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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题04

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful ) `3 y! u9 S3 }0 P, ?
though they may be, lead to----theories, 2 Z: s* n1 s1 s+ X: }
especially, and predictably, in economics and
3 j2 {* Y& G1 X4 O, |+ ^, m+ wpolitical science, where productive approaches
9 q' X9 X" I  }have long been highly----.
) f2 v6 [* u* g$ _(A) pragmatic.. speculative
6 n! t5 @  [# `0 R  L4 l(B) inelegant.. efficacious 中 华 考 试 网
3 I- [+ I& Q- c) X(C) explanatory.. intuitional 8 n( T! P! U# v; I, j2 t9 H
(D) wrongheaded.. convergent % N% t7 p- d2 o  g- Q( L( c  e$ d
(E) simplistic.. elusive ( S6 [  |3 l8 L" P, [! b
2. Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining
, x+ W5 U- X  v  k4 {' vearlier geometric Greek art, found that classical & x' q! C6 H, y% D
Greek art was not a magical----or a brilliant----
& ]" j1 i; `1 h: v4 [& o/ _blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was
6 N8 ~# o6 K5 Y! [independently evolved by Greeks in Greece. ( v! |7 Z- }  _7 _' c+ v: E
(A) stratagem.. appropriation ' _4 o" ?; g4 K
(B) exemplar.. synthesis ; v8 h$ E+ |2 M+ x3 v
(C) conversion.. annexation % D) u: }- |- t$ }" w# }
(D) paradigm.. construct ; w( J, n" N- F
(E) apparition.. amalgam 6 t( h4 D/ ]& ?  l$ U6 B
3. Rhetoric often seems to----over reason in a
0 b* s: D$ W7 k5 y: C1 R; r  Lheated debate, with both sides----in hyperbole.
% }0 }2 K& K# t: C3 o) e3 p(A) cloud.. subsiding (B) prevail.. yielding + T# t9 ^( ~1 C& Q6 K* b
(C) triumph.. engaging   i& x! F1 a& c
(D) reverberate.. clamoring ) `' v3 A4 L& ]7 t9 m$ `  q! C0 h
(E) trample.. tangling % f# b5 r1 R! R8 L
4. Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions
% \2 i, i, X9 wbetween innocence and criminality, virtue and
) m% ]; i( G4 x7 mcorruption, good and evil, were popular
- \7 Q# {, e0 C7 ?8 O8 l* Uprecisely because they offered the audience a
9 o; [# I, P) u$ v" X  ?world ----of----.
0 C; I) k  ^$ B) M(A) bereft.. theatricality / a" f+ N2 H+ O" Y
(B) composed.. adversity
  w% F# J" D5 Z5 {(C) full.. circumstantiality ' W) o' q( @' R, K1 Z1 p
(D) deprived.. polarity (E) devoid.. neutrality 0 ], i( `/ d. g! w6 Y' `
5. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the 考试用书
' }% U+ i4 Z: g# q( ^5 H4 Teffect of depth in a picture work simultaneously, ) ~& p' X! c! U1 D2 q& X
the picture’s illusion of----three-dimensional ; _% o+ H  T& N; @
appearance must therefore result from the 8 p& k0 x! \$ C1 E6 ]
viewer’s integration of various indicators
- a+ ?. a! p5 {7 kperceived----. - c7 j( |) Q5 N. H/ A* Z
(A) imitative.. coincidentally
8 l5 _: d- r+ r6 ?( L' h4 L- d(B) uniform.. successively 3 }9 Y+ D3 \1 ?: u
(C) temporary.. comprehensively , U. O  l% V0 e+ X$ l
(D) expressive.. sympathetically
6 }3 G: S' m8 p3 w0 l(E) schematic.. passively

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