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[职称英语模拟] 2013年职称英语理工类考试词汇选项练习题(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.He rolled up his trouser leg to exhibit his wounded knee0 v# d+ V/ y5 }- `4 L' Y0 a8 e- c
+ S2 b3 G+ C1 ?. o3 J3 O; N, @: s  B)open , A3 g% c: `) w! K
  C)show 3 O% V: L. L3 \+ @& h$ w) s# E8 o6 M7 E
  D) examine
; ]" n! I0 `* Z, k$ A9 S. s6 e  2.Why can't you stop your eternal complaining?! P$ N- B' C# m0 C
  A)everlasting 5 @1 u5 [/ N6 j/ ?: x4 ?
  B)long the beautiful scenery of a small town in the South.
2 {5 S: g9 z: Q) Y8 X  A)describes 1 Z9 y5 l. {3 a' u
  B)draws 5 B8 z( G" p. t* q
  C)writes 5 a! r+ H, v2 Q5 E2 W
# a- R8 l6 O6 S3 D( y  4.The telephone system is no longer operative.* N# P; E6 T) n. X; c
$ ?+ a  h0 \& F: h& h5 ^/ h  B)moving
# @( t7 \! ~. ~# y' [! K% F2 b/ g  C)rotating
7 h6 e6 r8 U4 q: _  D)working
# E' u: c: `, n  5.Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.
# E! V" }) R0 B' b# R  A)shaken 9 Q: A7 Q$ d8 Y  b5 u+ B
  B)fallen 7 _8 m. t1 z% v( B* b/ _
+ p# f; k, ]* v9 |  D)trembled
$ R- T+ |9 D# ^6 m* \2 U答案解析:1.C exhibit:显示。show:显示。The Chinese soldiers exhibited great bravery in that fierce battle.在那场激烈的战斗中,中国士兵表现出了极大的勇气。The commander showed his talent in defending this glorious city.司令官在保卫这座光荣的城市中表现出了他的才能。spread:伸展。The flyover spreads for a mile and is huge.这座立交桥延伸到一英里,非常巨大。open:开。The conference was opened 011 May l and closed 011 May 4.大会5月1日开幕的,5月4日闭幕。examine:察看。The police mail examined the passport very carefully.警察仔细地察看了护照。$ }" C9 o2 g" H% L( V" w
  2.A eternal:永久的。everlasting:永久的。I simple call't stand his eternal boasting saying that he is a mall ofgreat importance.我简直无法忍受他的永不休止的自吹,把自己说成是个重要 的人物。We're all working for everlasting pcace.我们都在为永久的和平而奋斗。long:长的。I had a long conversation with him today.我今天跟他长谈了一次。monotonous:单调的。 His report was very monotonous.他的报告很枯燥。lengthy:长的。The guest professor gave us a very lengthy lecture this afternoon.客座教授今天下午给我们作了一个很长的讲座。
- S& @3 E2 f% \% @* B  3.A depict:描写。describe:描写。This novel depicts the life of a traditional Chinese woman. 这本小说描述了一个中国传统妇女的生活。thepolice woman asked her to describe the thief.那个女警察让她描述了那个盗贼。draw:画。t artist is drawing a picture of his hometown.那个美术家在画他的家乡。write:写。The beginners are able to write simple sentences. 初学者已经可以写简单句了。introduce:介绍。Jack inlzodueed Marry to John at the party.在聚会上杰克把玛丽介绍给了约翰。: Z, \- m: J' r
  4.D operative:运作的。work:运作的。We have many radars operative.我们有许多雷达在运转着。The old theory doesn't work.旧的理论已经不灵了。run,.经营。She runs a small shop.她经营着一个小店。move:移动。theearth move round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 rotate:转。The earth rotates round the SUll.地球绕着太阳转。  p. D) b  J2 \' g3 I( x6 v$ A
  5.C wreck:毁坏。damage:毁坏。My car was completely wrecked in the accident.我的车在车祸中完全毁坏了。Many temp~were damaged in the war.许多寺庙在战争中毁坏了。shake:摇晃。theouse shakes when a Irain,goes by.火车开过时,房子会晃动。fall:倒下。The old building was falling to pieces.那座老建筑正在坍塌中。tremble:颤抖。 The girl's lips started to tremble and then she began to cry.女孩的嘴唇先是颤抖,接着她就哭了起来。

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