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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(改革官僚受贿)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
12.改革 官僚 受贿
) U. O" n. G9 M. C& O1 [5 ]  k[共8 篇]" T6 k5 t6 m3 l% i
1.市长不直接说对经济改革没有信心题forthright... intimate2 V, F& E7 l  `
" V: h) Z' C- c& }2.国家变革可取题believe...desirable
* Q8 ?7 y3 w4 ^% |) c3 @甚至连他们自己也____no other 政府worse than them,因此政府变革是____的。+ n9 p  d3 z/ V
# Z2 I; N& g2 q* _4.革新空前题' w, f4 P4 {* M% Q1 Z
Though not entirely____, their innovative and discriminate view have been 引用 by many later.... 9 _& t$ e6 y' E5 t2 c
% c; s' t" b2 T) |' K?5.变革时期家常便饭式地题eliminating
! t; O5 P" ]6 B7 k  X【注解】family style:家常便饭式地at odds随机的,不定的
- K; j! J( Y/ n. t' t* ~4 l3 m7 U6.学者们批判政府官僚作风题correction...inimical to
) f# `2 Q) H; s( wPeople find the rigid government bureaucracy官僚 is in need of____,which is____ the character of the
" r" I6 }- F9 L+ Along local autonomy tradition,which is the independent ...,"homerule?" approach to govern.+ p, f2 ^# r% Y! {
【大意】可能是说一个国家系统存在严重的僵化官僚作风,它必须改正,因为这是和这个国9 t& s' B( R, J. v: I9 u
家中每个地区自治的特性相违背。就是地方团体没有活动空间了。(个人意见仅供参考)  S6 y, n1 M2 z# @/ |; y
【注解】emulation:[n]仿效,竞争derive from:[v]来自inimical:[adj]敌意的,有害的codification:[n]编集成典incorporated:[adj]合成一体的bureaucracy官僚3 R! \0 R0 v0 D- J6 M$ m* l& }8 a4 l2 d: B
2 B( P/ ^  T% mHer heretofore ____ record in public office notwithstanding尽管, recently the evident that the mayor
8 S+ ~5 C/ z5 y8 M" Z2 Qinvolved in the corruptible scandal and bribery is ____.
% X' _9 T- X7 l/ d4 T, m1 L争议答案有:
2 m% f6 s) C+ o9 ~key impeccable...overwhelming2 c  J( N( Z7 Z: j! Y
key impeccable...unconvincing不能让人信服的
- a9 \7 o* m2 `1 w! {0 ikey:scandalous...neglectable
- u: E$ v. S5 L1 b( V& Fkey:scandalous...inconsiderable
0 B0 \# ?% `8 q; t【注解】heretofore:[adj]以前的corruptible:[adj]经不起腐蚀的,易腐坏的bribery:[n]行贿impeccable:[adj]无瑕疵的overwhelming: [adj]势不可挡的scandalous:[adj]可耻,诽谤inconsiderable :[adj]不值得考虑的

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