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[职称英语模拟] 2013年职称英语理工类考试词汇选项练习题(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was eligible to apply for it; c& B, R- w6 O# a7 W6 m
1 B! _' q  u, o# Z: ?; O  B)diligent
  i/ K7 A0 M% u9 j* L, `/ L$ o  C)qualified- B3 R1 n) ?' \6 |
  D)competent+ \5 }2 S8 F# F0 h4 F; u
  2.He impressed all his colleagues as a vigorous man in the prime of his career2 i, D5 j7 a+ r- l
  A) hot-tempered9 S! t, \2 {/ w/ s  y7 }8 U5 ^
: x( u# W6 H& _% e" o: Y  C)friendly2 \  {3 E5 u# L+ e7 H) S9 G
) F3 A. ]2 {8 L3 s% Y  3Not all member states abided by the principle they had agreed on previously.9 U$ [& Z: U# k/ F  Q
  A)adhered to
" J2 O# H2 K4 L7 O; Z  B)abandoned5 L) m1 r! r, {' G0 p5 ^
  C) applied' G( v/ T$ }7 z5 I: k, d" u
7 `. O* K3 G# ?1 c) v6 r  4.Examination papers of the class were marked without bias.
# k; `8 I- c2 B8 i7 C# h- N2 M  A)immediately
' n, X$ \$ p5 F: r0 j- m  B)correctly
, [- P) \. V( R! G; c, l  C)fairly; V+ a+ l' L4 |
$ i, P* M; h6 Z  5. Theonstruction of the railway is said to have been terminated.
% L+ B: _5 M3 e5 ~  Q. c  A)resumed1 u2 H0 |) ^) j  \2 t: X5 ?; V7 y7 A
  B)put an end to
8 r# s: Z& l3 C& J  ~9 Z  C)suspended2 B8 D6 e0 T5 E7 w8 z
  D)re-scheduled  0 A. L) v0 ^6 P
答案解析:1.C这句话的意思是"他看着招牌广告,心想不知自己是否有资格去应聘"。eligible的意思是"有资格做……""符合做"…-的条件"。Anyone above the age of 18 is eligible to vote,18岁以上的人都可以参加选举。Not every resident-here is eligible for the medical insurance provided by the community.并非每一个本地的居民都有资格享受社区提供的医疗保险。
0 F7 E& W" G0 X, P0 O5 R  2.B vigorous:精力充沛的,有活力的,常用于人。a vigorous young man:一个精力充沛的年轻人。也可作"强有力的,强劲的,用力的"解。vigorous opponent:强劲的对手,vigorous exercises:运动量大的锻炼。hot-tempered是"脾气大的,性子烈的"意思,patient作形容词则是"耐心的"意思。% K8 t( N' [! ?
  3.A本句的意思是"并非所有的成员国都遵循他们先前达成一致的原则"。abide by是个短语,意为"服从,遵守",adhereto也是一个固定的短语,和stick to同义。abidc by常见的搭配还有abide by the rule/the law/decision。The players all abided by the referee'S decision although it was not really fair.其余的三个选项apply(应用)、abandon(抛弃)和adopt(采纳)均可以和principle搭配,但词义和abide by不符。% l! i* E  X& j% U- X  Q, {
  4.C bias这个名词的意思是"偏袒,偏见",without bias则是"公平地,公正地"意思。fairly是形容词fair的副词形式,在这里是"公平地"意思。当然,fairly也可以作"相当,还"解,表示程度。Your English is fairly good.你的英语还不错。5 d) e$ @& a. L( B$ Y7 s/ k
  5.B terminate这个动词意为"结束",可作及物或不及物动词用。We have decided to terminate our contract with your company.我们已决定终止与贵公司的合同。The forest terminates in a forest.路的尽头是树林。put an end to是个动词短语。Finally they put all end to the long-standing disputes.最后他们终于结束了、长期的争端。resume(中断后重又开始)、suspend(暂时中断)和re-schedule(重新制订时间表)这三个动词都可以和construction搭配,但词义和terminate不相近。

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