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[GRE真题] GRE考试填空真题详解(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' i1 T! F* X2 N. f2 o1 V+ f- J6 [' f' ]- b# B, P/ a* w3 R  M/ M
9 I1 F5 e* B7 A( S+ F! a6 j
& Y3 Q3 G- A1 T" }* ?4 {【重点词条】generalization 1: the act or process of generalizing 2: a general statement, law, principle, or proposition 3: the act or process whereby a response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with a reference stimulus8 B* _4 R9 A9 t9 I4 y

' k3 c. |/ s; W5 Linform 1 obs: to give material form to 2 a: to give character or essence to  b: to be the characteristic quality of: animate  3 obs: guide, direct 4 obs: to make known 5: to communicate knowledge to  ~ vi 1: to impart information or knowledge 2: to give information (as of another's wrongdoing) to an authority
. Y7 z. `8 x) S! _# j. T; C; ^; c& v1 W! U; g, O
simplistic 1: simple 2: of, relating to, or characterized by simplism: oversimple  -- sim.plis.ti.cal.ly adv5 ?6 T6 Z) P6 _/ G4 |- S, z" y

* a6 j4 D( Q* c$ Q+ R0 {0 D( p: nrapid : marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession, or occurrence syn see fast --
( }7 B" M' I& `! Q: @% q/ l6 }/ ]
8 o9 ]$ V0 ^0 ?( _( M2.【中文释义】尽管食品的放射性处理所导致的维他命的损失可以由使用食品填加剂来弥补,但是也可能缺乏对致癌物的防范,这种致癌物是由(使用食品填加剂)这个过程所导致的,从而产生了对食品的某种恐慌心理。
0 N# H# ~9 Y+ E" E' g) o
9 C/ Z; \6 W4 X* Z& z( S【解题分析】上下句转折,下句为no protection, 是一种坏的情况,所以上句应为好的情况,上句结构简化即为destruction could be counterbalanced(a) ,只有这一选择才能表示一种好的情况。( T3 g4 V. E0 J' a. t3 ^

2 N% m( S9 W* L3 L: ]$ _【重点词条】destruction 1: the state or fact of being destroyed: ruin 2: the action or process of destroying something 3: a destroying agency" Q. n* q8 F+ v" T; O

6 A5 s/ B! D: jcounterbalance 1: a weight that balances another 2: a force or influence that offsets or checks an opposing force 2counterbalance vt (1611) 1: to oppose or balance with an equal weight or force 2: to equip with counterbalances
- p* \; U# g4 q' ~/ F# ?5 _9 v% L# ?' W" J* |
introduce 1: to lead or bring in esp. for the first time 2 a: to bring into play b: to bring into practice or use: institute 3: to lead to or make known by a formal act, announcement, or recommendation0 C* t1 k! ^) ~; y
1 t4 O' y# _( Q( k
5 e, d/ q; i9 K* B) k4 l% X
# Z) a) v5 d: U3 q8 U& I3.【中文释义】尽管他拒绝承担任何谈判失败的责任,但是史蒂文自己也没有赦免的理由;的确是由于他的尖刻才导致了这场彻底的失败。7 B1 U& I- W9 Z2 e, B

2 U: h# b1 \# z2 |【解题分析】分号上下句重复,上句的主句与从句转折,即使不填答案也应知道上句主句的意思为;他该承担责任,所以分号下半句重复这个意思,表示他有责任,可选d或者e, 而d的第一个单词不正确,故选择e., J. r( r/ Y, J. h% C

% i7 ?( x5 B  h( t$ ^( T# g% }1 ]【重点词条】 berate to scold or condemn vehemently and at length syn see scold accuse 1: to charge with a fault or offense: blame 2: to charge with an offense judicially or by a public process ~ vi: to bring an accusation -- ac.cus.er n -- ac.cus.ing.ly adv. W' `- }7 e9 P7 b

+ U8 k1 B  a. J 
8 O7 g2 W9 ~/ T' H9 t/ L( S! B5 ?* c0 q# b" \0 U' U1 X% v6 Z
4.【中文释义】这种占绝对主导地位的将对细节事实的强烈兴趣与对抽象概括的同样的专注结合的做法是我们当今社会的特点;在过去,这种结合最多只是零星地出现,并且显得是偶然出现的。$ M* {, z9 S7 j/ v/ g: D
& z, r4 t$ H; R3 C* F  }: }
【解题分析】简化句结构即为:union is a hallmark of our present society; in the past, this union appeared sporadically. 一个常见的时间对比型。句子最为复杂的部分为union 后的介词短语,但这个介词短语的分隔纯属 ETS设置的陷阱,根本不需要理会。" s3 a3 n8 X, [( }$ b0 \
8 r% }5 V/ o/ N; E
【重点词条】devotion 1 a: religious fervor: piety b: an act of prayer or private worship--usu. used in pl. c: a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation 2 a: the act of devoting b: the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal (as to an idea or person) 3 obs: the object of one's devotion syn see fidelity
$ k% A2 i0 P3 X! @9 y( B; `* o) |6 y4 E! h) L( u$ C
hallmark 1 a: an official mark stamped on gold and silver articles in England to attest their purity b: a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness 2: a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature  2hallmark vt (1773): to stamp with a hallmark 5 B& J& j3 u" x8 V0 U# c) H
& F: X; J* o/ f
cy.clic or cy.cli.cal adj (1794) 1 a: of, relating to, or being a cycle b: moving in cycles  c: of, relating to, or being a chemical compound containing a ring of atoms 2 cyclic: being a mathematical group that has an element such that every element of the group can be expressed as one of its powers -- cy.cli.cal.ly also cy.clic.ly adv

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


 - b& H; b5 a7 P3 w- R/ R, p* K  e- h

! q1 m: f1 Q3 H+ `$ Z4 R1 A5【中文释义】一个世纪以前医生的话是必然会招致怀疑的,它几乎被看成是亵渎神灵的。4 n! Y& c- e" ~1 B' ?

% W4 K& p$ r2 z5 p' Q+ B. u【解题分析】冒号表示重复和解释,既然医生的话被认为是亵渎神灵,当然就会遭到怀疑。3 ^3 P) g- }  f3 z( ^

" Z0 l4 e8 d1 U; |# \" j# I【重点词条】inebirable incontrovertible
: s& Q  I4 I6 I- ^/ H( F+ P$ n% w' y- u0 T' g! F- B( y4 c
$ f) u' d" _  O/ C& Z/ A# i  P# ~6 e8 ]8 h+ v7 h
. t1 k( O9 j( a& v3 x& B0 Z
1 Y% C6 z+ F8 x- d【解题分析】整句是一个so--that 的因果结构,原因句中频繁出现小说和自传,并且是两者的相互表达,所以结果句中选c答案是显而易见的。
8 M- {: E0 S' h
. J$ ?0 v1 f! ?- ]0 @" U6 k【重点词条】interchangeable : capable of being interchanged; esp: permitting mutual substitution  -- in.ter.change.abil.i.ty n -- in.ter.change.able.ness n -- in.ter.change.ably adv
/ y  ~' g2 s: ?: @2 h/ j0 m
) H* I. L8 v6 q5 R6 q/ A3 o. @misapprehension to apprehend wrongly: misunderstand -- mis.ap.pre.hen.sion n
" s6 K0 c: H1 w) w! o
9 i; q: D& k% {. U: k3 J 
6 f  ^! X" n% S1 P: `) h5 T+ k
: y5 h3 Z9 O  u# \7.【中文释义】鲁宾的话并不缺乏情绪,它们只是通过小心翼翼地平衡各种突发地极端情绪来保持平稳的语调。3 K# t6 |" j  A4 k; W) m

; L# Y& a9 {! p- W& N【解题分析】by前后是手段和因果的关系,若要保持平稳的语调则应尽量减少极端情绪,答案为a。$ {  i, l* H9 X7 i: p  W: ]6 x+ _

! W0 k8 ~# M' ?6 E2 E2 r  j【重点词条】equipoise 1: a state of equilibrium 2: counterbalance 2equipoise vt (1664) 1: to serve as an equipoise to 2: to put or hold in equipoise % a5 G) M( A) }
. h; u5 P2 K7 l+ Q( G- B6 X8 c/ [
level : steady, unwavering  (2): calm, unexcited  3: reasonable, balanced
. u9 Q' T  R4 B4 k/ W9 M" p
; C, F: f7 D" b& @# \6 D1 q 1 b$ Y! b  E0 {! Z

. c7 t  `) e/ J; H7 d+ P1 C8.【中文释义】她看上去更喜爱时断时续的兴趣而不是集中大量的努力,这种做法是无可否认的;况且,她的完成后的作品的令人难忘的高质量就说明了,她和她艺术之间的真正的关系绝对不是浅尝辄止的。# R  D0 ]" V7 P, p

  _$ E" U; R3 [/ m" _【解题分析】分号句上下句重复。上句讲她的做法是undeniable的,所以下句应对她和艺术的关系作褒扬,而anything but表示否定,故第二空格应为贬义词,b.c.候选,但b的disengaged不能作relationship 的表语,故选c.
4 ?& R6 o! A9 L4 {) l  @
% `3 r& |/ O3 P( t, S  ~0 u【重点词条】 dabbling n.a superficial or intermittent interest, investigation, or experiment 0 I; g$ n0 z- w7 g7 h& x" {

, ]( c- i! _7 }8 x- _7 _! y/ l  Nindecision : a wavering between two or more possible courses of action: irresolution considered 1: matured by extended deliberative thought <a ~ opinion> 2: viewed with respect or esteem
$ c; M9 N7 f) J1 T7 `+ p% x; ^
. [; c/ q* c% k+ N1 p+ odisengage : to release from something that engages or involves ~ vi: to release or detach oneself: withdraw -- dis.en.gage.ment n
7 e0 B" [, k5 @% B( b
  S0 M, ~. d# D; b 
# [+ o5 J1 U2 O. d( E6 R& L; ^  K* K0 H4 P4 `* X+ d& D
9.【中文释义】因为化石的完美的保存,早期马蹄蟹的解剖体细节才第一次得以澄清,使得科学家能够重新衡量马蹄蟹的演变。/ K2 U6 x* p- \( g; i5 _3 e" M
& @' g- m/ a( M7 ?. k4 H& U, U
【解题分析】由因果关系可得b,c,e,由分隔结构可得e。6 @3 _$ A: j2 a, Z/ ?) E5 X
$ d/ {3 P5 Z/ q9 {# i2 D
【重点词条】identify ) 1 a: to cause to be or become identical b: to conceive as united (as in spirit, outlook, or principle)  2 a: to establish the identity of b: to determine the taxonomic position of (a biological specimen) ~ vi 1: to be or become the same 2: to practice psychological identification  -- iden.ti.fi.able adj -- iden.ti.fi.ably adv
' C; s4 f# R) Y, h! ^5 P0 T" F: K. {' x1 F: s& C
obscure 1 a: dark, dim b: shrouded in or hidden by darkness c: not clearly seen or easily distinguished: faint 2: not readily understood or clearly expressed; also: mysterious 3: relatively unknown: as a: remote, secluded b: not prominent or famous  4: constituting an unstressed vowel having the value of/uh/ -- ob.scure.ly adv -- ob.scure.ness n
; a2 ?" {% Z6 O0 Y$ b+ m) E
; R; L7 r1 a9 u* M# j! S! J. Gclarify 1: to make (as a liquid) clear or pure usu. by freeing from suspended matter 2: to free of confusion 3: to make understandable ~ vi: to become clear -- clar.i.fi.ca.tion n -- clar.i.fi.er n' e5 O1 G: m$ P3 V9 r, Z, C

+ |0 ^9 w1 c) q! Z: E 4 w8 ~4 J# o, ~, a- E
, O& b8 N$ O# p
10.【中文释义】哲学家们认为一个必须在帮助别人之前非常清醒地克服自己的冷漠的人是比另外一种人做得更高贵的,另外那种人是指那些自身的基本性格导致这些助人行为发生而不需要事先深思熟虑的人。; w3 g( E& D8 O  h! g4 @. Q
- w# Q; u9 ^2 J# d$ Z* d  z' R
【解题分析】一套比较好的题型,第一种人需要must consciously 做一件事。故一对比即可知道后文的without后应填上consciously对应的同义词。答案选e。
2 b! ]- a& u0 a( Y+ V1 C3 G4 {/ C3 k' H( }* f0 R: n) S, N
【重点词条】duplicity 1: contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; esp: the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action 2: the quality or state of being double or twofold 3: the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action
3 w, W) z/ A# K2 u0 v1 a' {
' |+ E+ N5 j8 m/ U 9 c7 @3 \! d* Y  s% S8 @

+ f# Z- A0 h8 C' K+ J/ O5 f8 n11.【中文释义】这议员试图来使公众相信他对参加第二届连任不感兴趣是不真诚的,考虑到他的竞选委员会的极为公开的募集资金的活动。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


【解题分析】该题题干与98年4月section 4的第五题几乎完全一样,逻辑结构也一样,只不过4月份的考卷中议员说了真话,而11月份中又说了假话而已。
& P5 m! G, N& e" M1 I" Q8 k. j
2 q, t" T. e) P# P, W【重点词条】
2 g, w! F9 D$ n8 p
, X/ G1 [4 C8 i. ?" w12.【中文释义】尽管管理的变化可能显得是预示了公司的命运的转变,更多的可能是它的影响微不足道。
8 ?  F; X  y1 Y  r* j' t8 |0 R; L+ m
【解题分析】上下句转折,上句谈这种转变可能会有作用,下句的主语是its impact,下句应对上句提出否定,答案e的 inconsiderable指影响力微不足道,表否定,成为正确答案% D5 ?. h$ W8 m

8 C3 F# R9 n; e3 ^, Y7 w- o【重点词条】betray 1: to lead astray; esp: seduce 2: to deliver to an enemy by treachery 3: to fail or desert esp. in time of need 4 a: to reveal unintentionally b: show, indicate c: to disclose in violation of confidence ~ vi: to prove false syn see reveal -- be.tray.al n -- be.tray.er n
8 o* [4 Y1 o. |" H/ X. u  I  u
1 {$ r7 x$ C% Z" A  naugur 1: an official diviner of ancient Rome 2: one held to foretell events by omens 2augur vt (1601) 1: to foretell esp. from omens 2: to give promise of: presage  ~ vi: to predict the future esp. from omens
" I' Q. P0 q8 p- Q% Y5 F& L2 z5 W3 j, N/ X0 A
inconsiderable able adj [F, fr. in- + considerable considerable, fr. ML considerabilis] (1637): not considerable: trivial -- in.con.sid.er.able.ness n -- in.con.sid.er.ably adv% g( B4 W% {4 R  J! M8 l& T4 @0 J2 [

. v* }' F! d  \4 T 2 [# W) Z9 V% B1 x6 S

+ [7 T$ w1 {% v& M13.【中文释义】最近发现的一种古老的鸟的骨骼表明这个古代的动物,不象更早的鸟和爬行动物的祖先,它的头部没有牙齿,在这方面它比今天的鸟类提前了。
0 m5 F" m! O3 P  B5 E! d* z, l! T  @9 E3 i
【解题分析】this ancient creature指代上文的 bird ,所以第一空格填 ancient 的同义词,可选a和 c,下文中又有了一次比较,可得知这个古代的鸟没有牙齿,而它和今天的鸟在有没有牙齿这个问题上是相同还是不同呢?当然,今天的鸟也没有牙齿,所以答案选 c。" E5 j& e, h2 ?0 Q- }3 E9 q6 Z
' P8 S( ~7 u* a( l7 h! O' y
【重点词条】foreshadow vt (1577): to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand: prefigure -- fore.shad.ow.er n
9 o; J! d( W5 X, ]1 I' u0 W" Z- [, C/ O  q) y. V
& c" Q" E: R3 T0 I+ }! G8 i# j+ `  Z8 J4 o2 _' @
14.【中文释义】尽管很多人使用顺势治疗法来解决健康问题,但其他人不支持另类治疗法,反而依赖传统的医药治疗。, l7 g. k7 D4 ~

7 ]- I5 ]6 W8 {7 _7 i6 s5 V9 L【解题分析】第二空格为分隔结构,重复前文,alternate treatment 与 traditional medical treatments 又显然是反义词,故两空格应为同义词,可直接选择得答案c。5 J( y! n/ C8 O0 U6 _' E
* I' j& T. u1 J1 o$ l8 L, T+ h9 u; I
【重点词条】homeopathic 1: of or relating to homeopathy 2: of a diluted or insipid nature <a ~ abolitionist --W. A. White> -- ho.meo.path.i.cal.ly adv
* O* J; G4 ?) ^8 {9 S0 D
' C+ l3 u( n7 w( |+ d! C% t( wemploy 1 a: to make use of (someone or something inactive)  b: to use (as time) advantageously c (1): to use or engage the services of (2): to provide with a job that pays wages or a salary 2: to devote to or direct toward a particular activity or person  syn see use -- em.ploy.er n 2em.ploy n (1666) 1 a: use, purpose b: occupation, job 2: the state of being employed
6 T  d' m& w- g
/ c3 R! X- R8 n1 c, xeschew to avoid habitually esp. on moral or practical grounds: shun syn see escape -- es.chew.al n
& ?" X9 A4 O/ x" D) y/ j0 e) I0 z  }5 t+ \# S2 Z. e+ U
envision : to picture to oneself  syn
/ d# Z2 s2 N9 V) F4 c+ J% O& n' E" h8 t2 ?. q. q4 L
countenance 1 obs: bearing, demeanor 2 a: calm expression b: mental composure c: look, expression 3 archaic a: aspect, semblance b: pretense 4: face, visage; esp: the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character 5: bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction: moral support) w( f6 y! ]+ A% ]

; t0 P+ `7 d1 j4 U* Tturnfrom : to turnfrom or contain similar letters: thermoform
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