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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(市长参议员领导政治家)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
14.市长 参议员 领导 政治家" `# p: V+ O$ j* D  B4 w
[共32 篇]4 }( K9 P' ]; q3 w! Z4 c
+ i. n& A" z$ J* c议员公开____市长的竞选的什么bill,议员对执政官的____表露无疑。
  I% v9 k3 P. m! J1 }【注解】castigation:[n]申斥animus:[n]仇视,意向
3 t) n9 P/ X  T2 e; A$ u9 O% w+ ?0 \3.现任市长政绩和是否无能题triumph/ wrought…ineptitude/ skill
) `' {5 T& q& Z, n! R$ A【版本一】支持者说起现任市长的____时,they focus on犯罪率下降以及……,但是,这些正是市长的____。
1 @; K5 q( a8 ^: W# ^6 s【版本二】当问到选民关于mayor's____of 过去几年时,选民说虽然这几年犯罪率下降和经济增长,yet extent to which of mayoral ____ is值得怀疑的。( p" x% o2 b" b( F0 T- q+ n- \3 P
【注解】vacillation 不果断ineptitude 不称职accomplishment 成就triumph 胜利,大成功wrought:[adj]锻过, 做成的, 制作过的
! ]/ M/ b# l7 H+ s% s) B$ k2 f; Y4.评论女市长傲慢题square with
2 t9 ~* o0 v) Z- W3 n$ I% a" kThe critics and citizen 过多的提及女市长的haughty,but that____her modest ....9 D1 Q1 Q- R4 f3 @, `+ K2 D
# b$ k! y! a( G+ h6 h2 R8 P4 U6 l5.支持者赞扬市长决定题premature  w! L) |1 s% X% u0 ~
Supporters praised the mayor's action as a speedy and judicious solution,but critics condemned it
. C$ b$ |- F3 C* O$ W7 @8 e0 kas ____and unfairly influenced by recent events.: c" ]- v  e( E6 w3 C# s: l
) f. T, B3 ]) @, i% `+ ^+ L) }市长____一个关于经济问题的提案,并不表示他对经济问题____.
  H0 O4 g( U6 m# L; l! N! C7.新闻记者描述议员题naive..shrewd
3 }7 o. F4 t3 p# o9 S/ V: b9 D9 wJournalists often described the incumbent senator as politically ____,despite the fact that his record had established him as a more ____assessor of political possibilities and personalities than either of his opponents had shown themselves to be.
% W1 j2 h% |4 I- q% N, k【注解】incumbent:[adj]成为责任的,现任的[n]教区牧师,现任opportunistic:[adj] 机会主义的
" J/ h; G" a; m, `, V7 C$ }# Xshrewd:[adj]精明,机灵的,锐利的6 n1 o6 S# m0 n; W
?8.议员否决议案题unsympathetic to/apathetic to
; v( x0 O& f/ K- q( r7 I* vEven though the governor was not ____ the argument in favor of the proposal提案, she decided to veto  it.6 Z7 w* I1 P( O% P8 ^
【注解】in favor of :有利于unsympathetic: [adj]不同情的sanguine :[adj]乐天的apathetic :[adj]无感情的
. {1 l0 ~6 Z  @+ f% g9 @1 ?) n9.总理政策不痛不痒题:favor...antipathic" o' C6 f9 i* q8 H
某prime minister的什么政策不outstanding,few people____它,nor one怎么____它。
7 z% x. A: y/ ~' H10.马丁路德金没有说的那么好题superfluous /purposeless…grant- n# N, s. g/ z3 T
那种认为政治领袖Martin Luther King 的style 是pompous的观点是____;这是…____mediocre talent.( d# z. j. \# s) t8 s3 n# ]
评论家说Martin Luther King作品的pompous style是____的,不值得attribute to ____那么高的评价.
! P! \7 Q6 W! j" n  ]3 G5 ?【注解】pompous: [adj] 自负爱炫耀的,壮观的mediocre:[adj]中等的,平庸的superfluous:[adj] 过多的,奢侈的grant:[v]承认,同意给,授予) [& Q( }7 [7 T! G0 N) m
% W2 B- N- t- G" D' A* hA supreme霸权 dictator who is unlimited,or at least a____one,will 给mass 好处,…oligarch,来  _' Q8 w* o1 l
____class of aristocracy 的lingering influence.
; A$ e4 i9 ~0 A5 a" G【注解】dictator:[n]独裁者oligarch:[n]寡头统治集团成员aristocracy:[n]贵族特权阶层lingering:[adj]逗留的counterpoise:[v]使...平衡,使...抵消# a% H% D  ]8 |# Q
12.主席采纳会议建议意识到错误题complain...adopt  ~& p. `+ ?9 }' B' }3 r1 K
The chairman realize afterward the ____ of the conference, he deeply chastise his____of "good"
4 b: L: `8 e5 F7 A8 ~suggestion before planning .
7 m) n1 E) n9 I0 N4 z【注解】chastise:[v]严责,惩戒
* I+ K; |, r2 y9 `13.农村出身国家领导人题antagonize...disparage /inimical
% w. B1 N$ w1 P* K6 S) [/ {一直以来都认为农村出身的国家领导人是仇视城市的, 不仅是因为这些领导人
' N' E5 [) E8 L& mdeliberately____urban,还因为他们一直____城市的问题。
4 r. @) s, @8 X7 \1 R. B0 ^【注解】misapprehend 误会,误解antagonize 使对抗,与…对抗disparage 轻视毁谤,贬抑5 P; N/ @6 X7 N  d1 [
deliberate 从容不迫的,深思熟虑的look upon with hatred:仇视inimical:[adj]敌意的
$ `1 e4 C" B9 T6 L9 C1 v0 g14.新旧领导散漫无目标题digression...indirection7 P3 D/ Q% e8 O! V% e
某些人已习惯lack of____of 他们原来的领导,所以人们对新领导感到____, allusive, butdevoid of oriental.
& s5 Q8 x, ]5 o7 qkey:digression...indirection(基本确认)' U8 ]4 d$ m+ L4 c6 J6 J, y
3 O% T$ N- ]0 M2 E3 J' X9 t15.领导者支持者题condemn...lose3 v: G3 l7 u! r8 H9 Y: B+ n
考虑到the supporters'____the governor must decide whether she will veto否决on the final passing
8 b6 U2 F' |8 F* Z, o1 b( w4 Kof ...the law or ____ their support.
4 C! ]# b5 h3 W0 v* w9 j16.政治家说工人不满增加题$ A7 O% r  s9 p! D
政治家说工人system应该with increased ___,continue 做什么…rather than___经济fall down. 2 O  w* l+ N+ A9 ]7 n1 U/ T
7 f* b" X, c+ j  Q& Y1 lautonomy...limit/ x4 w5 C5 J( }- S$ |3 _2 g" f
prosperity …bring about (有争议待确认). P. A# R2 f1 w) X* ~
. k8 h$ Q) v4 d
【注解】autonomy:[n]自治,人身自由,自治团体prosperity:[n]繁荣兴旺, 茂盛bring about:[v]使...转头
: R: D4 C! T0 J; `. z( k【注解】oligarchy:[n]寡头政治
5 j- E3 n7 b# P; O, V; m& u18.政治家通信反映慷慨题avarice...betrays: d& N: e% v- i7 w" Z& R* j
Though his contemporaries tended to fixate on the politician's supposed____, his personal correspondence ____ a surprising largesse.' ?3 _6 F; k' h: W: r4 ?
相当largesse :[n]慷慨赠与avarice:[n]贪婪betray:[v]背叛,失信于,泄露integrity:[n]正直,完善,完整generosity:[n]慷慨大方reveal:[v]揭示,启示,使...显露bespeak:[v]订,显示出,证明

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


* [3 Z7 z; x5 y+ g3 R$ J  cPolitician hate frivolity.......overcome......apathy...the stability persist in  because of long held belief in the antiquity.(大意待补全)
9 i& f( q1 L7 _' j+ e0 L2 N【注解】frivolity:[n]轻浮,轻薄,轻松overcome:[v]取胜,胜过,克服,压倒apathy:[n]无感情,情感淡漠,无兴趣antiquity:[n]古建筑,古艺术品,古代人民, 古迹# i3 m4 _* _! _% n
21.政治家竞选广告掩盖不同题deceptive...dissimilar; D6 d$ _2 e8 [0 Z  r
4 H) D; }. X2 B8 h0 j/ l' @0 p【注解】deceptive:不实的;欺骗的dissimilar:不同的, 相异的:blot out/obliterate/write off抹杀
1 a% p+ _9 ^& d. p% E22.谣言对竞选者影响题
! W+ C, K/ Y! l0 @6 V9 E- O两空反义,说反对派以为RUMOR 会对竞选者造成损失,但却增强了他的支持率。(大意待补全)2 ?& E; ~, A" k6 ^6 @
23.妇女竞选题unite... favoring
% b+ D" A" Q4 R$ X: m# K! q/ a某妇女竞选,她虽然don't have the leader of _____this city, but her prosperity is ____,because she& Z/ W0 {9 ]0 Q, r- h
is better than her rival.对手* p9 \6 S  Q, h0 b/ G3 u4 J. M
【注解】prosperity:[n]兴旺, 繁荣兴旺degrade:[v]使...降解, 降低, 使...降级
' w4 G( C4 w; a: \1 \$ f3 x25.选举人支持关注经济衰退的候选人题favor...unsympathetic/apathetic/ b4 B$ V/ |% `$ ^9 f1 j
The candidate____elector who have concern with the flag of the economics, though he really____with the economics flag. 2 K) Q" y: j% v0 W5 ^. w
) R6 [% g& |1 \5 j# U& CAlthough the autobiography of the diplomat hints at his____, its author was too ____ to explore it at any length.$ i9 U, E. j7 a) E
【注解】autobiography:[n]自传iconoclastic:[adj]反对崇拜偶像者的dissipation:[n]驱散,放荡,浪费prim:[adj]整洁的diplomat:[n]外交人员,外交家* [% U1 e( f+ {
28.总统实行地方法案题preferable...provincial/ local6 C& E' P) {& ~) E
一些人认为decentralize 是如此____,所以他们要求某总统实行一个less____的Policy.
2 O3 Z: {7 H8 F  u& G【注解】decentralize :[v]分权,分散provincial:[adj]地方,省的,狭隘,外省的,乡气的. q' t6 X  b+ L& Z
30.马歇尔反对支持他的和好不容易能爬上去的人题provoked& A; O4 _* @7 `
Marshall's confrontational style could alienate使疏远 almost anyone: he even antagonized a board of
) I4 j% I. J* a$ B9 A8 a; A+ ydirectors that included a number of his supporters and that had a reputation for not being easily____.6 ]! Q5 r. f5 q& N
【注解】provoke:[v]对...挑衅,激起,诱导alienate:[v]疏远& _1 n( v% k- x+ t) p
2 h1 a- Q2 Z! S, h! W【9811-4-4】The senator’s 参议院议员attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term is ____ given the extremely ____ fund-raising activities of his campaign committee.7 W; j* @) k; C1 p# O
key:disingenuous...public: Y* Y  U' Y! U/ V
- ?7 _, T' w$ v6 E5 @. b【99.4 真题】The senator's attempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for a  l2 V& J8 l1 t9 A
second term is as____as her opponent's attempt to disguise伪装 his intention to run against her.
- V4 X# a  j) e9 `- d$ X) Hkey:unsuccessful/ O- B! L/ r. w5 z
【分析】句子简化后为the attempt is as unsuccessful as her opponent's attempt.事实上挑一个能
7 T. r5 o& t# b, q, |. h1 C修饰attempt 的形容词就可以了。
$ ~8 p4 ~, _6 o& Q6 d" m( [: m【9804 真题】The senator's remark that she is ambivalent矛盾 about running for a second term is ____+ N; P  H/ }7 v8 F8 i+ D; Z( {: j
given the extremely ____ fund-raising activities of her campaign committee.$ e/ @' y  ]) }
key:(D)persuasive...apathetic(说了真话)) g* _' i0 u* C" K1 }: w
【9610 真题】Given her previously expressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent
2 t0 c. b' l- a# Jspeeches, the senator's attempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for a
. {6 k1 [0 }1 P  msecond term is____.
0 W  W; l3 S, w4 C- A: nkey: (D)futile/ }2 y& S% w; e. y$ ?0 _
【注解】futile:[adj]白费力气,无益的clandestine:[adj]偷偷摸摸的specious:[adj]外表美观的,虚伪的apathetic:[adj]无感情的disingenuous:[adj]不真诚的straightforward:[adj] 直接,简单的,正直的dubious:[adj]引起怀疑的biased:[adj] 偏袒一方的, 有偏见的inadvertent:[adj]漫不经心的,非故意的laudable:[adj]值得赞美的# q- }# k5 t1 I3 n4 R6 Y9 a$ q+ e2 C
5 \" }5 R; X! i7 N- H+ H( Y  E/ ^This senator 选择后排的座位,及谦虚谨慎的动作,发言不张扬grandiose一类,反映了他____的性格。
. Y1 R' q. \: ?/ w& ~; L' B</p>
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