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[职称英语综合] 考试辅导:2012年职称英语理工类词汇复习资料(11)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  非谓语动词! l% f' p9 L8 [0 S" h1 v2 @3 c
$ i6 H( `) c# `6 s9 o  1.定义:动名词是由动词或动词短语转换而成的名词性结构,其构成的形式是在动词或动词短语的动词后面加上ing7 c% w) L7 S4 E( e! _- d
  2.动能:+ L# [+ M) }0 }8 C- A
1 u( k: d" S4 x" S& V% e  1.作主语3 L) q* ]' A/ |2 \6 A8 w
  e.g.Swimming is never as fast as running./游泳永远不会像跑那么快。# \, |; {' W+ G/ Z4 U/ d5 x
  e.g.Talking about it is no use./谈论此事并无用处。
2 W3 v, ?; q$ z' ^8 g2 X2 C  2.作表语
; a9 N2 p5 c- [( @: N! |4 J  e.g.Our duty is programming the computer./我们的任务是编计算机程序。
+ a. a+ u7 p) l* C+ N  3.作宾语(动词或介词的宾语)( _$ C3 ?8 W# S# y5 z
  e.g.They began studying psychology last week./他们上周开始学习心理学了。
2 [3 j" F& _( |: `  e.g.Would you mind waiting for a moment?/请等一会儿好吗?
  R) v3 e+ S6 l$ g9 D! B# i3 U: k  4.作定语. f) t0 i4 ?% G  u% i
  e.g·These dialogues may be used as listening materials.(=materials for listening)/这些对话可用作听力材料。1 P; P- R5 v$ |+ z" r' q. _) f( |
$ K% u+ \& w0 T( S  动名词在职称英语中往往不是不直接进行考察,而是把动名词结构放在英语的句子中,然后考察考生对句含动名词结构的这个句子的句意的准确了解。所以,考生在复习中主要需要弄清楚动名词在英语句子中的四种语法功能。
% N$ y& l1 e3 U/ X/ G  f- x7 D; s/ W  4.与分词的区别:定语/ a% h$ @1 Z1 F
  现在分词由原形动词+ing构成,如designing,leaving,stopping等现在分词作定语时,表示正在进行的动作,或经常性的动作,或表示现状。由此可见现在分词与动名词结构在“形”上相似。考生需要能区分现在分词作定语和动名词作定语的情况。) ^$ T8 a! u. ?+ E! b3 U9 ^* V$ h
  Give the note to theloudly-speaking(现在分词作定语)man/请把便条交给坐在正在高声说话的人。  _/ b) l) L) s: N  t
  I,d like t0 buy a washing(动名词作定语)maching.(a machine for washing)/我想要一台洗衣机。
# g8 i3 N/ d2 ^( Y  小结:动名词作定语往往表示所修饰的名词的功能/用语,现在分词作定语强调分词结构中的动作正在进行。
. Q* B' k' w+ }2 E7 B* g  5.常接动名词作宾语的动词:
# a$ w! @- s9 ~, {9 x9 `: u  acknowledge,advocate,anticipate,appreciate,advise,avoid,admit,consider,delay,deny,dislike,enioy,escape,excuse,fancy,favor,finish,f10rgive,imagine,include,involve,justify,keep,mind,miss,pardon,practice,postpone,permit,report,resent,resume,risk,resist,suggest,tolerate
8 L% S0 Z( w0 k- k9 u1 ^  6.动名词的习惯用法:. m  C7 H7 f9 {& P0 m
  be busy/active doinz sth.2 m: u; Y+ C$ w. Q0 r# _0 ~9 ?7 X" F' n
  句型:have difficulty/trouble/problems/struggle(in)doing sth.5 a1 I5 b# {4 l& M) S; ?* z. s7 V
  It's no good/use doing sth.6 x( Y4 l9 W% S2 U. l
  have a good/hard/difficuh time doing sth.
, F+ V) j) w7 l# B  spend/waste time doing sth.There is no point/sense/harm/use/good(in)doing sth.6 v) ~0 S' _7 V3 O' A8 C
  cannot help doing sth.There is no use doing sth." g+ n5 J$ t; ~: l" N  f8 z- e* h
9 Q& l. @' C1 ~! p- A+ s  1.单个不定式结构作主语,谓语用单数的形式,但是并列的不定式结构作主语时,谓语应该用复数,如:
* _. i! k0 S0 h/ W8 K  T0 go to school(主语)is his dream.上学是他的梦想。
; m# M) T) i6 j* Q- x9 @  To go to school and to stay away from his cruel father(并列主语)ale were what he expected-他期望能去上学,远离他残忍的父亲。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:11 | 显示全部楼层


: [1 w3 I; z* u  the ability to operate the machine操作机器的能力the first(second...1ast)people t0 speak第一个(第2个,…最后一个)发育的人
1 u9 P& U/ k/ o$ n% r( A  3.跟在be动词的后面作表语,如:
# X0 _1 G! _& c2 X$ M  What 1 want to do is to have a sightseeing(表语)around Be.jing.我想做的是在北京观光旅行。  F/ L) e+ K( z, i
  4.跟在及物动词的后面作其宾语$ V4 c) j* E- e! F
  I enjoy talking t0 you.(宾语)能和你谈话我真高兴。
& v8 O0 P/ M/ ~# H  They dont permit smoking(宾语)in the public places.他们不允许在公众场合吸烟。" J$ e9 y: C  j/ T( i# O$ f- ^- O5 y
6 T; v/ c0 H8 S& `# A  We have persuaded him to accept our proposal.一(宾语补足语)我们已经说服他接受了我们的建议。9 S+ l* m+ t$ K8 N3 C+ D$ u! z
  在使役动词和感官动词的后面常带不to的不定式结构作宾语补足语:  V! t7 f" R" _9 R" U) @5 u8 L( G8 b
  have(let/make/feel/hear/watch/see/observe)sb.do sthhelp sb.do sth./ p# d6 W$ o; W$ r3 e) ]2 B, }! j
  6.作状语。不定式结构在句子中通常充当结果状语和目的状语。如:, F1 c! n9 u* d
  He spent much time 0n his studies to be a top student.一(目的状语)为了成为班上的优等生,他在学习上花了很多的时间He came there to find his friends had left.(结果状语)他到了那里结果发现他的朋友已经走了。
/ u5 ~# k9 m1 t  7.作为主语补足语,补充说明主语的性质,特征等,如:
0 ~) @* o# f" f1 h! o+ J0 p" b  He is supposed to come here(主语补足语)tomorrow.他应该明天到这里。* S4 G& J$ ~& ?$ c0 P
  He is said t0 have great talent for art.(主语补足语)据说他在艺术方面很有才华。
5 E6 O# A$ q% `  8.常接不定式作宾语的动词:
5 R7 [$ |2 [' V  agree,afford,aim,arrange,appear,ask,attempt,choose,claim,decide,desire,determine.expect,fail,guarantee,hope,endeavor,intend,long,mean,manage,offer,,plan,pledge,pretend,promise,proceed,prove,resolve,refuse,request,swear,tend,try,wait,wish
/ I  R" @3 |) L/ D" A  9.不定式的习惯用法:
9 `0 j2 @* [5 N  句型:cannot choose but docanl help but: l4 ]3 H8 C; x9 ^1 O& O
  can d0 nothing but do have no choice/alternative but to do. l) x  N! H+ V' D
  might as wellwould rather+ }: P: P0 x& q+ ~' m5 v8 E4 i
6 z1 U! x2 g) r& W7 ~* ~& }+ u: q  1.接不定式或动名词在意思上有区别的动词:
7 }* ?8 x1 K' j8 S# T' r  fmean to do想要(做某事)propose to d0打算(做某事)
- e5 G8 [) I: }+ b5 A4 N' t  mean doing意味(做某事)propose doing建议(做某事)* t* n. c# U/ A" J% t
  fforget to do忘记(要做的事)remember to do记得(要做某事)
& X* u  z8 L. O3 P5 x8 O  forget doing忘记(已做的事)remember doing记得(已做过的事)7 X9 w- b$ T+ ^9 v8 h" a
  regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾go on t0 do继而(做另一件事)
) y1 I# ~5 H: p# Z  a8 p) [1 h2 Z  regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔g0 on doing继续(做原来的事)
0 S0 a& H2 [8 t0 V; o  t; L( d  fstop to do停下来去做另一件事% b- _! l5 P; G# E& n! G1 [+ v
  stop doing停止正在做的事
! Z* v7 S' x7 H2 e8 t0 o4 i  2.下列动词短语中的to是介词,后面应接动名词或名词:
5 r5 f/ G3 m: z- s. u$ s  0bject to,resort to,react to,contribute to,look forward to,be accustomed to,be committed to.be ex.
2 `- l- h2 R( b: \2 N$ j6 \  posed to,be subjected t0,be devoted to,be dedicated to,be opposed to,be reconciled to.be contrary to </p>
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