part of what he or she claims
' b, R& I0 ]/ q- ~/ I reinforce existing social structures
" _' l0 Y% R: s" K resolve conflicts of interest 0 P3 _/ p$ j0 q& E3 N+ r6 u
  5 }3 V! a' h8 i7 \  \8 x1 A
———————————————————————— 6 P2 o; B; S/ h) u
答案:(D) ( q/ p1 U6 C" t0 X- [
/ O! {* _% g) N6 ]! l6 Q5 W1 A* C8 zIf we believe that the Earth moves, even though we do not feel it move, and / L* ~, X5 R) ?% A4 T% x" m
that the Sun does not move around the Earth, even though we see that it does, . k4 {+ }: I) A. b+ j
we might as well completely give up trusting our five senses.
- x: _) K$ B* S. K0 |+ P+ n4 w, N" k  * P9 n9 E" y3 @- o
The argument above is vulnerable to which of the following objections?
4 G" R9 q( h, y: V) D, M- O1 N  
  Z% s7 l4 X% }% X8 l8 C Why should sight be any less trustworthy than the other senses, when it
- e# e$ N. U( }appears to be the most accurate? ' g; [- Y1 r. |% t: b
How can we say that an object we know to be large, such as the Sun, 9 R. |5 ^9 t9 L8 M3 t% u6 W+ _' X6 E
revolves around a much smaller object, such as the Earth?
' R/ k2 g" p# \% S# H3 n/ f4 C What authority do the sense perceptions of a single person have, when
. @# K/ n; F8 V* b0 p  qcontrasted with the objective system of scientific knowledge?
2 g4 t0 ]( u0 M$ ?+ s' b8 s* \ Why should we refuse to say that the Earth moves, when we see the Sun
$ y, t# @3 u- e: [. C) f& zrise and set every day?
3 a7 i6 p$ }0 X# l3 Z  w How do we know that the Earth moves around the Sun, if it is not from * q' Q- U3 U" ^- w9 e3 p3 [
evidence gained through the senses? * C0 ]9 Z$ S. f) r8 M
$ H/ M$ W! B0 U8 P! u: @0 p( V/ q————————————————————————
8 f) n' D7 M' ^) g+ S/ P  Z3 p7 b答案:(E)

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