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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《词汇选项》精选题(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)1 N! F2 t" c( N2 P
  下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。, ~1 A5 A7 x# M6 }
  1 We are certain that he will get over his illness.0 y* S3 O2 u$ n! `' ^
  A sure     
4 @# D$ u+ u  }$ }0 H+ U9 ^  C surprised # L: W1 y  m! U2 ^8 E' {5 T
  B happy    % W" D! D9 Y" u* i
  D excited
$ Q7 v! ~, u# ]* Q. n  2 A research center has been set up in this country." N% S1 d3 ~& c( f8 ?4 ?
  A praised    : q4 O8 e8 d, T- \& H, M
  B established  5 h" t! c2 x4 A7 _' A5 \
  C reformed   
! q1 b. o. @  ]/ u, ?  O' Q  D criticized % R  x: i7 G3 s! u* p
  3 If headaches only occur at night,lack of fresh air is often the cause.% I% z% u; D$ Q! u. L, O
  A deliver   
3 I7 o- }( p; u8 Z" D$ {( i  B fall  3 E2 h# {, C! F2 c, K1 L3 {
  C happen    - l6 p0 `+ W" X& q
  D arrive
# x: C8 N1 P. M6 m. I  4 The ice is not thick enough to bear the weigh of a tank.
" u0 v6 O  [# W+ ]2 p  A suffer   
% E" g& z3 P6 ?# w) B4 o  B accept  
" h: P# U" n( ^3 x6 b, g" t  C receive
6 n4 T+ s( r, [9 C5 ?1 g3 ~  D endure
$ W6 l- J& I* G3 g1 P# [  5 A small number of firms have stopped trading
# @7 \2 ^( T) {: `4 a# G  A hotels    ' h) w, c& f$ s! F9 `, K
  B shops  2 Y1 n4 B4 q+ v% c* x$ c+ z
  C restaurants
+ x2 R4 J. f- {( }2 N1 J/ \  D companies' S) ]0 o$ \0 \6 j; j, |5 u
  6  John is collaborating with Mary in writing an article- |! R' ~" r& [6 P9 O
  A  cooperating    # v- P4 Z+ b5 \( b4 [
  B  marrying
$ x" V  ~- \6 w& g+ _/ l9 r  C  combining   
) J2 r$ X  O8 p& d4 v  D  arguing. ^& j  e0 s( ?% n. }) e  P/ B
  7 He will consolidate his power.+ o# c5 Z) N: d2 b" p/ w
  A  strengthen   
1 N9 q3 J* A8 H. O; D7 T" m* x, ^# R  B  win& G- I5 s2 Q- v: j
  C  abandon    5 r) O( P) f. }: C0 i  V
  D  unite / g0 c/ q. a2 Q7 j0 f
; \) z2 N' X5 l+ @; Y; @/ }
  8 Many scientists have been probing psychological problems, v. S+ r+ @2 m0 K* U% ^
  A  solving    7 i% D$ f$ Q! n$ m6 \
  B  exploring
6 b6 o6 c5 Q  ?0 b; N' {' Z  C  settling   
( q2 v' Q0 j. i( Q" M6 p4 q  D handling
& ^: z+ X: ?& R  9.Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.; d  M1 Q! T: T9 u8 e% [
  A  removed   
9 K. k/ ?4 M* H5 V+ Q9 F6 Y# P  B  cured
: p' z6 e/ d2 E+ Q& z7 R  C treated       8 C& y+ u; I8 s: u7 W
  D  lessened$ w- l2 p* X+ x
  10 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises4 d+ K8 @0 B1 ^& _; o+ ~9 _
  A gone   
" z5 p' q1 R/ T  B derived
6 I: ]+ B% H" r) r- C0 r  C done
8 G$ j* n+ I0 f- x7 Q  D  come6 |% M7 C, R- V5 A0 o: T
  11 The food is insufficient for three people
' ~5 n5 ?, q. R; c  A scarce   
+ {( u- N" C/ g" u1 F: r' H9 E  B  short4 w7 Q1 W" h( Y/ l( r. v6 U) g- |
  C marginal * k9 W" Z* E8 v+ g: [5 U
  D  inadequate/ D" ^+ ]6 G& X( K) u3 `
  12 Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn
# T! ^  ]4 Y! ]5 @# j5 U/ D. c  A die    8 Z, n) E# A- s& v/ {3 V! ]
  B disappear
. C  }; \, ~+ @2 k% i1 ?# ^. H' r/ k  C migrate ' R! E- l5 m8 {- A  G& R: \
  D  vanish
" W- G0 |; F" r- j, Q$ S; _3 T9 `
4 K* @. f( H* F. f/ O  13 But ultimately he gave in.8 D! |" e+ G! V- u, z
  A  undoubtedly   
2 g4 ]. F3 ~* n8 K' p9 q  B  certainly, X4 L! B" v+ X" _, X. c
  C  finally # i4 ~3 X+ e2 y+ L' _: s
  D  necessarily( x9 M* _% T$ q/ b
  14 It is a complicated problem.% U8 z/ _0 \& Z* n# A: T5 C
  A strange   
) O) o2 m: {% P8 h4 S  B complex- p9 [# U" k, ^5 j$ A  G5 t- p( `
  C  difficult
+ A& Q" Q$ {% T: H+ f# L" Q  D unusual$ h0 S  z* `9 I0 Y+ u, o
  15 In Britain and many other countries appraisal is now a tool of management-$ w$ ?1 v- `4 a; v
  A evaluation   
' [/ p3 O/ i  B2 J  B production) y2 R: h! F1 s% B6 z/ F8 d: Y. p
  C efficiency
! \: `, V/ c' A  D publicity

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  答案解析% X. t# Y' V- _, e1 v
  1 答案为A。“certain”和“sure”都有“肯定”的意思,替换后句法上也是一个合格的句子。# V) s3 {+ f. V# S& L
  2 答案为B。“set up”和“establish”同义,都是“建立”的意思,可互换而不改变句子意思。 . ,) ?9 Q3 c, M% |3 A
  3 答案为c。“happen”和“occur-”都有“发生”的意思, 而且都是不及物动词,因此可替换。
& E+ M0 Z' B; L  4 答案为D。“bear”是“能承受”的意思,与“endure”意思相同。在该句子中,“endure”替换“。Bear“不改变原来的句子的意思。
  h( l: m. W7 F6 F$ G- i7 }  5 答案为D。“firm”和“company”都有“公司”的意思。此处可用companies替换firms。
5 |- }5 c( u6 w  6 A collaborate:合作;勾结。cooperate:合作。 She has agreed to cooperate with the police in the investigation她同意在调查中跟警察合作。marry:结婚。combine:合并。argue:争论。
! j# F$ T8 K( _4 y  7 A consolidate:巩固。strengthen:巩固,加强。To strengthen his position in Parliament,he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party.为了加强在国会中的地位,他跟农民党的领导人进行了会谈。win:赢得。abandon:放弃。unite:联合。& S# I( ]) V: A  [9 b8 Z/ C2 A
  8 B probe:探索。explore:探索。这两个词意思很相近。Both parties are exploring ways of settling the dispute双方都在寻求解决争端的办法。solve:解决。settle:解决。handle:处理。
. E  g% k4 B) k& @# f6 q  9 D alleviate:减轻。lessen:减轻:变小。The medicine begins to take effect and Symptoms lessen药已经起作用,症状减轻了。remove:去掉;切除。cure:治疗。treat:处理。" ^5 `! X7 q: b, ]4 F! ]
  10 B deduce:推导。derive:推导。 Defensive behavior patterns derive from our Subconscious fears各种防卫行为的模式来自于我们下意识的恐惧。20:去。d0:干。come:来。
$ m9 t- q  D" M) R/ N. e% U  11 D insufficient:不充分的。inadequate:不充分的。Supplies of food and medicine are inadequate食物和药品供应不足。scarce:稀少的。short:短的。marginal:少量的。
! v8 K! l4 }% @8 l' c+ ~  12 A perish:死亡。die:死亡。111e old man will die soon这个老人很快会死去。disappear:消失。migrate:迁移。vanish:消失。* S2 k& F5 v9 X  @" n
  13 C ultimately:最后。finally:最后。The food finally arrived at the end of last month食品终于在上月末运到了。certainly:当然。necessarily:必定地。9 u" [9 f8 }4 l; @& `: |. A6 V
  14 B complicated:复杂的。complex;复杂的。The issue is very complex,这个问题太复杂了。strange:奇怪的。difficult:困难。unusual:不寻常的。
' w) F& B1 |5 G" q  15 A appraisal:评价。evaluation:评价。Evaluation is standard practice for a11 training评价是各种教育的通常的做法。production:生产。efficiency:效率。publicity:出名。
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