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[GRE填空] 2011年GRE考试:GRE填空法宝(三)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
三、 T9302   1. The corporation expects only - increases in sales
+ k  |# h5 U6 Q& t0 X  next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing
8 J9 ^6 d8 c  P/ l& t% E  business.
: R; F; J  Y8 |  A. unquestionable
  |  b6 E0 ~7 O1 r# }! Q  B. sequential1 P  }& N  v  J$ w: x9 I. R
  C. modest7 h: W1 Q2 }2 s
  D. exaggerated
0 j5 F  B- h- a6 j' ^$ r  E. groundless
* Y5 o! M4 `7 x3 ]0 m( p" g" L; n  ————————————————————————$ W! |9 j, k' [! M* ~
  答案:(C)) d) |: i% M' ^- J, m5 M
  revive: v.1.苏醒,复苏 2.复原,恢复生机 3.复兴,重新流行
3 @9 y  E2 h/ V  retailing: n.零售业
5 {! j) p) Z2 w' f8 q2 w+ ^+ x  unquestionable: a.无可置疑的,无可争议的
6 h+ K( O( ]' q9 y  a  sequential: a.1.相继连续的,按顺序的 2.作为结果而产生的,随之而来的
4 }5 v; k* O) C2 C  modest: a.不太大(或多)的,不过分的,适度的/ D) `% T) C3 s. R
  exaggerated: a.夸张的,言过其实的
/ n! {2 M% i5 P$ J3 r% z6 J5 N  groundless: a.无根据的,无理由的,无基础的
0 u, v; s4 A" ?0 ~' Y6 V+ r: W  尽管这个公司一年多以来致力于振兴其零售业务,但它只期望在来年中有一个适度的销售
6 ~/ \) Q4 E) \) b  增长。
6 t' {1 l4 _8 J! k6 L  2. No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly1 F6 p/ b3 Z1 o$ F/ y
  malicious program that is designed to - and elec-
* f+ k' d- |5 _; i8 |( ?6 ]  tronically - the disks on which data are stored.
+ S8 B7 X& P$ W# U% \* q7 N: ~  A. prepare…… improve. R; W! M/ v. ?7 p8 g
  B. restore…… disable, p! G6 ]1 [- a
  C. infect…… damage
+ U5 M  V+ t3 n4 h- C  D. preserve…… secure$ m) @4 G" k8 _* |3 E- [
  E. invade…… repair- N# m- Y8 i3 C4 ^1 K
  ————————————————————————0 e$ z' v& h! I& m( t" U& Y
  答案:(C)$ e+ T% W( l0 T, D8 E
  be immune to: v.1.免除的,豁免的 2.可防止的,不受影响的 3.对…有免疫力的/ j) Q7 {. d0 w  F
  virus: n.病毒4 k3 i( s  Y* \, N
  malicious: a.恶毒的,蓄意谋害的
7 M& u# @. F2 g) \0 a9 w; O  disable: v.使丧失能力,使伤残
8 F7 n9 X9 [" o: W# k  infect: v.侵染,感染,腐蚀
7 U' b/ E  ?; m- |- K; S  没有任何计算机系统能免受病毒的影响;所谓病毒,指的是一种用心极为歹毒的程序,旨
: {' @0 _+ a$ o: ]  @  在侵染并通过电子的手段给储存有数据的磁盘带来损害。
8 C  `0 p+ I7 `& H, }  3. Recent research indicates that a system of particles
9 @  c/ E7 e/ Q6 |" @3 c  which has apparently decayed to randomness from
' E4 |, S# D0 Y; X  ^: Q  state can be returned to that state; thus the system
& ?- L# Q9 b& P( L( _) |  exhibits a kind of memory of its condition.: c/ F  v! L1 K) \4 t1 T6 I3 U6 f
  A. an equilibrium…… lesser
7 D# c+ ^1 A1 m, F) M3 i! B$ s  B. an ordered…… earlier
5 N/ t2 r8 L" k; O9 s# ]  C. an unusual…… settled. F  b' d+ o  s: R* ~
  D. a chaotic…… last3 I/ Q  U7 Y1 [5 G! J
  E. a higher…… present5 {+ N! f0 ~9 U7 |1 Z# ?6 W. G6 D
+ m$ V5 b, x6 Z3 L& Z  答案:(B)
. |- A5 f$ A* B- m" q: R# g0 N  decay: v.(放射性物质等)衰减,衰变
9 f$ b0 k5 H9 |4 z& z: e. ?( ?0 c, ?  randomness: n.胡乱,任意,无定规,随机性! `" b" Y) e- c) ^3 N* Y
  exhibit: v.展现,显示
. z1 W- V1 h/ a( c2 \  equilibrium: n.1.平衡,均衡 2.(心情的)平静
6 ]; B: M* Z" P: W; @  lesser: a.较小的,更少的,次要的
( W) }, A9 w! l. o$ R/ |  ordered: a.1.有条理的,整齐的 2.〔数〕有次序的
4 s! O8 r- M9 j' N6 ~( K, ^2 z- y  chaotic: a.紊(杂)乱的,混沌的
, \7 T' p  ^2 Y! S3 x; b, M' U5 P; c  最近的研究表明,某一系统的粒子,当它明显地自一种井然有序的状态衰变为无序状态之
+ K1 P" o, j& Z2 q/ K8 i* r/ {0 z  后,依然能被恢复至那种状态;这样,该系统便展示出一种对其早期状况的记忆。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  4. A number of writers who once greatly the$ q% Q+ N- {8 G* D7 ~& o
  literary critic have recently recanted, substituting1 \6 s' E; y: m/ L3 U( {2 U1 \$ H
  for their former criticism.) @1 a' F4 M8 A( B! Q
  A. lauded…… censure! w% P$ ?0 w' _
  B. influenced…… analysis
& v& A, t# t/ V9 d  C. simulated…… ambivalence
5 O6 Q+ ~4 y/ M- T* ~; O3 f1 k  D. disparaged…… approbation& |$ X% V7 K9 }. B& l; k8 o
  E. honored…… adulation1 u7 C9 o$ x1 }5 J: d, V: ]: U
5 M0 g" u$ T+ k  答案:(D)
6 `( m; ?) F* c- ]; j: F* ^  recant: v.(正式并公开地)撤销,放弃,认错, W5 R. n4 \, g, L/ a: B, e: H
  laud: v.赞美,称赞4 K. z+ n' f/ I) w
  censure: n.指谪,责备,公开谴责# J5 Y: \7 {7 M
  simulate: v.1.假装,冒充 2.模仿,模拟" C2 Y  j( p+ \0 r
  ambivalence: n.1.矛盾情绪(或态度) 2.摇摆,举棋不定9 V" D! f; M' i( o
  disparage: v.1.贬低,轻视 2.诋毁
$ n2 s0 f9 b& ~9 Q1 d  approbation: n.1.批(核)准,认可 2.赞成,满意0 h/ I1 t$ f( T
  adulation: n.过分称赞,诌媚,奉承
/ _) \# q9 o* ^7 a6 V! h3 R* H  许多作家过去曾不遗余力地诋毁过某位文学评论家,最近他们已摒弃原先的做法,对先前
( ]$ ^5 e- o+ h  的批评代诸以褒奖之辞。
5 K/ F; N0 E  v2 X+ I  5. She writes across generational lines, making the past
. A9 U7 T' Q8 v( H4 e  so that our belief that the present is the true- t/ l3 [" O' y- ]) Y( s: k
  locus of experience is undermined.*
7 m( @) p. x! ^+ d- P0 B) b  A. complex
" @; A) y: t( a3 M  B. distant
5 s! T* B% N! q4 T( u" k  C. vivid+ w/ m" O. u  X% S
  D. mysterious
9 E* n: o. A9 u) r% r( M, i  E. mundane. x* V( }6 P% ?; m1 f7 T7 A
  ————————————————————————5 e- D( a4 ?' K/ R) f, K, ^4 n' e
  答案:(C)9 p' Z- e. U/ r/ \! k
  locus: n.地点,所在地,中心7 m9 ^% q0 E  Z4 x8 S1 @  o
  undermine: v.1.在…下挖 2.侵蚀…的基础 3.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)
# R& z9 `& l# F) C  vivid: a.1.鲜明的,生气勃勃的 2.形象的,逼真的,栩栩如生的. ?5 c$ I' S1 x; Y, c+ E' K3 y
  mundane: a.1.尘世的,世俗的 2.单调的,平凡的% u& O: c; Z* D
3 V% h8 g: u  {0 Q  i$ D  即现在才是真正的经验之中心——倍遭削弱。/ ?* X, o1 a8 f- X% d- D
  6. Individual freedom of thought should be more: A" D* ]: D6 u
  absolutely than individual freedom of action, given that7 w$ p: I' l. s  U" B
  the latter, though also desirable, must be - the
* O7 h3 j6 Q0 @2 @) a  limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others.*
4 }6 P, p0 P; y. u: O% X  A. protected…… subject to/ W% I5 Z. A. i  C
  B. assessed…… measured by) a/ A8 J5 o) O& u0 E
  C. valued…… superior to& b* A/ g6 k! Z+ g
  D. exercised…… indifferent to
6 r7 c, z/ l1 B7 m8 W( Q  E. curtailed…… conscious of
# E. x& S6 `0 T8 e  s# t  ————————————————————————
1 I' l3 f+ C- ^! ~# i  答案:(A)
1 C5 u/ t/ K+ ?! r. [# [% i, ?  given that: conj.因为,以…作为前提条件,只要7 g6 N, e7 m. P
  desirable: a.合意的,值得拥有的,可取的
, K1 k3 b( P- S) C  be subject to: v.受…支配,倾向于,易于接受
# {1 ]& _0 Y) q7 f5 }$ l: j' d  exercise: v.1.履行,执行 2.行使,发挥
( W9 x- U! m. x: G  indifferent: a.1.不感兴趣的,冷淡的,淡漠的 2.不偏不倚的,中立的 3.不重要的
, w3 u/ a5 d* ~8 _# A' w  curtail: v.截短,削减
0 |- @/ V% p7 G, x: h  个人的思想自由比诸于个人的行动自由应受到更加绝对的保护,因为尽管后者亦甚为可取,但它必须受制于他人的权利和自由所施加带来的限制。
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