会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20




【重点词条】generalization 1: the act or process of generalizing 2: a general statement, law, principle, or proposition 3: the act or process whereby a response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with a reference stimulus

inform 1 obs: to give material form to 2 a: to give character or essence tob: to be the characteristic quality of: animate3 obs: guide, direct 4 obs: to make known 5: to communicate knowledge to~ vi 1: to impart information or knowledge 2: to give information (as of another's wrongdoing) to an authority

simplistic 1: simple 2: of, relating to, or characterized by simplism: oversimple-- sim.plis.ti.cal.ly adv

rapid : marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession, or occurrence syn see fast --


【解题分析】上下句转折,下句为no protection, 是一种坏的情况,所以上句应为好的情况,上句结构简化即为destruction could be counterbalanced(a) ,只有这一选择才能表示一种好的情况。

【重点词条】destruction 1: the state or fact of being destroyed: ruin 2: the action or process of destroying something 3: a destroying agency

counterbalance 1: a weight that balances another 2: a force or influence that offsets or checks an opposing force 2counterbalance vt (1611) 1: to oppose or balance with an equal weight or force 2: to equip with counterbalances

introduce 1: to lead or bring in esp. for the first time 2 a: to bring into play b: to bring into practice or use: institute 3: to lead to or make known by a formal act, announcement, or recommendation



【解题分析】分号上下句重复,上句的主句与从句转折,即使不填答案也应知道上句主句的意思为;他该承担责任,所以分号下半句重复这个意思,表示他有责任,可选d或者e, 而d的第一个单词不正确,故选择e.

【重点词条】 berate to scold or condemn vehemently and at length syn see scold accuse 1: to charge with a fault or offense: blame 2: to charge with an offense judicially or by a public process ~ vi: to bring an accusation -- ac.cus.er n -- ac.cus.ing.ly adv



【解题分析】简化句结构即为:union is a hallmark of our present society; in the past, this union appeared sporadically. 一个常见的时间对比型。句子最为复杂的部分为union 后的介词短语,但这个介词短语的分隔纯属 ETS设置的陷阱,根本不需要理会。

【重点词条】devotion 1 a: religious fervor: piety b: an act of prayer or private worship--usu. used in pl. c: a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation 2 a: the act of devoting b: the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal (as to an idea or person) 3 obs: the object of one's devotion syn see fidelity

hallmark 1 a: an official mark stamped on gold and silver articles in England to attest their purity b: a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness 2: a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature2hallmark vt (1773): to stamp with a hallmark

cy.clic or cy.cli.cal adj (1794) 1 a: of, relating to, or being a cycle b: moving in cyclesc: of, relating to, or being a chemical compound containing a ring of atoms 2 cyclic: being a mathematical group that has an element such that every element of the group can be expressed as one of its powers -- cy.cli.cal.ly also cy.clic.ly adv

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21





【重点词条】inebirable incontrovertible



【解题分析】整句是一个so--that 的因果结构,原因句中频繁出现小说和自传,并且是两者的相互表达,所以结果句中选c答案是显而易见的。

【重点词条】interchangeable : capable of being interchanged; esp: permitting mutual substitution-- in.ter.change.abil.i.ty n -- in.ter.change.able.ness n -- in.ter.change.ably adv

misapprehension to apprehend wrongly: misunderstand -- mis.ap.pre.hen.sion n




【重点词条】equipoise 1: a state of equilibrium 2: counterbalance 2equipoise vt (1664) 1: to serve as an equipoise to 2: to put or hold in equipoise

level : steady, unwavering(2): calm, unexcited3: reasonable, balanced



【解题分析】分号句上下句重复。上句讲她的做法是undeniable的,所以下句应对她和艺术的关系作褒扬,而anything but表示否定,故第二空格应为贬义词,b.c.候选,但b的disengaged不能作relationship 的表语,故选c.

【重点词条】 dabbling n.a superficial or intermittent interest, investigation, or experiment

indecision : a wavering between two or more possible courses of action: irresolution considered 1: matured by extended deliberative thought <a ~ opinion> 2: viewed with respect or esteem

disengage : to release from something that engages or involves ~ vi: to release or detach oneself: withdraw -- dis.en.gage.ment n




【重点词条】identify ) 1 a: to cause to be or become identical b: to conceive as united (as in spirit, outlook, or principle)2 a: to establish the identity of b: to determine the taxonomic position of (a biological specimen) ~ vi 1: to be or become the same 2: to practice psychological identification-- iden.ti.fi.able adj -- iden.ti.fi.ably adv

obscure 1 a: dark, dim b: shrouded in or hidden by darkness c: not clearly seen or easily distinguished: faint 2: not readily understood or clearly expressed; also: mysterious 3: relatively unknown: as a: remote, secluded b: not prominent or famous4: constituting an unstressed vowel having the value of/uh/ -- ob.scure.ly adv -- ob.scure.ness n

clarify 1: to make (as a liquid) clear or pure usu. by freeing from suspended matter 2: to free of confusion 3: to make understandable ~ vi: to become clear -- clar.i.fi.ca.tion n -- clar.i.fi.er n



【解题分析】一套比较好的题型,第一种人需要must consciously 做一件事。故一对比即可知道后文的without后应填上consciously对应的同义词。答案选e。

【重点词条】duplicity 1: contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; esp: the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action 2: the quality or state of being double or twofold 3: the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action



会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22


【解题分析】该题题干与98年4月section 4的第五题几乎完全一样,逻辑结构也一样,只不过4月份的考卷中议员说了真话,而11月份中又说了假话而已。



【解题分析】上下句转折,上句谈这种转变可能会有作用,下句的主语是its impact,下句应对上句提出否定,答案e的 inconsiderable指影响力微不足道,表否定,成为正确答案

【重点词条】betray 1: to lead astray; esp: seduce 2: to deliver to an enemy by treachery 3: to fail or desert esp. in time of need 4 a: to reveal unintentionally b: show, indicate c: to disclose in violation of confidence ~ vi: to prove false syn see reveal -- be.tray.al n -- be.tray.er n

augur 1: an official diviner of ancient Rome 2: one held to foretell events by omens 2augur vt (1601) 1: to foretell esp. from omens 2: to give promise of: presage~ vi: to predict the future esp. from omens

inconsiderable able adj (1637): not considerable: trivial -- in.con.sid.er.able.ness n -- in.con.sid.er.ably adv



【解题分析】this ancient creature指代上文的 bird ,所以第一空格填 ancient 的同义词,可选a和 c,下文中又有了一次比较,可得知这个古代的鸟没有牙齿,而它和今天的鸟在有没有牙齿这个问题上是相同还是不同呢?当然,今天的鸟也没有牙齿,所以答案选 c。

【重点词条】foreshadow vt (1577): to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand: prefigure -- fore.shad.ow.er n



【解题分析】第二空格为分隔结构,重复前文,alternate treatment 与 traditional medical treatments 又显然是反义词,故两空格应为同义词,可直接选择得答案c。

【重点词条】homeopathic 1: of or relating to homeopathy 2: of a diluted or insipid nature <a ~ abolitionist --W. A. White> -- ho.meo.path.i.cal.ly adv

employ 1 a: to make use of (someone or something inactive)b: to use (as time) advantageously c (1): to use or engage the services of (2): to provide with a job that pays wages or a salary 2: to devote to or direct toward a particular activity or personsyn see use -- em.ploy.er n 2em.ploy n (1666) 1 a: use, purpose b: occupation, job 2: the state of being employed

eschew to avoid habitually esp. on moral or practical grounds: shun syn see escape -- es.chew.al n

envision : to picture to oneselfsyn

countenance 1 obs: bearing, demeanor 2 a: calm expression b: mental composure c: look, expression 3 archaic a: aspect, semblance b: pretense 4: face, visage; esp: the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character 5: bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction: moral support

turnfrom : to turnfrom or contain similar letters: thermoform
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