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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文五五

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
55.        I agree that supervisors should under most circumstances merely tell subordinates + W1 {4 R3 ]; o2 @8 W& `* F
what to do, but not necessarily how to do it. Of course, employees need adequate ) j  o/ N" j: m. q
training in order to do a job. But beyond that, trusting employees to discover and
  i. R/ E% A# wdevelop their own methods for meeting a supervisor's expectations can produce , K3 [8 s% w" W8 D
surprising rewards that outweigh any pitfalls of such an approach.& B$ a9 d) `/ ?0 C6 x
      First of all, restraint in directing the how-to aspect of a project signals the
& n, }2 h1 s7 ]! ^supervisor's confidence in an employee's intelligence and abilities. Sensing this 9 {) ~% {- m! O& m# x' b; q
confidence, the subordinate will often respond with his or her best work. This 0 W8 g% X' s7 o' t# h5 E/ O
phenomenon lends truth to the adage that people rise to the level of what others expect
* n9 ~) d0 I' |& G4 X4 Q+ ~from them.
! w* f; N& j1 d5 w( I      Secondly, by allowing a subordinate to decide how best to attain an objective, a ; o! |( }$ W2 \$ E4 d6 H/ d& l+ p: y
supervisor imparts a larger share of responsibility for the project to the subordinate. This # u# d- i% k4 m
alleviates some of the burden from the supervisor, who may have more time for other 9 Y. p- |1 c. l  d  C/ ^8 R
tasks as a result. At the same time, when the subordinate shares in the responsibility, he
( g) U( V4 O4 T! k( t+ j, Cor she will probably feel more accountable for how the job turns out. The result is likely % V# E" P2 Q, v! Z: h- g
to be better job performance.
3 h# [& F3 t9 L      Thirdly, directing every step of a project often blocks a worker's own creativity, as 3 d, c3 ^* H/ D7 A0 F
well as creating animosity. Except in the training of a new worker with little or no
8 U* _9 \, h& r( [# Vexperience, it would be naive and arrogant for any supervisor to assume there is one and
. ?% P& R9 g# D2 Z) }only one best way--the supervisor's own way--to get a job done. A bright, competent
# _( H' T) E  R% k4 ?2 X0 psubordinate is likely to resent being led by the hand like a child. Allowing employees to
5 ~, o  |- o' P! }choose their own means and methods will spark their ingenuity in ways that enhance $ d8 V8 D( K9 |5 u9 ~0 P
productivity now and in the future, and will foster goodwill and mutual respect in the
/ p4 y% U* d/ H( A6 aworkplace.5 Y' x0 u. |6 y  T- P
      In sum, telling a subordinate how to do a job is rarely the best management 9 m0 }4 Q/ }3 w' U& q! h) C
approach. Instead, supervisors should assign tasks without directing each step. When
3 z+ t5 U) J2 w/ K; A. ^! g0 nemployees are left to choose methods for completing work, they will be bolstered by the
" `) T  k  b4 Esupervisor's trust, motivated to greater creativity and inclined to feel accountable for
7 R) E+ U8 l  [5 @outcomes.

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