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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导四十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Exercise Twelve " A* F6 J/ e2 W4 E2 K: S
  " {) G  S5 f& e1 N% h
1. Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the ________ of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its ________ before he acted.
& i3 K' \9 \8 E, z% _5 F/ l5 Z   (A) rewards ... chastisement
8 O( p+ ?% E) |, E2 o   (B) balm ... eloquence
8 d3 c1 ]! ?" P  r   (C) reproaches ... promptings 4 w) t5 d/ s# ]5 ~; b
   (D) ridicule ... allure
& A3 z+ [0 J3 K) L2 }) d' w   (E) qualms ... atonement
0 G+ p  L- L5 b4 o& J0 u  7 k& \5 s2 G: M" f
2. Even those who disagreed with Carmen’s views rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions she took were as ________ as they were controversial.
1 [3 P: I$ V( X7 }   (A) complicated , ~& t+ w6 l# Q' E. T# l& c6 O
   (B) political % h8 q' \6 H: F* |1 ~5 J0 G
   (C) subjective
" _+ J1 t8 T; R3 T4 f3 w3 q   (D) commonplace
( H6 e% c5 v+ o) o7 J   (E) thoughtful
3 c) ^6 _/ e6 [  ( I& ^( [4 v3 A" ^0 o$ a
3. The First World War began in a context of jargon and verbal delicacy and continued in a cloud of ________ as ________ as language and literature, skillfully used, could make it. $ `4 B  d& C7 R5 C: w/ Y6 G$ i
   (A) circumlocution ... literal 4 D: z7 Q( l* J/ B: ?/ C
   (B) cliche ... lucid 6 x& p/ z1 p) T2 d. K
   (C) euphemism ... impenetrable
( e/ D$ P" c' _1 w. |0 |. E% g, y   (D) particularity ... deliberate
8 T3 q$ I1 s  a* `1 U, _6 w   (E) subjectivity ... enthralling % P5 X5 l) \, j0 o" m
  0 E9 }0 C) Q" i
4. As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough physical power to dominate all others, they must depend on ________.
: [1 T+ }: p* ]4 n2 c   (A) allies 5 h  F  U! j# H. i# F: R
   (B) resources * ?; s8 @0 q) P/ n/ N, b& D4 U) x
   (C) freedom & K7 }2 f3 A6 f( {
   (D) education
" Z# {3 j8 j8 D' i   (E) self-determination
! Z* c; a, G8 Z! @2 E  , {- W8 m& `) t! A% M  U. x
5. As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to ________ her sense of whimsy when painting it. ; p; `7 i, m; r# w
   (A) inspire & l6 M; ]" u( q8 i5 D( K% o
   (B) provoke 6 M5 y& F  |* r1 G- Y! r
   (C) suppress , {( k' W, A; w0 @" E
   (D) attack 1 b, A6 m7 I: B6 L+ i
   (E) satisfy 7 P6 C0 W0 T  A7 O4 A. V' [
: Y* `& @. B7 f4 B" Y! H6. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as ________ to increasingly expensive conventional housing. 3 b7 K$ g, R4 w5 M1 ?
   (A) reaction
4 O: j9 J2 r( D/ J6 |9 Z   (B) an addition : H' D( n; a+ I7 N/ f1 Z' N
   (C) an introduction 0 M! ]& U) z6 Y( Y. ^- h
   (D) an alternative 4 r1 g6 l# v0 I; p& V: i. x
   (E) a challenge
, R* @2 r" j  ~% p/ D5 ^  
! K$ s1 `& i) K# @# t/ }7. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of ________ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ________ its own continental coastline. , G$ H7 {, e- O, |, [1 s
   (A) negligence ... fortify
2 `8 q6 R) N8 X; J   (B) custom ... maintain
8 [1 e: p1 n7 ?2 F% {* `* _2 m   (C) convenience ... stabalize / e' E$ W; d  p4 [8 y: o
   (D) expediency ... defend
: I9 n: o( U7 u3 e& H5 B: H: ?   (E) exigency ... reinforce

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


1. 分词放在句首表示原因。省略了little。 + N7 c  z1 u/ ~% C5 [- M5 Z2 h
  分词+by+名词,分词与名词之间要具有一致性。 6 t) P6 z6 h  R, f4 K# i" e8 P
  chastisement  惩罚    reward  报答 8 ^' c+ L9 F+ H
  eloquence  说大话    balm  安慰 3 L7 L8 T! O- ^- _" C
  promoptings  激励,驱使    reproaches  谴责 4 a' L: S3 F; H% ?
  allure  诱惑
6 o$ w6 C/ m$ N% w  atonement  赎罪,弥补
$ T. x0 U' v2 \9 Y6. as放在句尾,属于第三种用法。解题的时候要把它前移到它真实的位置。
! P5 i& Z) p4 N: U% s* }+ y1 x  reaction  反应 0 `9 x6 |3 m6 E& ?  M8 H
  addition  增加
# v, [* p8 H. ~( z  introduction  介绍
9 p# M5 M4 R) V& Q. q  alternative  可供选择的东西 ; B/ E9 {0 f: `1 D  P7 U
  challenge  挑战
! R7 C2 S  l# r9 B  答案:D 1 G- O$ n/ ]- A. f2 o7 I
7. not so much... as...  与其…不如…  表示相反关系
# b: X+ G) K& @, I  negligence  疏忽大意    fortify  巩固,加强 ; W; g; x4 O/ Y4 I% \5 i4 x- i
  custom  习惯    maintain  维持
' x. `/ }/ A5 t- n$ L- w5 ~  convenience  方便    stabilize  使…稳定 ( J9 s) s3 Q5 P# H
  expediency  权宜之计    defend  保卫 " q4 \( M3 a/ J3 o5 a
' x4 v  e+ z! ^9 [1 Q  reinforce  加强
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