会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


oracle: prophecy
pundit: diplomacy
sage: criticism
prodigy: youth
scholar: wisdom
osseous: bone
igneous: rock
cellular: microbe
fossilized: plant
nautical: water
uncharted: survey
unwieldy: lift
inscrutable: mention
immutable: anchor
ineluctable: avoid
garrulous: loquacious
abstruse: recondite
prosaic: subtle
sober: informed
agitated: frenetic

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21


   The making of classifications be
  literary historians can be a somewhat
  risky enterprise. When Black poets
  are discussed separately as a group,
(5) for instance, the extent to which
  their work reflects the development
  of poetry in general should not be
  forgotten, or a distortion of literary
  history may result. This caution
(10) is particularly relevant in an
  assessment of the differences between
  Black poets at the turn of the century
  (1900-1909) and those of the
  generation of the 1920’s. These
(15) differences include the bolder and
  more forthright speech of the later
  generation and its technical
  inventiveness. It should be
  remembered, though, that comparable
(20) differences also existed for similar
  generations of White poets.
   When poets of the 1910’s and 1920’s
  are considered together, however, the
  distinctions that literary historians
(25) might make between "conservative"
  and "experimental’ would be of little
  significance in a discussion of Black
  poets, although these remain helpful
  classifications for White poets of
(30) these decades. Certainly differences
  can be noted between "conservative"
  Black poets such as Countee Cullen
  and Claude McKay and "experimental"
  one such as Jean loomer and Langston
(35) Hughes. But Black poets were not
  battling over old or new styles;
  rather, one accomplished Black poet
  was ready to welcome another,
  whatever his her style, for what
(40) mattered was racial pride.
   However, in the 1920’s Black poets
  did debate whether they should deal
  with specifically racial subjects.
  They asked whether they should only
(45) write about Black experience for a
  Black audience or whether such demands
  were restrictive. It may be said,
  though, that virtually all these poets
  wrote their best poems when they spoke
(50) out of racial feeling, race being, as
  James Weldon Johnson rightly put in.
  "perforce the thing the Negro poet
  knows best"
   At the turn of the century, by

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22


(55) contrast, most Black poets generally
  wrote in the conventional manner of
  the age and expressed noble, if
  vague, emotions in their poetry.
  These poets were not unusually
(60) gifted, though Boscoe Jamison
  and G, M, McClellen may be mentioned
  as exceptions. They chose not to write
  in dialect, which, as Sterling Brown
  bas suggested, "meant a rejection of
(65) stereotypes of Negro life," and they
  refused to write only about racial
  subjects. This refusal had both a
  positive and a negative consequence.
  As Brown observes. "Valuably insisting
(70) that Negro poets should not be
  confined to is " sues of race, these
  poets committed error… they
  refused to look into their hearts and
  write." These are important insights,
(75) but one must stress that this refusal
  to look within was also typical of
  most White poets of the United States
  at the time. They, too often turned
  from their own experience and
(80) consequently produced not very
  memorable poems about vague
  topics, such as the peace of nature.
According to the passage, most
turn-of-the-century Black poets
generally did which of the following?
Wrote in ways that did not challenge
accepted literary practice.
Described scenes from their own
Aroused patriotic feelings by expressing
devotion to the land.
Expressed complex feeling in the words
of ordinary people.
Interpreted the frustrations of Blacks
to an audience of Whites.
According to the passage, an issue
facing Black poets in the 1920’s was
whether they should
seek a consensus on new techniques
of poetry
write exclusively about and for
withdraw their support from a repressive
turn away from social questions to
recollect the tranquillity of nature
identify themselves with an international
movement of Black writers

oracle: prophecy
pundit: diplomacy
sage: criticism
prodigy: youth
scholar: wisdom



osseous: bone
igneous: rock
cellular: microbe
fossilized: plant
nautical: water



uncharted: survey
unwieldy: lift
inscrutable: mention
immutable: anchor
ineluctable: avoid



garrulous: loquacious
abstruse: recondite
prosaic: subtle
sober: informed
agitated: frenetic


   The making of classifications be
  literary historians can be a somewhat
  risky enterprise. When Black poets
  are discussed separately as a group,
(5) for instance, the extent to which
  their work reflects the development
  of poetry in general should not be
  forgotten, or a distortion of literary
  history may result. This caution
(10) is particularly relevant in an
  assessment of the differences between
  Black poets at the turn of the century
  (1900-1909) and those of the
  generation of the 1920’s. These
(15) differences include the bolder and
  more forthright speech of the later
  generation and its technical
  inventiveness. It should be
  remembered, though, that comparable

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23


(20) differences also existed for similar
  generations of White poets.
   When poets of the 1910’s and 1920’s
  are considered together, however, the
  distinctions that literary historians
(25) might make between "conservative"
  and "experimental’ would be of little
  significance in a discussion of Black
  poets, although these remain helpful
  classifications for White poets of
(30) these decades. Certainly differences
  can be noted between "conservative"
  Black poets such as Countee Cullen
  and Claude McKay and "experimental"
  one such as Jean loomer and Langston
(35) Hughes. But Black poets were not
  battling over old or new styles;
  rather, one accomplished Black poet
  was ready to welcome another,
  whatever his her style, for what
(40) mattered was racial pride.
   However, in the 1920’s Black poets
  did debate whether they should deal
  with specifically racial subjects.
  They asked whether they should only
(45) write about Black experience for a
  Black audience or whether such demands
  were restrictive. It may be said,
  though, that virtually all these poets
  wrote their best poems when they spoke
(50) out of racial feeling, race being, as
  James Weldon Johnson rightly put in.
  "perforce the thing the Negro poet
  knows best"
   At the turn of the century, by
(55) contrast, most Black poets generally
  wrote in the conventional manner of
  the age and expressed noble, if
  vague, emotions in their poetry.
  These poets were not unusually
(60) gifted, though Boscoe Jamison
  and G, M, McClellen may be mentioned
  as exceptions. They chose not to write
  in dialect, which, as Sterling Brown
  bas suggested, "meant a rejection of
(65) stereotypes of Negro life," and they
  refused to write only about racial
  subjects. This refusal had both a
  positive and a negative consequence.
  As Brown observes. "Valuably insisting
(70) that Negro poets should not be
  confined to is " sues of race, these
  poets committed error… they
  refused to look into their hearts and
  write." These are important insights,
(75) but one must stress that this refusal
  to look within was also typical of
  most White poets of the United States
  at the time. They, too often turned
  from their own experience and

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:24


(80) consequently produced not very
  memorable poems about vague
  topics, such as the peace of nature.

According to the passage, most
turn-of-the-century Black poets
generally did which of the following?
Wrote in ways that did not challenge
accepted literary practice.
Described scenes from their own
Aroused patriotic feelings by expressing
devotion to the land.
Expressed complex feeling in the words
of ordinary people.
Interpreted the frustrations of Blacks
to an audience of Whites.


According to the passage, an issue
facing Black poets in the 1920’s was
whether they should
seek a consensus on new techniques
of poetry
write exclusively about and for
withdraw their support from a repressive
turn away from social questions to
recollect the tranquillity of nature
identify themselves with an international
movement of Black writers

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