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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(新闻媒体)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8.新闻 媒体7 c. S, F) ^0 n- E- n1 }
[共19 篇]" E* X- `! x2 @, M2 f
1.编辑工作占时间表明成功题complain...demonstrate- [; i% j7 c0 d4 Y. \, C# O% |
虽然他____编辑工作占了他很多时间,但他在这方面的成就____他的成功9 R' `& w8 M4 V9 P  \5 P
2.法国新闻记者题benign…dismissive5 U  }( U. S1 r6 z
法国journalists characteristically 对国家首脑过分exaggerating deference,以至他们本____的
* R( h: O( a; C0 Uinquiry 只引起首脑们regal 和____的回答。. B4 ^& u9 ?: U( u9 m
【注解】deference:[n]遵从,敬重dismissive:[adj]解雇的,轻蔑的peevish:[adj]易怒的raucous:[adj]嘶哑的,喧闹的regal:[adj]国王的,庄严的3 W) n+ ^4 y# `+ ?+ M3 ^2 R" l- C9 y
+ W2 N5 `3 m. _9 y8 g. ~  K[版本一]:第一次广告的什么结果使得manager 考虑如何修改第二次的广告来less____toattract more people
/ V0 Z, R/ |! h/ _# u5 Okey:masses…specific
+ ~% ^3 I1 o2 r1 f[版本二]:因为第一次的广告的结果是人数如此之____, that 商家make the secondadvertisement less to attract more people
0 B" V2 p1 l. p" R' x2 pkey:paucity…formidable/ forbidding7 r) o8 N. Z& |  Q& U1 t3 ]
(两个版本答案基本确认正确,划线待补充): }) v$ a& z( n
【注解】mass:[v]集中,聚集paucity:[n]小数目,量少formidable:[adj]可怕的forbidding: [adj]严峻的,险恶的
, d$ K' l7 e0 B$ y4.政治家的广告争议题.polemic... belie
. R  O7 {1 \4 F$ n8 o政治家的广告propaganda are quite____:同样的广告形式,...yet also____底下本质的difference.
. N9 h; k  {% j2 u+ F0 Q【注解】propaganda:[n]宣传polemic:[n]激烈的争辩
* h. L) E$ z: _  `5.广告并不总是假的题falsify...impart0 o* `% O/ Y& B
Propaganda does not invariably ____facts: Propaganda may ____facts as objective as they were- p* {7 p; V5 b. k2 i' |2 C
observed.& A) a4 S. J) l7 E9 h
【注解】propaganda:[n]宣传invariably:[adv]总是,不变地extravagate:[v]彷徨,越轨impart:[v]给予,传授objective :[adj]宾语,客观的,目的的
$ {0 X: {; B* u. a$ ^% J6 l6.政府官员和记者招待会题+ Y* `  w4 N( X6 o/ u7 N) S) U7 H
一个政府官员,从他的手下里得知了记者的____他的行为,所以他害怕了,.然后就____记者招待会。! Q( e4 r) y6 N" m7 u1 J* \
0 s+ Y+ v; s0 y: L( U/ m) E$ ]7.喜欢采访记者类型改变题contentious...arbitrary
  I* b$ g% N+ U' U* J( V, v! D/ B% fWhile xxx once interviewed a lot of journalists who are very authoritative on some issue, now she
& G, ]5 y! B5 N+ D" m& ?* blike to invite ____commentators to her program, she prefers conflict to ____ comments now.0 k; A2 S, b% z) T" e* q
( z9 k$ |! e: K7 s' L1 Y# S& x【注解】authoritative:[adj]权威性的,专断的contentious:[adj]爱争论的arbitrary:[adj]任意的,专横的" U- _+ _- z& C) H6 r" d  d3 w
【分析】contentious 和arbitrary 反义, 而arbitrary 对应authoritative 同义) b3 ~: e5 m' n; V) O
【注解】tenable:[adj]能防守的,可担任的,站得住的pragmatic :[adj]讲究实际的,国事的incumbent:[adj]成为责任的,现任的[n]教区牧师,现任opportunistic:[adj] 机会主义的shrewd:[adj]精明,机灵的,锐利的
  ?6 r% v5 M' _- x, J9.杂志社的记者的抱负题aspiration; ^5 ^8 m4 b5 u& \7 Z6 O2 E9 Y
杂志社认为应该put into quiet of the journalist's ____, 因为such ambition 如果得到support 的9 v2 l" @2 |3 X7 D- U8 s- y
7 K! i6 V, g) D% E【注解】aspiration:[n]强烈的愿望,发送气音ambition:[n]抱负,干劲
4 |- w9 F7 r$ D+ l1 [10.新闻节目选择题conflict...insightful
0 y3 U9 D4 t0 z" C2 p一个人不再喜欢怎样的新闻的imperialism,他宁愿要____,所以,他在节目里选择的人是contentious,而不是
/ A+ q  _% @% o( f【注解】imperialism:[n]帝国主义,帝制contentious:[adj]爱争论的callow:[adj]稚嫩无经验的insightful:[adj]富有洞察力的
4 A/ m5 ^6 u9 t& T11.许多记者对腐败犯罪的大量trove无聊题disparage( ~& X; ^1 |1 _  G9 a2 s
#对于许多journalists对一些莫斯鬼东东的大量报道,one of my friends are very____ about it: 他认为对这些报道的调查就像在一个小水桶里钓鱼一样无聊。7 y* h5 K4 {/ t
#政府贪污腐败严重以致于大学对媒体随随便便trove prize表示____认为他们这么做就像在河里捞鱼那么easy.
2 c% f- W. I1 x* ?# g【注解】idiom:[n]习语,方言homogeneousness:[n]同种类
6 b) b9 j6 U* r- Y9 L! w! Q13.报纸越肆无忌惮越受欢迎题responsible...method
* x0 Z. M- v& C2 I) o9 \由于最近的newspaper 越unscrupulous 越受欢迎,所以public____for this____.(NO.3)
) {$ \. i8 }& s! q【注解】unscrupulous:[adj]肆无忌惮的,不择手段的8 L6 d7 [% v8 J
2 i8 y) l: M8 _' }8 GSome politic commentators frequently ____ self-deprecating, minimizing their own importance, in order to ____ accountability, because they think if the commentary remarks does not matter, no issue of accountability arise.
) ?! ?9 v( s* P【注解】reject:[v]拒绝,排斥,拒纳affect:[v]影响,假装,趋向,打动,侵袭,模仿,喜欢self-deprecating:[adj]自我贬低的accountability:[n]负有责任enhance :[v]提高,上涨,增强,夸大) X, h/ P5 C6 i  z/ X8 t. C
2 \% N+ u! \' E3 uJournalists often described the incumbent senator as politically ____, despite the fact that his
, f# p0 L2 c) _- t& C- zrecord had established him as a more ____ assessor of political possibilities and personalities than
8 W, w7 @& [3 Reither of his opponents had shown themselves to be.
- H9 r; p. b) d【注解】pragmatic :[adj]讲究实际的,国事的shrewd:[adj]精明,机灵的,锐利的incumbent:[adj]成为责任的,现任的[n]教区牧师,现任opportunistic:[adj] 机会主义的0 U. ]. `/ h& I4 X6 D4 w
17.评论或杂志ornamental装饰 in presentation 题key:documentary(v720,待确认 )8 K: {5 r! z% T8 ^' i, c" ]7 K! b
评论或杂志is ____ in ambition but ornamental in presentation: it has something like the nature of

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


newspapers writing, on the other hand something like the intricacy of xxx. (no2)4 h0 @5 J) A/ g9 q/ l% f+ P- u& c! C
【分析】documentary 对应newspapers writing ; ornamental 对应intricacy8 i- Q7 J/ P1 v3 N
【注解】secular:[adj]现世的documentary:[adj]文件的,记录的aesthetic: [adj]美学的,审美的baroque :[adj]巴罗克风格的,绮靡的ambition :[n]抱负,干劲ornamental: [adj]装饰的,观赏的intricacy :[n]错综复杂,难以了解
4 C5 B7 u/ O: e5 o6 R# O6 s8 ]18.媒体传播谣言题proliferate
4 g  ^# i' Y& K# y% Q: x) j虽然对mass media may be to the informed society and 已经是严加管制了,但媒体还是促进坏
! t7 m' }' E; i' q2 |消息canard/rumour ____的主要途径,往往是一夜之间,坏消息就从一个局限的区域expand: H: C8 q2 o. E# O! [: J: i
3 U* B5 h. a) R5 i0 k: ?& ^, K/ f【注解】canard/rumour:[n]谣言proliferate: [v]增生,增殖
# M0 `7 L3 _7 o! }$ _2 n19.官方新闻审查制度逐渐消失人们出于礼节不说题decorum…dogma/ X( p8 H) S8 e/ m
The official censorship system disappeared: it was _____rather than ____that preserved silence on
6 g. E/ }: P, y! Q/ Wsome topics.
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