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[GRE数学] 2011最新GRE详解其中主要数学符号英文表达

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  GRE考试数学题如何攻破?相信这是各位需要参加考试的考生都想找到的一种方法,在此小编奉上精心整理的GRE考试数学题做法全解,以供各位考生参阅。   + plus) i7 F; y1 V( R* W. L. X
  - minus
1 F9 B; k9 g0 W9 Y" Z2 |3 I6 a  * multiplied by ;times4 [, a- ]! g- ?7 S* ?& P8 K
  ÷ divided by
0 O) _/ w2 ?/ y: O% ]4 {& b  = equals
( K0 O$ R, D4 g' `! b7 z  ≈ approximately equals9 ]% K- q: B8 Q
  ≠ not equal to) X+ T# D! f# S* l, X0 F
  < less than
. d3 b8 b* l, }: E  > greater than3 r8 J1 S' N/ q' A
  ≤ equal to or less than% O9 }4 A% d6 N) x8 c: h
  ≥ equal to or greater than
. Z! z6 M9 s+ [  d4 p* @" m. V  ()6 [2 `9 _) A: B2 S
  round brackets ;parentheses; s  \, E/ |6 v
3 @+ T3 \; u. \+ s; G' r/ y3 ~  square brackets* D& }6 V% ^- |) j" K  J
  { }8 z1 d5 n9 m; z% m$ P
  braces  u5 d& S: n9 e2 J) f8 D( `7 @
  ∈ is a member of the set  U( h9 ]; |' h+ ^
  is a subset of
* x; Q. F( M  W, h8 \  ∽ similar to7 O1 s0 I7 a# r) U# q
  ≌ congruent to
. E3 c6 x0 P0 w. `  * denotes an operation& p, u( A! q8 ]5 h) j* u' k4 c$ ?
  ∴ therefore
! E- T7 ~5 Z+ x0 w; q$ h- ]3 {  ∵ because4 \& ^) _0 b) E' K: S
  ∶ ratio sign, divided by

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