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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(动物篇)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: I5 s" ?7 G0 V  b$ P! J[共28 篇]5 z% @: s" ^0 V
: {/ o( ?4 C9 J: U" }; J分子的相似和外表的相似does not necessarily____, for example,几乎所有的青蛙都长的差不多, but他们的内部分子是____. 3 h9 [+ U+ {, A0 g" v* d
! v+ m  c2 \& Y- x3 f8 B#青蛙/amphibian的皮肤是如此的____,所以大自然中的有毒物怎样____皮肤毒害青蛙.
! I/ R  |9 j2 C" k* ~! J' h#一种蜥蜴extinct是因为他们的皮如此的____,以至于很容易____poisonous gas.(no5)
2 t! {8 q# i4 C0 ?9 i* R) H【注解】amphibian:两栖动物. permeable:可渗透的porous:多孔的,可渗透的
  V, T" p- ^7 T1 ?" W3.人的眼睛聚焦细节能力把周围转为背景题focus on...background
8 z7 D' ^$ i! M# K#The human eyes have the ability to ____on object. So when it happens, the environment will diminish to____.$ j& L8 \  c4 I; f: [9 n
% N2 y& l9 \' n, s6 T- A一个地方已经很多年没有受到什么(mxx)fly害虫骚扰了,但(mxx)fly最近变多了,导致了很多camper很不爽,指责the____of the fly is due to the purification of 当地的水源。
, z* E8 F* H8 H+ D8 T5.萤火虫发光和人造光能源效率比较题outstrips...rivals/ approach
8 e1 y- g% }& u, ]. q' p#Natre's energy efficiency often____human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce,the amount of heat is negligible;only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing system whose efficiency____the firefly's system." A( U: B: L! K2 `) h. Q
) Z' h4 W% y) l' M$ I# xrival:[v]竞争,与...匹敌inhibit:[v]抑制禁止approach [v]接近,近似% A# [5 g5 b7 H3 k4 b$ ~- C# N: P
7.蜜蜂群体与个体题 autonomy2 f" @5 |( j) [( M3 {
Honeybee的colonies是cooperative的,但是honeybee的individual却____.(no1)& B8 i% ^+ F% R9 e$ }+ A/ e
【注解】colonyindividual cooperativeautonomy$ I5 n1 F6 _, E* Q: V+ h, D
8.两种蜜蜂攻击性比较题 aggressive...intruder
" X* t1 e8 o! ^/ p! t7 RA蜜蜂比另一个种类蜜蜂更____,因为另一个种类只攻击____而已.
0 \/ {& }; l  y# V7 U【注解】aggressive:[adj]侵略性intruder:[n]侵入者: g- R% ]- H) ^  j! x/ k2 R. m: s
9.蜜蜂对特定花的喜好和基因题: t2 W; f' t. I
/ b, J8 B7 f, {" S3 K10.蜂群与细胞群体和个体比较题fuction  D, W  d- V7 _8 C6 m
蜂群与细胞组织一样,都是各成员共同发挥作用(cooperation),但是单个蜂却与单个细胞不' K+ n& L. k' `. w$ T0 n
5 Q& g  g/ ?9 I( w0 j11.对鱼的描述不够细和辨别题 precise . . inexact;detailed...sketchy
0 s6 v0 P5 O2 e7 Y* M2 _: L. ?4 jPrior to the work of Heckel, illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely____; this fact,
& r# d& ~6 Q" tcombined with the ____ nature of most nineteenth-century taxonomic descriptions, often kept1 R; J- V2 ~* g" ?4 [; w6 h
scientists from recognizing differences between species." j4 T+ T/ i1 u. s1 p  |" `1 K4 n
【注解】illustration: [n]说明,插图,例证taxonomic:[adj]分类学的sophisticated: [adj] 老于世故的, 精制, 老练的" W8 E4 J% }  q$ Y% ^$ l5 q# U
9 @2 v) b) P+ a, _( K6 v+ tMany kinds of clam都是随波浪的运动而运动,但是有一种特别的不是那么____:它可以用什么划着使自己到想到的地方去。
* p' K  N1 B7 w) r* n【注解】clam: [n]蛤,钳子passive:[adj]被动的,消极的,冷漠的,顺从的
2 E+ [5 K. F9 u5 Y0 s  x13.生物学家讨论toad 是否吃其他动物小孩题 polarize...anecdotal
( P/ N! J4 F7 M4 B5 `) q, Q% HBiological ____: 一方说toad 会吃其他动物的小孩,but 一方说这仅是____, not verified byrigorous scientific research0 ?& n' Y7 p$ G8 _& h; n
【注解】toad:[n]蟾蜍,讨厌的人polarize:[v]使...极化,两极化anecdotal: [adj]轶事的rigorous:[adj]严厉严格的,严密精确的,严峻的
  Z& q. H$ t8 s' W14.蝙蝠和其他鸟找出他们的孩子能力比较题 recognization& t" s1 @" ~* J( b( ^
说动物的____of自己offspring的能力是不同的:蝙蝠在动物密集的山洞里也能分辨出自己的孩子,而m鸟却经常把n鸟的孩子当自己的(搞错了).* r& V% i6 v$ L5 O  @8 L
【注解】offspring: [n]子女, 后代
: R- M) u7 \3 L7 }3 Q8 w15.物种灭绝是永恒题 extinction...permanent
" ]" C) H( z& }, I* @) R8 S有些物种species的____ ,一旦发生了,将是____:以后不能再见到.
; Q1 B; d! t6 E3 T, v16.夏威夷土蛇灭绝由于人类原因题inquestionable...attribute to
( D+ ^  [2 G6 [* D: KAlthough why夏威夷的一种土蛇死光光还没有定论, 但 it is ____ that 归咎于一种洋蛇的引入,which ____人类的活动.
* B) f% K! Q. y$ S) R【注解】inquestionable :[adj]毫无疑问的attribute to:[v]属于( q8 n6 j# g: s# u6 R1 A& h8 D! i
18.古生物种类引起原因题 catastrophic impact
) `2 |# I( {' b: Y5 x根据化石的记录,科学家推翻了原以为一些古生物种类是由于____引起的,如外星撞地球,现在发现是由于渐变和____的原因.& N3 W2 w  C! g( f# v2 I
19.灰海豹死亡比较反常题 anomalous 2 W! m& w1 `/ N2 |' E" m
The few dozen gray seals that have thus far died of canine distemper can, at least for now, be considered ____, since mose of the remaining 200,000 gray seals appear uninfected by the disease.
: U* V' C) S% r% k【注解】anomalous:[adj]反常不规则的canine:[adj]犬的,犬科的distemper [n]坏情绪,瘟热
; _' c+ G7 Y' K7 a6 Q20.冬眠动物新陈代谢慢题 sluggish
" E7 P7 a( r9 T/ ?; ]! ~Species with relatively____metabolic rates, including hibernators, generally live longer than those whose metabolic rates are more rapid.
. L5 y5 N/ N2 v5 J【注解】sluggish:[adj]不好动的,缓慢的metabolic:[adj]代谢的hibernator: [n]冬眠者
5 p5 [/ z5 t& S6 ]" {21.动物繁荣和受新diseases 伤害题flourished...vulnerable

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


一种动物although____在某地近几百年,但还是____diseases by 另一种动物which is a relatively new comer of 某地. 9 O0 n. M% P3 K- q/ ^: z& Q6 e& x6 U; y/ C
22.划分动物life span 题distinct1 O6 ^% L+ ]7 [6 C$ ]  }2 E  K
In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent,and senescent, these periods are not really____.
$ n/ f4 T9 b, n/ b% B【注解】life span:[n]有生之年prenatal :[adj]出生前的adolescent:[adj]青春期的senescent :[adj]变老的4 K2 `9 R3 W& v
2 v: P: S2 p( ~& i/ D7 Z- d某实验在动物身上产生可喜成果,但对于人类还没有____好的结果。 & _. U. \+ k- C9 p" P
24.鸟儿凶猛补偿不足题compensate for, G. e- X1 ~( |( o/ l7 K
一种鸟怎么凶猛,它们用什么勇气来____自己体形的不足。 , C" ]2 x  s: v% H
【注解】aggressive:侵略的,好斗的compensate:补偿弥补svelte 身材苗条的diminished 被贬低的% r1 t- v4 N5 w
  @) i2 p9 @; F) V$ {鸟的迁徙migrate被什么disruptive......后面是被actuate......stimuli.....,什么trigger 1 ]* y8 U  D/ \( L
【注解】actuate :驱使激励disruptive:分裂的,破坏性的trigger:扳机,触发,引起timuli :[n]stimulus 的复数,刺激3 ?; g; t; [% D' q3 [
26.对鸟类学的业余研究没有束缚和专业的研究题unbinded; [' H8 A) C1 O  X: _4 n" P9 F
鸟类学因amateur的研究而被enrich了,因为____by the narrow assumptions which limited those professionals. 7 U3 {9 {7 v( B% I# Y# f& v
【注解】ornithology:鸟类学amateur:[adj]业余爱好的professional:[adj]职业的unbind[v]:解开,松开: l- `; m3 i; ^# V
27.仙鹤因为不总在一个地方所以不懒惰题sloth,/idleness/ indolence
5 S! q- h, T1 K) c3 {" E1 Y3 i仙鹤,which is former considered懒惰(sloth, idleness, indolence), actually is active,for it will seldom stay one place for long time.6 s6 v0 G; J, f+ w! K4 I3 q2 {
【注解】crane:仙鹤,起重机懒惰:sloth, idleness, indolence
, R: d* M- [1 |+ R% X28.对鸟类的研究数据太少题paucity...premature/ description/ exhaustive
4 d% p% Z6 e5 B5 I说对某种鸟类的研究数据太____,不能如何,所以要求科学家进行更____的研究.
6 `2 G& A0 i( k. v. Z/ J4 ]% ^$ Z【注解】paucity:[n]小数目,量少exhaustive: [adj]消耗的,彻底的assertion: [n]主张premature: [adj]过早未成熟的
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